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DUSIME key concepts

A good simulator, aside from generating the behaviour of the "real thing" with the appropriate fidelity, will provide a number of extra possibilities to its users (experimentators or trainees). An aircraft simulation can normally be stopped and started in mid-air, and it is often useful to have "playback" and "repeat" functions, with which one can review a previous simulation, or jump back to a point where things got interesting to have another try at the task.

On a distributed real-time system, such meta-functions have to be implemented carefully. DUECA by itself gives the necessary tools to create a distributed calculation process, but has no additional facilities specifically for simulations. DUSIME is a (very thin and small) application on top of DUECA that does all these things. A part of DUSIME sends out DUECA events to make the rest of the simulation stop, start, take a snapshot, test the hardware, etc.

Another part of DUSIME must be present in each of the modules that participate in a DUSIME simulation, because each module must understand the instructions to start, stop, etc. To make things easy for developers, this part is all encapsulated into the code of the HardwareModule and SimulationModule classes. By deriving their module from a SimulationModule or HardwareModule, developers are ensured of DUSIME compatibility.

Trim condition calculation

Trim calculation is presently not implemented

A trim condition of a model is a model state, combined with values for the input signals, that satisfies certain criteria. Take for example trimming an aircraft model for horizontal flight. You want to find a power setting, control input and aircraft attitude so that after the start of the simulation, and with identical input signals:

  • The speed remains constant
  • The airplane flies level (i.e., vertical speed is 0)
  • The flight is symmetric
  • The airplane keeps its pitch attitude

Finding such a trim condition is done by an iterative process. In this process, state variables, derivatives of state variables and input variables can have different roles:

  1. A Constraint. This is a part of the vehicle state that may be set to a specific value by the experiment leader. For example the aircraft position is a constraint.
  2. A Target. This is a part of the state – or of the derivative of the state, that has to be within certain bounds. For example, you want the pitch acceleration ( \( dq/dt \) ) to be zero, so that the aircraft does not start pitching when the simulation is started.
  3. A Control. This is something the initial condition calculation can use to achieve the targets. For example the pitch attitude may be varied until the flight path is level, and the elevator input is varied until the pitch acceleration is zero.

It is possible to specify the constraints, targets and controls for a number of different initial condition modes, currently, DUSIME knows the following modes:

  1. FlightPath, with specification of the flight path angle and speed, gets a power setting, attitude and elevator/trim input.
  2. Speed, with specification of the speed and power setting, gets a flight path angle, attitude and elevator/trim input.
  3. Ground, for a calculation of an initial condition on the ground, with the gear down and at zero speed

It is important to realise that DUSIME knows actually nothing about your model, and that it cannot do the trimming without the module's help. Also, the initial condition modes are just conventions. In the model you have to specify all variables (state, derivative of state or input) that play a role in the inco calculation, and specify which role they play for each of the inco modes. You also have to provide the calculation for each of the inco modes.

Snapshot taking and loading

One of the luxuries of simulation is that you can repeat the mistakes you have made in a simulation. A simulator can remember what has "happened", and restore a state of the model and hardware that was recorded in the past. This is popularly called a "snapshot". A simulation snapshot is a complete (!) copy of the simulation model state. It is possible to reload this copy, and so jump back in the simulation to a previous point.

The state that you calculate in a trim calculation for the model does not differ from the state you take in a snapshot. For economy of programming (not computer cycle use), DUSIME combines these two mechanisms. If you calculate a trim condition for your model, a snapshot is made of that trimmed state, and this snapshot is used to transfer the state of the trim model to the state of the model used in the calculations.

States of the simulation

A very important thing to remember in DUECA/DUSIME, is that there are two different levels of "state" for a module. The first level of state concerns the "DUECA" aspect of a module. Regarding DUECA, a normal module can be in one of the following states:

  1. Off. The module is not running, i.e. its main activity (normally its work in the simulation) is not switched on.
  2. Working. The module is working, i.e. its main activity is switched on. Normally this means that triggering events, such as the arrival of data on a channel, give rise to scheduling of the activity, and the activity is subsequently invoked.

An additional state is possible for a module with a CriticalActivity, in general these kinds of activity are only used by HardwareModule derived modules:

  1. Safe. The module is running in safe mode. This means that the CriticalActivity of the module is calling an alternate callback method of the module. This method must drive the hardware to a safe state and keep it there.

Now DUECA does not directly tell the Activity objects when to start and when to stop, because it does not know exactly which activities should be started and stopped. Instead, one of four virtual methods from the Module base class are called:

  1. Module::initialStartModule. This method is only useful for modules with CriticalActivity objects, and these objects should be switched on at this point (using Activity::switchOn). The effect will be that the activity will start running in safe mode.

  2. Module::startModule. Normal modules should switch on their activities when this method is called (using Activity::switchOn, with the provided TimeSpec). Modules with CriticalActivity objects switch their activity to the working mode, with the CriticalActivity::switchWork method.

  3. Module::stopModule. Normal modules can switch their activities off in this method (Activity::switchOff), Modules with CriticalActivity objects switch their activity to the safe mode with the CriticalActivity::switchSafe method.

  4. Module::finalStopModule. Again, this method is only useful for modules with CriticalActivity objects, and these objects should be switched off at this point (using Activity::switchOff). From the point defined by the provided TimeSpec on, the activity will no longer be running.

The additional advantage of this mechanism is that your module at least knows that a mode change takes place. The effect is that, seen from a DUECA viewpoint, there are three possibilities; a module is switched off, and its activities will not be invoked, a module is running in safe mode, or a module is working.

Hardware devices controlled from a DUECA module will always be controlled from safe mode initially, then, if the module has indicated it is ready to go into working mode, the control may be from working mode, and before dueca is exited – barring program crashes of course – control will again be from safe mode. Ergo, hardware devices must be able to switch "elegantly" between safe and working mode, and they must be able to start and end participation in a DUECA-controlled simulation in safe mode.

Simulation functionality is added by DUSIME, with a number of states that are only handled within DUECA's working mode, and so these states must all fit within the method that is called by the module's main Activity. A module should call the Module::getAndCheckState method to find out which DUSIME state is active. A number of states are defined, and of these the following are "steady" states:

  1. SimulationState::Inactive. This is the initial DUSIME mode that a HardwareModule will enter after its CriticalActivity has been switched from Safe to Working. The controlled hardware device must be able to make a smooth transition from the commands give to it in Safe mode to the commands given to it in (Working + Inactive) mode, and vice versa.

  2. SimulationState::HoldCurrent. This is a state in which a HardwareModule or a SimulationModule is prepared to participate in the simulation. In HoldCurrent, hardware is kept in a state from which at any moment the simulation may start, and the model is kept "frozen", i.e. there is no update with time.

  3. SimulationState::Advance. In this state, the simulation is running normally. The model state is advanced to keep in pace with the progress of wall clock time, hardware inputs are read out to provide the control to the model and output hardware provides cueing on the basis of the model output.

  4. SimulationState::Replay. This state is like Advance, but the input to the simulation is from a previously recorded inputs, instead of from the hardware and the pilot's control actions.

Since some hardware cannot switch state infinitely fast, a number of transition states have been defined. A module stays in a transition state until it indicates that the transition is complete, then it will be in the final state of the transition. Note that for different modules the transition to the final state may be asynchronous; the control loading system may have reached HoldCurrent while the motion system is still in transition.

  1. SimulationState::Inactive_HoldCurrent. The transition from Inactive to HoldCurrent. For example for the SRS motion system this means moving the motion system from the down position to the neutral or center position for the simulation.

  2. SimulationState::Calibrate_HoldCurrent. This transition state is always entered from HoldCurrent and returns to HoldCurrent. In this state the hardware may perform calibration, if needed. If no calibration is needed, immediately indicate that the transition is complete, with HardwareModule::transitionComplete(), and do the action for HoldCurrent.

  3. SimulationState::Advance_HoldCurrent. This transition state is entered from the Advance state. The hardware must return to the starting position/state for HoldCurrent.

  4. SimulationState::HoldCurrent_Inactive. This transition state is entered from the HoldCurrent state. The hardware must return to the Inactive state, e.g., the motion system goes down.

Modules derived from the HardwareModule class may receive any of the above states after calling the HardwareModule::getAndCheckState method. Modules that "only" do model calculations do not need this full set of states, therefore the SimulationModules::getAndCheckState method for these modules only returns three different states: HoldCurrent, Replay and Advance. All other states, the Inactive state and all transition states, are mapped onto the HoldCurrent state.

Hardware that is controlled by a DUSIME module, may expect the following actions from that module:

DUECA activities Off

No communications

DUECA activities Safe

The hardware must be driven to a safe state, and it must be kept there. This mode is the initial mode in which communication with DUECA is established, and it is normally also the mode in which communication will be stopped. In a normal, controlled shutdown, this mode is entered from the Inactive mode. This mode may also be entered at any time due to an error condition in DUECA. In this latter case the transition to the safe position need not be "elegant".

DUSIME Inactive

The hardware is kept in a down / inactive / inert state. Transitions to and from Inactive and Safe may occur instantaneously, and should be handled gracefully (i.e. no bumps, awkward movements)

DUSIME Inactive_Holdcurrent

The hardware is brought to the starting position for cueing.

DUSIME HoldCurrent

The hardware is kept in the starting position for cueing.

DUSIME Calibrate_Holdcurrent

From the starting position for cueing, perform a calibration, if necessary, and return to that starting position.


Provide cues/obtain inputs.


For hardware that only provides cues, this mode might be the same as the Active mode. Hardware that provides input may somehow replay the input (e.g. the control loading simulation replays the movements by adding the recorded pilot force trace to the input).

DUSIME Active_Holdcurrent

Return to starting position for cueing

DUSIME HoldCurrent_Inactive go to the "down" position

Note that not all hardware needs to make distinctions between all these modes, the control strategy applied may map onto a limited number of modes for the hardware. This mapping may be easily implemented within the DUSIME HardwareModule controlling the hardware.

Indicating that you are ready to leave a mode

DUECA is a distributed system, and the state machines that control DUECA and DUSIME must take this into account. For a DUSIME hardware module, things are complex, but the rules are simple; if the module enters a transition state, like Inactive_HoldCurrent, it can say in that state as long as it needs, and only when it indicates that it is ready, with transitionComplete(), the DUSIME controller can proceed to the next state.

Simulation modules only get the "final" states, and implicitly indicate to DUSIME that their transitions are complete. However, in some cases it might be better to not do this. Typical examples are modules that handle a configuration window for an experiment, and a transition from HoldCurrent to Advance should only take place after the experiment is properly configured. In that case, use the complete list of parameters to the dueca::SimulationModule::getAndCheckState() function, and only set the second parameter to true when the module is ready to continue to other states.