No Matches

Here is an example of how to use stream readers.

Here is an example of how to use stream readers.

/* Here is a piece of your doStep() method, in which you would like
to read data from a stream channel: */
MyClass::doStep(const TimeSpec& ts)
switch(getAndCheckState(ts)) {
case HoldCurrent:
/* stuff to do in HoldCurrent. */
case Advance:
/* get the latest data from the input channel*/
try {
/* The constructor takes the access token "input", and tries to
obtain read access. This may throw a NoDataAvailable event,
so it is in a try block. */
StreamReaderLatest<MyInput> read_input(input);
/* At what time was this written? */
cout << "Input was written for " << read_input.timeSpec()
<< endl;
/* And what was in there, suppossing objects of type MyInput
have members variable1 and variable2? */
cout << "Input data, variable1=" << read_input.data().variable1
<< " variable2=" << read_input.data().variable2 << endl;
/* as the read_input variable goes out of scope, its destructor
is called, and access to the channel is released again. */
catch (Exception& e) {
/* Caught an exception, probably there is no data yet in the
channel. */
cout << "In MyClass::doStep,\n"
<< "Exception 1 accessing input channel\n"
<< e.what() << endl;
/* Another example, get the input corresponding to the time
specification of this activity. Here you have to supply the
time specification. */
try {
StreamReader<AnotherInput> read_other(other, ts);
/* We know the time, that is the activity's time spec. What was
the data? */
cout << "other data " << read_other.data() << endl;
/* Again, as the stream reader goes out of scope, it is
destructed, and read access is released. */
catch (Exception& e) {
/* Caught an exception, probably there is no data yet in the
channel. */
cout << "In MyClass::doStep,\n"
<< "Exception 2 accessing input channel\n"
<< e.what() << endl;