No Matches
DUECA Interconnector

If you want to extend your simulation to multiple entities running on multiple simulators, it sometimes does not make sense to put that all in one dueca process. Several external tools are known for simulation interconnection, such as HLA and DIS, however these require you to re-code a lot of the communication, while you already have DUECA. Easy communication between DUECA processes is what the interconnector is for.

The DUECA Interconnector consists of a pair of modules and their supporting classes. Add these modules to your dueca project by specifying –inter as one of the DUECA components in the main project Makefile.

Capabilities and limitations

The Interconnector will transmit any number (theoretically up to 32767, but that seems a bit much for most computers) of user-defined channels. The specified channels are inspected for entries (written by other modules than the interconnector), and these entries are copied to all connected DUECA processes. Channel type is preserved, so the copied channels and their entries are exactly as in the originating DUECA process. Any entry found in the monitored channels (and not associated (i.e., written by) to the interconnector) will replicated across the network to the master and other peers, independently of the peer in which it was created.

The timing is translated. The peers look at the current time, the time in the data messages, and write the data in the channel with an updated time, roughly correct with respect to wall clock time. The peers will lock-in to each other's timing, keeping time intervals constant, unless clocks drift too much and a correction is needed. It is also possible to synchronize the peers' clocks to the master's clock. This is only possible if node on which the peer's connector is running is not already synchronized, so the connector must be running on the master timing/send node.

One restriction to watch out for is that the timing of the different DUECA processes must be compatible. Specifically, that means that the time granule (see the dueca::Ticker class) values are equal, this is checked when the connection is set up, so check the logs for this if connection seems to fail.

The connected channels are monitored, and when an entry is added to or removed from a channel, this entry is copied along all connections. A current limitation is that a single channel can have only 65535 entries created (that means that if you dedicate your simulation to creating and deleting entries, something that DUECA will happily endure because it can re-use the ID´s it uses to distinguish entries, you will exhaust the interconnector after this number of new entries).

One of the DUECA processes needs to be master for the interconnector, here the administration is done. The master must be running for the entire duration of the simulation, but new peers can connect and can leave again. As above, the number of connections over the master lifetime is limited, in this case to 65534.

When a peer connects, its channels and entries in the channels are configured, and it starts joining the communication. History from before the connection is not available, but any new transmits are copied. You might want to consider this when using channels for static information; you might need to re-write static data occasionally to refresh the channel ends in connected peers. Note that communication is "dumb", and channel data is transmitted in full by the Interconnector, differential pack (which can be done between DUECA nodes) is not supported. (Quick quiz question: How can you "update" the data in a channel to a new time, but not change it, and have minimal load on the communication between your dueca nodes?)

The Interconnector uses WebSocket connections for the initial handshake and communication of configuration data (which channels, entries, etc.), and it can use UDP messages for the data cycle. Data arrival is monitored, and when a UDP message is lost, the interconnector will try to recover the communication. It is possible to use point-to-point UDP communication, but only between a single master and a client. Multicast and broadcast messages are also possible, this permits multiple clients with a single master. With the exception of the WebSocket connection information, all configuration is done in the master. It is possible to use the WebSocket communication also for the data communication, the system will then function as a star network, with all messages from a peer being reflected by the master by fanning them out to other peers.

Master configuration

The master node is started with the following script commands:

dueca.Module('channel-replicator-master', <part name; string>, <PrioritySpec>).param(
    set_timing = <TimeSpec>,
    # Supply a time specification to define the update rate of the main activity
    check_timing = <array of integers>,
    # Supply three integer parameters to specify a check on the timing of
    # the main activity: warning limit (in us), critical limit (in us), and
    # the number of loops to test before sending a report (optional, dflt=2000)
    watch_channels = <array of strings>,
    # Provide a list of the watched channels for this replicator
    port_re_use = <boolean>,
    # Specify port re-use, typically for testing.
    lowdelay = <boolean>,
    # Set lowdelay TOS on the sent packets. Default true.
    socket_priority = <integer>,
    # Set socket priority on send socket. Default 6. Suggestion
    # 6, or 7 with root access / CAP_NET_ADMIN capability, -1 to disable.
    message_size = <uint32_t>,
    # Size of UDP messages.
    join_notice_channel = <string>,
    # Create a write token to a channel for sending ReplicatorPeerJoined
    # messages. Supply the channel name.
    peer_information_channel = <string>,
    # Create a read token on channel with supplemental start information
    # for a peer. Supply the channel name.
    replicator_information_channel = <string>,
    # Create a write token on channel with overview information on
    # replication.
    data_url = <string>,
    # URL of the data connection, for both UDP and WebSocket connections
    # UDP example: "udp://hostname-or-ipaddress:data-port"
    # WS  example: "ws://hostname-or-ipaddress:data-port/data". If you are
    # using websockets for data communication, these must be on the same
    # port as the configuration URL, but at a different endpoint.
    public_data_url = <string>,
    # Override the information on the data connection, in case clients
    # connect through a firewall with port mapping. Provide a different
    # client-side view of the connection.
    config_url = <string>,
    # URL of the configuration connection. Must be Websocket (start with ws
    # includes port, and path, e.g., "ws://myhost:8888/config"
    timeout = <double>,
    # Timeout, in s, before a message from the peers is considered missing
    timing_gain = <double>,
    # Gain factor for determining timing differences (default 0.002)
    timing_interval = <uint32_t>,
    # Interval on which data time translation is rounded. Default ticker's
    # time interval.
This is the master side of the dueca Interconnect facility.
For the master module, specify a URL for the configuration service
and a URL for the data service. With the watch-channels argument,
you can indicate which dueca channels are to be replicated; note
that these will be watched in all connected nodes.'''

The master will perform its calculation according to the timing specified, so it is not necessary to configure a separate priority for the master. However, this is still strongly recommended, because the master might block for longer times if one of the peers fails to communicate. The master is coded as a normal DUECA module, and it will need to be in "work" mode to communicate with peers.

The main configuration parameters are the list of channels to monitor, and the UDP address. The channels need to be specified in dueca 2.x format, so:


In the master, you can also indicate a channel name for join notice messages. This channel gets dueca::ReplicatorPeerJoined messages for each peer that joins the group. With these messages, you can see that a peer has joined, and from which connection it joins.

With a second configured channel, you can send dueca::ReplicatorPeerAcknowledge messages back. These can indicate acceptance or rejection of the peer, and can carry some optional payload. The payload will be sent to a channel on the peer side, if the peer has been configured to do so. You can use this to kick-start the simulation at the peer side, you can for example tell a peer which under which callsign it will fly. Note that the size of the information is limited to approximately 1000 bytes. If you need to send more information, open a channel and have it replicated! If the acknowledge channel is not configured, all peers attempting to join are implicitly accepted.

If you want to monitor the interconnector's progress, you can specify a channel with dueca::ReplicatorInfo messages. These give information on:

  • Peers joining. The peer_id is given, the IP address is given in the name field and the entry_id field is mis-used to indicate the network port from which the peer joins

  • Peers leaving. Only the peer_id is given

  • Entries being created. The peer_id indicates the originating peer, entry_id, data_class and channelname are given. The name field contains the label of the entry. The entry_id is the id that DUECA uses to distinguish entries in a channel. Note that the Interconnector uses another id to distinguish entries among peers and master, and that DUECA entry_id's in the different peers might differ!

  • Entries being deleted. Only peer_id, entry_id and channelname are filled.

Peer configuration

Here are the configuration instructions for the peer.

dueca.Module('channel-replicator-peer', <part name; string>, <PrioritySpec>).param(
    if_address = <string>,
    # Address of the interface over which communication takes place. This
    # is usually determined automatically.
    port_re_use = <boolean>,
    # Enable port re-use, typically for testing.
    lowdelay = <boolean>,
    # Set lowdelay TOS on the sent packets. Default true.
    socket_priority = <integer>,
    # Set socket priority on send socket. Default 6. Suggestion
    # 6, or 7 with root access / CAP_NET_ADMIN capability, -1 to disable.
    timeout = <double>,
    # timeout value [s]
    config_url = <string>,
    # URL of the configuration connection. Must be Websocket (start with ws
    # includes port, and path), e.g., "ws://myhost:8888/config"
    override_data_url = <string>,
    # Option to override the data url sent by the master, in case network
    # port translation is applied.
    master_information_channel = <string>,
    # Create a write token on channel with supplemental start information
    # for this peer. Supply the channel name. The channel will receive
    # a ReplicatorPeerAcknowledge object when the connection is established.
    sync_to_master_timing = <boolean>,
    # Synchronize to the master's timing, creeps up to the master within the
    # communication data rate
    timing_gain = <double>,
    # Gain factor for determining timing differences (default 0.002)
This is the peer side of the dueca Interconnect facility.
Simply specify how to connect to the master, additional configuration
will be received from the master. Note that this module will occupy
a thread; specify an exclusive priority.'''

The peer nodes will actually block on the message cycle initiated by the master. This means that peer nodes need a separate priority, which cannot be shared with any other modules. Peer nodes will still obey the normal DUECA module commands. Peers will set up their connection to the master once they enter "work" mode. When a peer leaves work mode normally (at least if controlled by DUECA, not as a result of a crash or uncaught exception), the locally created entries will be removed from the channels and the connection with the master is stopped. To a master and the other peers that continue running, it will look like the peer has disappeared, and all entries in the channels corresponding to the peer will be removed. The peer may later join again, it will receive a new ID from the master, and all replicated entries will be re-created again.

The peer configuration is limited to the contact details of the master. The master may be specified as an internet address or as a hostname. By specifying an information channel in a node with a peer, with dueca::ReplicatorPeerAcknowledge objects, you can get notified of the establishment of the connection and the additional information sent by the master.