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Run log file analysis

A DUECA run provides a number of log and information files. These files are intended for use in general debugging and monitoring activities.

Activity overview

The file dueca.activities lists all activities created in a DUECA process, with the module or object owning the activity.

Object overview

The file dueca.objects provides a list of object ID's, and the associated object name. The object ID indicates the DUECA node in which the object is created, and a sequence number. Object names are formatted in the following manner


Objects may be either core DUECA objects or modules.

Channel overview

The file dueca.channels provides a list of channel numbers with the associated channel name. Channel numbering is unique within a DUECA process, and channel names are structured in a similar manner as object names. The channel class name can be freely chosen, but it is commonly the class name for the type of data written in the channel.

Channel writer information

The file dueca.channelwriteinfo details the writing to specific channels. This file uses the channel numbering from the dueca.channels file, and the object numbering from the dueca.objects file. Channels may have multiple written entries, and the entry number indicates which entry is written. This file also lists the dataclass of the written entry, and a possible entry label.

Channel entries may also be removed again, in that case the client ID will be invalid (-,-), and the dataclass will be empty. By looking back in the file, and finding the created entry in that channel, one can determine the object that created the entry.

Channel reader information

The file dueca.channelreadinfo details read access to specific channels. Like the write info, it uses channel numbering and object numbering from the corresponding files. The column "change" indicates how reading was selected, it can be selected on entry ID (byId), as a combination of all entries (Multiple), or on entry label (byLabel). If a reader removes the token, this column will list "Removed". The file also indicates whether reading is sequential, accessing all data in the channel one by one, or not, accessing on the basis of requeted time.

Debug and error messages

The file dueca.messagelog assembles the messages from the different nodes, Columns in this file are:

  • time tag
  • message hit count (no of times this message has been sent)
  • message code, with the first letter (d, i, w, e) indicating urgency, debug, information, warning and error, respectively, and the following three letters a mnemonic for the message class.
  • file name and line number
  • node id
  • activity manager number
  • originating object or module
  • activity name
  • message

The messagelog combines information from the message proper, and information about the message context. This latter information is not always present at the logging of the message, so for the initial log entries activity manager number and filename and line may be unknown.

Timing log

Overview timing is given in the dueca.timinglog file. This file lists object id, activity name, minimum, maximum and average start times, and minimum, average and maximum completion time. The final three columns show the counts of warning and critical duration exceedence, and a count of user events.

Activity log

This log records the results from activity snapshot taking. Note that you need to use the ActivityView to get results in this log. Columns in this log are

  • activity manager number
  • DUECA tick time, and number of microseconds into this tick
  • Logical (model) time, with time span
  • Activity type (Start, Suspend, Graphics)
  • Activity name
  • Owning object or module ID

Network use

If your project uses the

Graphing options

The information from the dueca.channel, dueca.objects, dueca.channelwriteinfo and dueca.channelreadinfo files can be combined in a graph showing an overview of modules and channels. The DUECA channels are not included in this graph. Use the


script to generate such a graph.