No Matches
Transition to DUECA 2 and beyond

DUECA revamped – changes in channel code.


In 2014, development on a new implementation of DUECA's channels was started. The old implementation used three different types of channel;

  • Event channels. An event is an occurrence that happened at a single point in time, and it may have data associated to it. At any given time in dueca's simulation, zero, one or multiple events may be written in an event channel. The common way to deal with events is to read and handle them all.

  • Stream channels. Stream channels are for data that may change, but in principle at each moment in time has a single value. The position and attitude of a vehicle are examples of stream data. The common way to deal with stream channels is to read the data for a specific time, enabling a module in the simulation to obtain a time-consistent view of the simulation.

  • Multistream channels are like stream channels, but holding several entries in parallel. Entries may be added and removed while the simulation is running. Such channels are useful to for example assemble the data from all vehicles in the simulation (or in an area of the simulation).

The new DUECA2 has only a single channel type, which is flexible and configurable, to offer the above functionalities and others.

DUECA2 has compatibility objects that enable an application programmer to create all these channel and data types, but under the hood these all map to DUECA2's new UnifiedChannel object. To help old-time DUECA programmers in the transition, and to help new DUECA programmers in reading old code, the following sections describe the equivalence between the old and new channel types.

Note that channels in general are created as needed. The application developer's code does not directly create a channel, but creates access tokens, either for reading or writing a channel. If the channel did not yet exist, it will be created, and if the channel existed, the access token will simply use that existing channel.

Event channels

Note that we are now discussing how code used to be, and that for new code I recommend you to use the new channel interfaces.

Read access to an event channel is obtained by creating an EventChannelReadToken, and write access by creating an EventChannelWriteToken. These tokens need the data class that is to be written or read as template. As an example, in the class header might will see:

EventChannelReadToken<mydata> r_event;
EventChannelWriteToken<mydata> w_event;

Subsequently, the constructors for the tokens are called when your module is constructed.

MyModule::MyModule() :
// ... construction of other parts of the module
r_event(getId(), NameSet(entity, "MyData", ""),
ChannelDistribution::NO_OPINION, Regular, NULL),
w_event(getId(), NameSet(entity, "MyData", ""),
ChannelDistribution::SOLO_SEND, Regular, NULL),
// ... further objects, and constructor body code

Two common use-cases are distinguished:

  • There is one sending node, and multiple reading nodes. The sending node uses ChannelDistribution::SOLO_SEND in its call, and the reading nodes use ChannelDistribution::NO_OPINION.

  • There is one main reading node, possibly additional reading nodes, and there are possibly multiple sending nodes. In this case the main reading node (one which must always be present for the simulation to function), uses ChannelDistribution::JOIN_MASTER in the call, and all other nodes, also the sending nodes, use ChannelDistribution::NO_OPINION.

In the "old" DUECA's, with a JOIN_MASTER type event channel, and in case DUECA ran over different nodes, and thus each of these nodes had a local channel end, all event data would first be sent to the channel end – in one of the nodes – where the token with the JOIN_MASTER is located, and then the data would fan out again and be readable in the other channel ends.

To read data from this channel, or write data to the channel, EventReader and EventWriter objects are used.

{ // the actual writing action takes place at the end of this scope
EventWriter<mydata> w(w_event, ts);
// assign the data
w.data() = something;
// or
w.data().somemember = somethingelse;
{ // in a block, so data access is released at the end of this scope
EventReader<mydata> r(r_event, ts);
// and for example print it
std::cout << r.data() << std::endl;

Now we discuss the modern equivalent of this channel type. With the new UnifiedChannel channels, the old event channel functionality can be obtained by creating normal read and write tokens:

ChannelReadToken r_event;
ChannelWriteToken w_event;

Note that the class template is not needed here. All distinction is now made in the constructor calls:

MyModule::MyModule() :
// ... construction of other parts of the module
r_event(getId(), // id of owner
NameSet("mydata://myentity/channel"), // name of channel
"mydata", // name of data class
entry_any, // read any entry
Channel::Events, // expect events
Channel::OnlyOneEntry, // expect only one entry
Channel::ReadAllData, // do step-wise read
0.0, // span to keep data
// irrelevant when stepwise
NULL), // callback when valid
w_event(getId(), // id of owner
NameSet("mydata://myentity/channel"), // name of channel
"mydata", // name of data class
"an optional label", // label for the entry
Channel::Events, // write events
Channel::OnlyOneEntry, // exclude others
Channel::OnlyFullPacking, // detail on transport
Channel::Regular, // transport class
NULL), // callback when valid
// ... further objects, and constructor body code

In this case, one can choose between writing the channel as event or as stream data. The choice for reading, either time-based, or starting with the oldest data and working towards the present, is independent from that with the new channels, while the old event channel had this linked. The above case assumes only one writing end, and the reading token is only valid when that one writing end has been found. By exploring other options for EntryArity, this can be adjusted. The reading end reads all available data sequentially, and when data has to be transported between nodes, the full data point is packed – the alternative would be to pack the difference between the present and previous point.

Equivalence for the JOIN_MASTER variant is implemented by specifying Channel::OneOrMoreEntries at the writing end, and Channel::ZeroOrMoreEntries at the reading ends. ZeroOrMoreEntries also implies that the channel is considered valid when created, no data needs to be written yet. With the EntryArity::OnlyOneEntry or EntryArity::OneOrMoreEntries, a token does not become valid until writing entries are present.

To read the event data, the DataReader class is used. Only now a template for the data type needs to be included. A second template determines the timing aspects of the reading access. The easiest option for event-type reading is to use the VirtualJoin template here.

DataReader<mydata, VirtualJoin> r(r_event, ts);
// and for example print it
std::cout << r.data() << std::endl;

VirtualJoin tries to access all entries in the channel in turn, until one has data that complies with the requested time (in this case, smaller or equal to the ts validity start). By omitting the time, in principle infinity is assumed, and any data present is returned:

DataReader<mydata, VirtualJoin> r(r_event);
// and for example print it
std::cout << r.data() << std::endl;

For a case where you know only one entry is being read, you can use MatchIntervalStartOrEarlier instead of VirtualJoin.

Writing is similar to the previous case:

{ // in a block, actual writing takes place at the end of the scope
DataWriter<mydata> w(w_event, ts);
// assign the data
w.data() = something;
// or
w.data().somemember = somethingelse;

Stream channels

Note that we are again discussing how code used to be, and that for new code I recommend you to use the new channel interfaces.

Read access to an stream channel is obtained by creating an StreamChannelReadToken, and write access by creating an StreamChannelWriteToken. These tokens need the data class that is to be written or read as template. As an example, in the class header might will see:

StreamChannelReadToken<mydata> r_stream;
StreamChannelWriteToken<mydata> w_stream;

Subsequently, the constructors for the tokens are called when your module is constructed.

MyModule::MyModule() :
// ... construction of other parts of the module
r_stream(getId(), NameSet(entity, "MyData", ""),
11, Regular, NULL),
w_stream(getId(), NameSet(entity, "MyData", ""),
11, Regular, NULL),
// ... further objects, and constructor body code

Stream channels always have one sending node, and multiple reading nodes. In terms of the new DUECA 2 channels, there is thus only one "entry" in the channel. The "depth" of a channel is an important property, in the above case it is 11, which means that there is an 11-data-point history in the channel. The old implementation was imperfect, in that the first access token that effectively created the channel determines the depth of the channel. If you use the compatibility interface, this old behaviour, with the exception of the imperfection, is replicated. New channel interfaces typically specify the time span you need.

To read data from this channel, or write data to the channel, StreamReader and StreamWriter objects are used.

{ // the actual writing action takes place at the end of this scope
StreamWriter<mydata> w(w_stream, ts);
// assign the data
w.data() = something;
// or
w.data().somemember = somethingelse;
{ // in a block, so data access is released at the end of this scope
StreamReader<mydata> r(r_stream, ts);
// and for example print it
std::cout << r.data() << std::endl;

If you are not sure about the age of the data in the channel, it is also possible to use a variant on the StreamReader which reads out the latest data:

{ // No time given, gets the latest data
StreamReaderLatest<mydata> r(r_stream);
// and for example print it
std::cout << r.data() << std::endl;

Now we discuss the modern equivalent of this channel type. With the new UnifiedChannel channels, the old stream channel functionality can again be obtained by creating normal read and write tokens:

ChannelReadToken r_stream;
ChannelWriteToken w_stream;

Note that the class template is not needed here. All distinction is now made in the constructor calls:

MyModule::MyModule() :
// ... construction of other parts of the module
r_stream(getId(), // id of owner
NameSet("mydata://myentity/channel"), // name of channel
"mydata", // name of data class
0, // read entry number 0
Channel::Continuous, // expect stream data
Channel::OnlyOneEntry, // empty channel not valid
Channel::JumpToMatchTime, // match data to time arg
0.11, // keep 0.11 s of data (min)
NULL), // callback when valid
w_stream(getId(), // id of owner
NameSet("mydata://myentity/channel"), // name of channel
"mydata", // name of data class
"an optional label", // label for the entry
Channel::Continuous, // write streams
Channel::OnlyOneEntry, // exclude others
Channel::OnlyFullPacking, // detail on transport
Channel::Regular, // transport class
NULL), // callback when valid
// ... further objects, and constructor body code

With Channel::Continuous, the data is written as stream data. Data time specifications should be contiguous, with the exception of gaps in the time where the simulation has stopped. The choice for reading, either time-based, or starting with the oldest data and working towards the present, is again independent for the new channels, while the old stream channel had this linked, reading was always time-based. The above case assumes only one writing end, and the reading token is only valid when that one writing end has been found.

There is one important caveat in the equivalence between old and new channels, and that is the specification of channel depth. For the new channels, the specification is a floating point number, indicating the duration in seconds that data has to be kept. The old channels used a number of copies. The conversion implemented in the StreamChannelReadToken class now uses the base rate of the clock in your DUECA node, and converting the number of copies to a time span, however if you do not write your channel at the base clock update rate, there will be a mismatch here. The implementation on the other hand is more "correct". The new depth is maintained per channel end, and is equal to the largest value supplied by the reading tokens. This same depth used to be relevant also for the packing of data that has to be sent to another dueca node (and thus a source of lost data in case packing was delayed), however that has been de-coupled now.

To read the stream data, the DataReader class is used. A template for the data type needs to be included. The second template determines the timing aspects of the reading access. The equivalent option for old stream-type reading is the MatchIntervalStart template.

DataReader<mydata, MatchIntervalStart> r(r_stream, ts);
// and for example print it
std::cout << r.data() << std::endl;

With MatchIntervalStart, the DataReader looks at the time associated with the datapoints in the channel, and returns the data point that was valid for the start of the interval ts. If no data has been written for that time, the DataReader exits with a NoDataAvailable exception.

For reading the latest data, the MatchIntervalStartOrEarlier is used. When matching data is found, that data is returned, otherwise the latest datapoint (thus earlier than the ts) is returned. Again, by omitting the time specification, eternity is assumed, and the very latest time point is returned.

DataReader<mydata, MatchIntervalStartOrEarlier> r(r_stream);
// and for example print it
std::cout << r.data() << std::endl;

Writing is similar to the previous case, and to writing event data. Note that the ts time specification should match up now, writing with ts = TimeSpec(1000, 1010) indicates a span of data validity, and the next write should be TimeSpec(1010,1020):

{ // in a block, actual writing takes place at the end of the scope
DataWriter<mydata> w(w_stream, ts);
// assign the data
w.data() = something;
// or
w.data().somemember = somethingelse;

MultiStream channels

The MultiStream tokens were also templated, and thus looked in the class definition like:

MultiStreamReadToken<multidata> r_multi;
MultiStreamWriteToken<multidata> w_multi;

The code in the constructor follows a familiar pattern, with some variations:

r_multi(getId(), // the owner
NameSet(entity, "multidata", ""), // name of the channel
100, // an unsigned value, indicating
// the depth of the channel, now in
// tick increments
Channel::Regular, // transport class for updates
Channel::Bulk, // transport class initial value
NULL), // callback when valid
w_multi(getId(), // owner
NameSet(entity, "multidata", ""), // name of the channel
100, // depth of the channel
Channel::Regular, // transport class for updates
Channel::Bulk, // transport class initial value
NULL), // callback when valid

Looking back, there is quite some ambiguity in the interface. What happens if the depth and the transport classes do not match, for example?

Each write token wrote only one entry in the channel. The read tokens are used to traverse over all the entries in the channel. The old code for writing:

MultiStreamWriter<multidata> w(w_multi, ts);
w.data() = something; // etc. works the same as the two other writers
// typically in a scope, because the actual atomic write is at deleting
// the writer

Reading is by selecting different entries in the channel:

// spool to the first entry in the channel
// read all the entries
while (r_multi.haveEntry()) {
// use a MultiStreamReader to access this entry in the channel
MultiStreamReader<multidata> r(r_multi, ts);
// read, with r.data()
// close off this block, so reader is destroyed and read
// access is released. If you don't do that, the
// selectNextEntry call will throw an AccessNotReleased
// exception!
// step to the next entry in the channel

The new unified channel can implement this, and has more useful tricks, such as a dueca::ChannelWatcher, which allows you to get informed when entries are added to or deleted from a channel, so that you can open read tokens specifically to these entries, and retain information on them.

Again, the same new read and write tokens can be used. Specific tricks to watch out for are:

Allow zero or multiple entries, with dueca::Channel::ZeroOrMoreEntries .

Each write token will implement an entry in the channel.

If you want to read multiple entries with one token, use entry_any for entry id.

You can use the dueca::ChannelReadToken::selectFirstEntry(), dueca::ChannelReadToken::selectNextEntry() and dueca::ChannelReadToken::haveEntry() calls on the read token.

It is better to use the dueca::ChannelWatcher interface, which gives you information on created entries. Then use the given entry id to select that entry for reading.

Note that the new channels allow different data classes per entry! So not all entries need to be having the same data type. In addition, the system considers class inheritance. You can open and access read tokens with a parent class of the data in an entry.