This page provides a list of log messages, extracted from DUECA's source code. Comments accompanying the messages can help identify why a message was generated.
Error messages are printed to the console, listed in DUECA's error log window (if you have that configured), and also assembled on node 0 and printed in dueca.messagelog. The error log window and dueca.messagelog also list the file name and line number for the error messages, you can use these to find the error message here (verify that you use the same DUECA version!), and look up additional information on the error.
Note that the table is (should be) sortable; click on a label to sort the table alphabetically according to the requested column.
File | Line | Message Type | Section | Description |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 87 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | A given init function for starting up Python capabilities has failed. Check the C++ program. This will result in a failure to run. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 101 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Logical error in the start-up of Python code. Not all initialization functions could be run, possibly due to a circular dependency on initialization. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 128 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Failure to use the "dueca.scratch" file. For interpreting the script, DUECA uses a "dueca.scratch" file. It was not possible to open this in write mode. This may be due to an existing file for which the current process has no write permissions. Remove the "dueca.scratch" file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 152 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | This DUECA/Python combination uses pre-init, to initialize Python. This lead to an error status, see message. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 167 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Unexpected error in initializing scripting with Python. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 191 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Error status returned from the Python init call. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 200 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Error status returned from the Python init call. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 214 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Unspecified error in initializing the Python script language and starting the interpreter. Check the DUECA and Python libraries. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 239 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Found an error in the dueca_cnf.py script. Locate the error using the messages and line number, and correct it. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 260 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | An error occurred in the dueca_mod.py script. Check the script at the indicated error line (and above). |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 285 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | A Python error occurred in an attempt to load an additional configuration file. Check the error message and correct the program. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PythonScripting.cxx | 305 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | There is an error in a code snippet supplied from the DUECA C++ program. Find the given code and correct |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CPULowLatency.cxx | 32 | W_TIM | DUECA timing | CPU latency control is not available |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CPULowLatency.cxx | 41 | W_TIM | DUECA timing | CPU latency control file cannot be opened. Check permissions on /dev/cpu_dma_latency |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimingCheck.cxx | 85 | W_SYS | DUECA UI | For a check on timing installed on an activity, the maximum number of loops specified was too large, it is truncated to 65535 |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/GenericPacker.cxx | 48 | E_CNF | DUECA network | You are attempting to use this packer type as the main packer, while it is an auxiliary (fill) packer. Check and correct the configuration of your network communication |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ObjectManager.cxx | 99 | E_CNF | DUECA system | A negative node ID was specified. Node ID's must be positive. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ObjectManager.cxx | 113 | E_CNF | DUECA system | Error in configuration file, only one ObjectManager may be specified. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ObjectManager.cxx | 128 | E_CNF | DUECA system | Error in configuration file, there must be at least one node, and the number of nodes must be smaller than the maximum (normally 256). |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ObjectManager.cxx | 146 | E_CNF | DUECA system | Error in configuration file, the node ID must be smaller than the total number of nodes. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ObjectManager.cxx | 290 | E_CNF | DUECA system | The objectmanager tried to enter a new object in the registry, but the name for this object has already been taken. Re-name or alter one of the objects, or, if the object was created in error, remove the script section that creates it. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ObjectManager.cxx | 316 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Debug information on numeric ID's issued to named objects. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ObjectManager.cxx | 373 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Deleting the indicated object. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ObjectManager.cxx | 387 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Deleting the indicated object, now dueca's own module |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ObjectManager.cxx | 395 | I_SYS | DUECA system | The requested object is not or no longer in the registry |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityDescriptions.cxx | 75 | W_SYS | DUECA UI | An activity description was received with a node id for a DUECA node that does not exist. Indicates serious internal programming error or communications mix-up. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityDescriptions.cxx | 88 | W_SYS | DUECA UI | An unknown issue with assembling information on all available activities. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Trigger.cxx | 274 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | You are trying to set a new trigger on an already triggered target (activity in most cases). Correct your code, if you need to set a new trigger, clear the old one first with dueca::TriggerTarget::clearTriggers() |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Trigger.cxx | 288 | E_ACT | DUECA activity | You are trying to re-use an already connected combining trigger (and or or) for a new target. This is not possible, create a new trigger if needed. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Trigger.cxx | 335 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | You are trying to set a new trigger on an already triggered target (activity in most cases). Correct your code, if you need to set a new trigger, clear the old one first with dueca::TriggerTarget::clearTriggers() |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Trigger.cxx | 350 | E_ACT | DUECA activity | You are trying to re-use an already connected combining trigger (and or or) for a new target. This is not possible, create a new trigger if needed. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Trigger.cxx | 465 | E_ACT | DUECA activity | You are trying to re-use an already connected combining trigger (and or or) for a new target. This is not possible, create a new trigger if needed. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Trigger.cxx | 482 | E_ACT | DUECA activity | You are trying to re-use an already connected combining trigger (and or or) for a new target. This is not possible, create a new trigger if needed. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Summary.cxx | 99 | W_STS | DUECA UI | Setting the status of an orphaned node to dirty. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ShmAccessor.cxx | 134 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ShmAccessor.cxx | 141 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ShmAccessor.cxx | 156 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration information |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ShmAccessor.cxx | 163 | E_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Memory segment access fails |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ShmAccessor.cxx | 172 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration information |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ShmAccessor.cxx | 178 | E_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Message queue access fails |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ShmAccessor.cxx | 193 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration information |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveFillUnpacker.cxx | 80 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error ReflectiveFillUnpacker |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveFillUnpacker.cxx | 184 | W_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | No room for copying data |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveFillUnpacker.cxx | 249 | W_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Data unpack used wrong data siz |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Ticker.cxx | 173 | E_CNF | DUECA timing | Attempt to create a second ticker object, correct your dueca.cnf / dueca_py.cnf |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Ticker.cxx | 188 | E_CNF | DUECA timing | The ticker requires a positive base-increment value. Adjust your dueca.cnf / dueca_cnf.p |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Ticker.cxx | 196 | E_CNF | DUECA timing | The ticker requires a positive compatible-increment value. Adjust your dueca.cnf / dueca_cnf.py |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Ticker.cxx | 204 | E_CNF | DUECA timing | The ticker requires a positive time-step value. Adjust your dueca.cnf / dueca_cnf.py |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Ticker.cxx | 214 | W_CNF | DUECA timing | The priority for the ticker was not available. It has been automatically adjusted to the highest priority. Adjust your dueca.cnf / dueca_cnf.py |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Ticker.cxx | 265 | E_CNF | DUECA timing | Synchronization mode 4 cannot be used with this timestep. It is obsolete anyway, correct dueca.cnf / dueca_cnf.py, to use sync mode 2. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Ticker.cxx | 281 | E_CNF | DUECA timing | Synchronization mode 4 cannot be used with this timestep. It is obsolete anyway, correct dueca.cnf / dueca_cnf.py, to use sync mode 2. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Ticker.cxx | 667 | E_CNF | DUECA timing | You specified a waiting technique that is not available. Aborting, to prevent a process that blocks the machine |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Ticker.cxx | 710 | W_TIM | DUECA timing | Warn about the maximum duration of this simulation, based on MAX_TIMETICK and the granule value |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Ticker.cxx | 716 | I_TIM | DUECA timing | Information that an activity manager starts scheduling at this tick value. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ModuleCreator.cxx | 112 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | The `complete` method of a module returned "false", indicating an error. Look back in the log to determine which error, and check and fix the code if you don't find it there. Verify and remedy the error condition. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ModuleCreator.cxx | 151 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | When supplying the arguments to a module, one of the functions accepting arguments returned "false", indicating an error condition and argument not accepted. The module in case will not be further created. Check for error messages on the non-accepted arguments, and fix. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ModuleCreator.cxx | 165 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | While attempting to create a module, supply argument or invoke the complete method, an exception was thrown. The module is not created. Check the error message and offending code. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ModuleCreator.cxx | 176 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | State of the module is unexpected |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ModuleCreator.cxx | 199 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | When supplying the arguments to a module for re-initialisation, one of the functions accepting arguments returned "false", indicating an error condition and argument not accepted. This leads to a node-wide error condition. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ModuleCreator.cxx | 214 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | While calling a module's repeat initialisation after supplying furter arguments, the module returned false. Not all modules will accept re-intialisation. Inspect the error condition, and correct your code. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ModuleCreator.cxx | 229 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | While attempting to modify a module, supply arguments or invoke the complete method, an exception was thrown. A global error state is started. Check the error message and offending code. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/DCOtoXML.cxx | 186 | E_XTR | DUECA XML | Failure to serialize a part of DCO object to XML due to a bad any_cast |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/DCOtoXML.cxx | 194 | E_XTR | DUECA XML | Have no mapping to serialize a member of a DCO object of this datatype to XML. Use other datatypes in your DCO, or try to get the serialize expanded |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/DCOtoXML.cxx | 200 | E_XTR | DUECA XML | Generic failure to serialize a DCO object to XML |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Entity.cxx | 100 | W_CNF | DUECA system | A module indicates that its data has not been properly specified. Further creation is stopped |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Entity.cxx | 145 | W_MOD | DUECA system | Unable to delete a modul |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/ChannelOverviewGtk4.cxx | 308 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon texture. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/ChannelOverviewGtk4.cxx | 432 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Error in initialization of ChannelOverview base module. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/ChannelOverviewGtk4.cxx | 444 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the channel view GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.hxx | 628 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | You are trying to load options into a GTK widget, but the widget cannot be found. Check the widget name and ui file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.hxx | 653 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Cannot load text options into the given widget, it is not a combo box or drop down |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 86 | W_XTR | DUECA extra | Under wayland, it is (currently) not possible to request a window position |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 115 | E_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find the main widget in the glade builder windowing file. Please check the file and main widget name. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 126 | W_CNF | DUECA graphics | You are trying to load a second ui file, and select a main widget, but the main window/widget is already set. Ignoring this mainwidget name. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 172 | W_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find a widget in the gtk-builder model, when trying to connect the callbacks. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 203 | W_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find a widget in the gtk-builder model, when trying to connect the callbacks. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 259 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to set a value in the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 313 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | The widget is not compatible with float or double values from the associated DCO object. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 340 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | In the given key is missing from the option string mapping for selecting an Enum with a ComboBox or DropDown. Check the mapping against the DCO definition for the enum. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 391 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Cannot find the given object; check whether it is in the interface, or check for spelling errors. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 430 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Cannot feed options to the given object; check whether it is a GtkComboBox or GtkDropDown. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 448 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to set a value in the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 495 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Trying to set a text for a widget, but the widget is neither a combobox, a drop down, nor a text entry. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 512 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to set a value in the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 535 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Trying to set an on-off state for a widget, but the widget is not a toggle button. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 595 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Could not interpret the data of a DCO membe |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 613 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to get a value from the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 665 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Trying to get a numeric value from a widget, but getting a numeric value from this widget type is not supported. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 684 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to get a value from the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 704 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Getting a boolean value from this widget type is not supported. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 723 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to get a value from the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 751 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Attempting to get an active entry from a drop down, but none is active. Maybe pre-select an entry. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 768 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Getting a text value from this widget type is not supported. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 828 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Could not read data from this DCO member. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 870 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | You have an array member in the DCO object you try to connect to a gtk window, but have not supplied an array format string. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 880 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | This member class (mapping, variable size array or nested) cannot be used in connecting to a gtk interface. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 922 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Could not find radio buttons (=linked checkbuttons) with naming to match a given enum. The base name must match the given dco object name, the enum value must be coded after a colon. Example: "prefix_dcomembername:One", "prefix_dcomembername:Two", if One, Two are the enum values, etc. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 961 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Could not find radio buttons (=linked checkbuttons) with naming to match a given enum. The base name must match the given dco object name, the enum value must be coded after a colon. Example: "prefix_dcomembername:One", "prefix_dcomembername:Two", if One, Two are the enum values, etc. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 985 | W_MOD | DUECA graphics | Cannot convert value retrieved from interface into an enumerated item value. Check how you set up your interface stores |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 1015 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | You have an array member in the DCO object you try to connect to a gtk window, but have not supplied an array format string. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 1041 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | You have an array member in the DCO object you try to connect to a gtk window, but have not supplied an array format string. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 1051 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | This member class (mapping, variable size array or nested) cannot be used in connecting to a gtk interface. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 1078 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | In the given key is missing from the option string mapping for selecting an Enum with a ComboBox. Check the mapping against the DCO definition for the enum. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 1097 | E_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to fill selections for combobox entries in a GUI, (GtkGladeWindow::fillOptions), the specified dco data class is not available. Check spelling, or add the class to the executable. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 1135 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | There is an enum array specified, but no array format available for finding it in the interface. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/ChannelDataMonitorGtk4.cxx | 165 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the data monitor GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 361 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the base GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 482 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "about" dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 494 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "quit" dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 503 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the stop warning dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 512 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "change" warning dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 557 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Window setting needs 2 (for size) or 4 (also location) arguments |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 749 | W_SYS | DUECA UI | Failure in executing the specified shutdown script. Check the script, settings, and permissions. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 990 | E_STS | DUECA UI | Issue in inserting status summary in the right place. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/LogViewGui.cxx | 211 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the base GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/TimingViewGtk.cxx | 133 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | To use timingview, DuecaView needs to be configured first |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/TimingViewGtk.cxx | 314 | I_SYS | DUECA UI | Information on the callback for requesting sync |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/TimingViewGtk.cxx | 319 | W_SYS | DUECA UI | The channel for requesting timing information is not valid |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkDuecaButtons.cxx | 38 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon texture. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkHandler.cxx | 114 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on initialising graphics |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkHandler.cxx | 130 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on passing control to graphics code |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkHandler.cxx | 142 | W_STS | DUECA graphics | Result after application run is non-zer |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/GtkHandler.cxx | 152 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on commanding end of graphics code run |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/ActivityView.cxx | 113 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | To use activityview, DuecaView needs to be configured first |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/ActivityView.cxx | 155 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the base GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/ActivityView.cxx | 448 | I_STS | DUECA UI | Not all activity logs arrived |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk4/ActivityView.cxx | 558 | W_STS | DUECA UI | Failed to create a list of selected activities. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 168 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Error in initialization of ChannelOverview base module. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 181 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the base GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 277 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 288 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 299 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 310 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 321 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 332 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 343 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 410 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Failure updating channel information, because it is already present in the list. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 488 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Failure setting entry information |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 601 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Failure updating entry information |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelOverviewGtk2.cxx | 854 | W_STS | DUECA UI | When trying to toggle the data monitoring of a channel entry, could not find the entry. May happen when the entry has been removed |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 71 | E_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot open the file specified as interface file. Please check your code or configuration. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 100 | E_CNF | DUECA graphics | Problem reading the glade file with glade. Please check its validity. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 121 | E_CNF | DUECA graphics | Problem reading the interface file with gtk-builder. Please check its validity. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 137 | E_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find the main widget in the glade windowing file. Please check the file and main widget name. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 184 | W_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find a widget in the gtk-builder model, when trying to connect the callbacks. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 205 | W_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find a widget in the glade model, when trying to connect the callbacks. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 238 | W_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find a widget in the gtk-builder model, when trying to connect the callbacks. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 259 | W_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find a widget in the glade model, when trying to connect the callbacks. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 166 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the base GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 348 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "about" dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 369 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "quit" dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 393 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the stop warning dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 412 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "change" warning dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 436 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "additional model" dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 470 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Window setting needs 2 (for size) or 4 (also location) arguments |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 623 | W_SYS | DUECA UI | Failure in executing the specified shutdown script. Check the script, settings, and permissions. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/LogViewGui.cxx | 132 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the base GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ChannelDataMonitorGtk2.cxx | 54 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the data monitor GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/TimingViewGtk.cxx | 91 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | To use timingview, DuecaView needs to be configured first |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/TimingViewGtk.cxx | 305 | I_SYS | DUECA UI | Information on the callback for requesting sync |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/TimingViewGtk.cxx | 310 | W_SYS | DUECA UI | The channel for requesting timing information is not valid |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkHandler.cxx | 99 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on initialising graphics |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkHandler.cxx | 111 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on passing control to graphics code |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/GtkHandler.cxx | 122 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on commanding end of graphics code run |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ActivityView.cxx | 164 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | To use activityview, DuecaView needs to be configured first |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ActivityView.cxx | 206 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the base GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ActivityView.cxx | 474 | I_STS | DUECA UI | Not all activity logs arrived. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk2/ActivityView.cxx | 609 | W_STS | DUECA UI | Failed to create a list of selected activities. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.hxx | 599 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | You are trying to load options into a GTK widget, but the widget cannot be found. Check the widget name and ui file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.hxx | 608 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Cannot load text options into the given widget, it is not a combo box. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.hxx | 623 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Supply a compatible store in the UI. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 75 | E_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find the main widget in the glade builder windowing file. Please check the file and main widget name. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 126 | W_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find a widget in the gtk-builder model, when trying to connect the callbacks. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 158 | W_CNF | DUECA graphics | Cannot find a widget in the gtk-builder model, when trying to connect the callbacks. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 215 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to set a value in the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 251 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | The widget is not compatible with float or double values from the associated DCO object. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 268 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to set a value in the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 300 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Failed to find the matching entry (string) when trying to set the active GtkComboBox entry. Do the entry names (column 0 of your GtkListStore) match the names of the DCO member's enum? |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 320 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Trying to set a text for a widget, but the widget is neither a combobox nor a text entry. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 337 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to set a value in the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 355 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Trying to set an on-off state for a widget, but the widget is not a toggle button. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 398 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Could not interpreting the data of a DCO membe |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 416 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to get a value from the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 452 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Trying to get a numeric value from a widget, but getting a numeric value from this widget type is not supported. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 471 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to get a value from the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 487 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Getting a boolean value from this widget type is not supported. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 506 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to get a value from the interface, the widget name corresponding to the DCO member name was not found. This may be a typo in your ui definition, or incidental. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 527 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Attempting to get an active entry from a combo box, but none is active. Maybe pre-select an entry. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 548 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Getting a text value from this widget type is not supported. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 593 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Could not read data from this DCO member. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 629 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | You have an array member in the DCO object you try to connect to a gtk window, but have not supplied an array format string. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 639 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | This member class (mapping, variable size array or nested) cannot be used in connecting to a gtk interface. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 667 | W_MOD | DUECA graphics | Cannot convert value retrieved from interface into an enumerated item value. Check how you set up your interface stores |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 696 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | You have an array member in the DCO object you try to connect to a gtk window, but have not supplied an array format string. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 722 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | You have an array member in the DCO object you try to connect to a gtk window, but have not supplied an array format string. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 732 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | This member class (mapping, variable size array or nested) cannot be used in connecting to a gtk interface. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 759 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | In the given key is missing from the option string mapping for selecting an Enum with a ComboBox. Check the mapping against the DCO definition for the enum. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 780 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Cannot find the given object; check whether it is in the interface, or check for spelling errors. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 793 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | Cannot feed options to the given object; check whether it is a GtkComboBox. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 815 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | The store object attached to this combobox is not compatible. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 857 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | In the given key is missing from the option string mapping for selecting an Enum with a ComboBox. Check the mapping against the DCO definition for the enum. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 876 | E_XTR | DUECA graphics | When trying to fill selections for combobox entries in a GUI, (GtkGladeWindow::fillOptions), the specified dco data class is not available. Check spelling, or add the class to the executable. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkGladeWindow.cxx | 914 | W_XTR | DUECA graphics | There is an enum array specified, but no array format available for finding it in the interface. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 126 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the base GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 203 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find images for the default buttons |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 267 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "about" dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 279 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "quit" dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 288 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the stop warning dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 297 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "change" warning dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 306 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Could not create the "additional model" dialog. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 338 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Window setting needs 2 (for size) or 4 (also location) arguments |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkDuecaView.cxx | 512 | W_SYS | DUECA UI | Failure in executing the specified shutdown script. Check the script, settings, and permissions. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/LogViewGui.cxx | 132 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the base GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 207 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Error in initialization of ChannelOverview base module. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 220 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the channel view GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 328 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 339 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 350 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 361 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 372 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 383 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 394 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Cannot load icon pixbuf. Check DUECA installation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 461 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Failure updating channel information, because it is already present in the list. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 539 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Failure setting entry information |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 652 | E_XTR | DUECA UI | Failure updating entry information |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelOverviewGtk3.cxx | 905 | W_STS | DUECA UI | When trying to toggle the data monitoring of a channel entry, could not find the entry. May happen when the entry has been removed |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/TimingViewGtk.cxx | 91 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | To use timingview, DuecaView needs to be configured first |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/TimingViewGtk.cxx | 237 | I_SYS | DUECA UI | Information on the callback for requesting sync |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/TimingViewGtk.cxx | 242 | W_SYS | DUECA UI | The channel for requesting timing information is not valid |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkHandler.cxx | 99 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on initialising graphics |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkHandler.cxx | 110 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on passing control to graphics code |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/GtkHandler.cxx | 121 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on commanding end of graphics code run |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ChannelDataMonitorGtk3.cxx | 54 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the data monitor GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ActivityView.cxx | 92 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | To use activityview, DuecaView needs to be configured first |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ActivityView.cxx | 134 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the base GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ActivityView.cxx | 303 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | ActivityView window setting needs 2 (for size) or 4 (also location) arguments |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ActivityView.cxx | 429 | I_STS | DUECA UI | Not all activity logs arrived. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/gtk3/ActivityView.cxx | 547 | W_STS | DUECA UI | Failed to create a list of selected activities. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/glut/GlutHandler.cxx | 125 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on passing control to graphics code |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/glut/GlutHandler.cxx | 137 | I_SYS | DUECA graphics | Information on commanding end of graphics code run |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/gui/glut/GlutHandler.cxx | 145 | D_SYS | DUECA graphics | Glut cannot stop nicely, forcing dueca process stop through call to exit |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/DuecaView.cxx | 45 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Attempt to create a second dueca view |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Condition.cxx | 127 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | A Condition object was in use at its destruction |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Condition.cxx | 133 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | The mutex for a Condition object was locked at its destruction |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 92 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 99 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 106 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 113 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 120 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 127 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 134 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 143 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 152 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 159 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 219 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Information on shared region use |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 284 | E_TIM | DUECA shared memory network | Discovered a large time difference between nodes in shared memory access; probably due to one of the DUECA processes failing or communication failure. Setting nodewide error, and stopping this node |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 332 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Information on the layout of the communication memory |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 394 | W_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Detected an irregular message, trying to interpret as a write. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 409 | W_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Detected a control location write that cannot be correct. Probably due to a (transient?) hardware error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 429 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Ignoring an operational message at a location where none should occur |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 442 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Ignoring an operational message that does not conform to the DUECA protocol. Is another program accessing shared or reflective memory |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 454 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Node 0 issues a starting value |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 503 | E_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Incorrect start sequence detected. Communication error or is another program accessing the memory? |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 515 | E_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Unforeseen error in the start-up state machine. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 538 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Received a correct message, advancing to next state. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 552 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Confirmation not complete, not advancing. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 598 | E_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 609 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 630 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 640 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 661 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 671 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 692 | E_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveAccessor.cxx | 702 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | Configuration error |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelWriteToken.cxx | 48 | I_CHN | DUECA channel | Informational message on the issuing of a new write token. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Module.cxx | 80 | W_MOD | DUECA module | The status of a module is checked with the isInitialPrepared function, and resulted in an exception being thrown |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Module.cxx | 93 | W_MOD | DUECA module | The status of a module is checked with the isPrepared function, and resulted in an exception being thrown |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Module.cxx | 121 | W_MOD | DUECA module | Final stop is commanded for a module, and this resulted in an exception being thrown |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Module.cxx | 134 | W_MOD | DUECA module | Initial start is commanded for a module, and this resulted in an exception being thrown |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Module.cxx | 147 | W_MOD | DUECA module | Stop is commanded for a module, and this resulted in an exception being thrown |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Module.cxx | 160 | W_MOD | DUECA module | Start is commanded for a module, and this resulted in an exception being thrown |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 176 | E_XTR | DUECA JSON | Unexpected error in converting a JSON string to a DCO write. Cannot interpret the given variable type. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 184 | E_XTR | DUECA JSON | Unexpected error in converting a JSON string to a DCO write. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 211 | W_XTR | DUECA JSON | Trying to write objects nested in an array, but the JSON array elements are not objects. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 226 | W_XTR | DUECA JSON | Trying to write native objects nested in an array, but the JSON array elements cannot be interpreted as these native objects. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 246 | W_XTR | DUECA JSON | There is not enough data in a JSON representation to completely fill a fixed-length array in the DCO. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 255 | W_XTR | DUECA JSON | There was too much array data in a JSON representation for a fixed-length array in the DCO. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 280 | W_XTR | DUECA JSON | Trying to write a map object in a DCO, but lacking required "key" and "value" members in the JSON array representation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 300 | W_XTR | DUECA JSON | Trying to write a map object in a DCO, but lacking required "key" and "value" members in the JSON array representation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 329 | W_XTR | DUECA JSON | Missing an object in the JSON representation needed to write a nested object in a DCO. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 349 | W_XTR | DUECA JSON | The JSON representation holds an array, but need a single object for the DCO element. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 372 | W_XTR | DUECA JSON | The JSON key given needs to have a single value. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/JSONtoDCO.cxx | 387 | W_XTR | DUECA JSON | Missing a key in the JSON representation for a data member in the DCO object. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/DCOtoJSON.cxx | 334 | E_XTR | DUECA JSON | Failure to serialize a DCO object member to JSON due to a bad any_cast |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/DCOtoJSON.cxx | 343 | E_XTR | DUECA JSON | Have no mapping to serialize a DCO object member of this datatype to JSON. Use other datatypes in your DCO, or try to get the serialize expanded |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/DCOtoJSON.cxx | 350 | E_XTR | DUECA JSON | Generic failure to serialize a part of a DCO object to JSON |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimeSpec.cxx | 376 | W_TIM | DUECA timing | You are trying to reverse the time on a PeriodicTimeSpec. That cannot be done |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimeSpec.cxx | 427 | E_CNF | DUECA timing | Specified the wrong start point for a periodic time specification. The start point must be >= 0 |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimeSpec.cxx | 443 | E_CNF | DUECA timing | Specified the wrong period for a periodic time specification, the period must be >= 1 |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 64 | E_CHN | DUECA channel | A second channelmanager is being configured. Only one ChannelManager is allowed. Correct your DUECA configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 220 | I_CHN | DUECA channel | Information on a channel configuration request. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 261 | E_CHN | DUECA channel | The current channel organisation for one of the channels is incompatible with a requested new extension of the channel. Does this error still happen? Check whether the configuration requests for channel (write) tokens may be incompatible. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 282 | I_CHN | DUECA channel | Information on an update event for the channel registry |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 293 | E_CHN | DUECA channel | The entry for which an update event is intended, cannot be found in the waitroom with channel ends without ID. Indicates a programming error in DUECA |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 307 | I_CHN | DUECA channel | Information on issuing an ID to a specific channel |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 339 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | Received a count request for channel use, but cannot read it. Indicates an error in the DUECA code. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 389 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | Received a request for a copy of channel data, but have a failure in coding / writing that data. May indicate an error in DUECA code. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 402 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | Received a request for a copy of channel data, but cannot read the request. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 416 | I_CHN | DUECA channel | Information on a request for the ID for a channel |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelManager.cxx | 437 | E_CHN | DUECA channel | Local channel count exceeded. A small number of channels is configured locally, without interaction with other nodes, because they are needed for communication in the start-up phase of DUECA. This error occurs when the expected number of local channels is not correct. Indicates an error in the DUECA code. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Su.cxx | 65 | W_SYS | DUECA timing | Failing to acquire superuser priviledges. Note that superuser priviledges are normally not needed, it is better to specify real-time permissions (memory lock and priority) with PAM. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Su.cxx | 78 | W_SYS | DUECA timing | Failing to revert superuser priviledges. Note that superuser priviledges are normally not needed, it is better to specify real-time permissions (memory lock and priority) with PAM. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Su.cxx | 88 | W_SYS | DUECA timing | No configuration for superuser priviledges. Note that superuser priviledges are normally not needed, it is better to specify real-time permissions (memory lock and priority) with PAM. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Su.cxx | 120 | W_SYS | DUECA timing | Failing to revert superuser priviledges. Note that superuser priviledges are normally not needed, it is better to specify real-time permissions (memory lock and priority) with PAM. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 181 | I_SYS | DUECA system | You have selected a non-standard locale. Ensure your datafiles are all correctly formatted. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 195 | E_SYS | DUECA system | LOCALE settings may determine the way in which data files are read; using ',' instead of '.', etc. Your system has a non-standard locale, and will use comma for the decimal point. The regular fix is to set a locale using decimal point. If you insist on a non-standard locale, set this in dueca_cnf.py, and ensure your datafiles are all correctly formatted. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 217 | E_CNF | DUECA system | A graphical user interface mode has been requested tht is not available in this DUECA process. Check the configburation file and compilation options on the affected node |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 230 | E_CNF | DUECA system | The priorities for the activity managers should either be specified by means of highest priority level or by means of individual specification. You are using a combination of both methods, modify the configuration file on the affected node. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 382 | E_CNF | DUECA system | A run mode has been configured that does not exist. Adjust the DUECA configuration on this node |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 396 | E_CNF | DUECA system | An error in your activity level configuration, this "nice" level is not available. Adjust configuration file on the affected node |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 415 | E_CNF | DUECA system | An error in your activity level configuration, this "round-robin" level is not available. Adjust configuration file on the affected node. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 434 | E_CNF | DUECA system | An error in your activity level configuration, this "fifo" level is not available. Adjust configuration file on the affected node. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 484 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Indicates that the graphics interaction code is now started. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 495 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Indicates that the graphics interaction code has ended. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 506 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Sending the command to exit the process. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 545 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Start of real-time running. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 565 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Start of activity scheduling and processing by activity managers. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 581 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Starting real-time clock. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 714 | W_CNF | DUECA system | There was an error reading a file with additional model configuration. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 741 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Thread 0, with activitymanager for priority 0, will halt, and wait until a model configuration script has been processed. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 751 | I_SYS | DUECA system | A model configuration script has been processed by the thread with the script language, thread 0, with activitymanager for priority 0 will now continue scheduling activities. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 779 | I_SYS | DUECA system | All objects and modules that are not part of the core DUECA system are now told to stop and then destructed. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 802 | W_SYS | DUECA system | A keyboard interrupt (Ctrl-C) signal was received and intercepted. The DUECA process will be stopped in a controlled fashion. Note that an additional Ctrl-C will result in immediate abort. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 817 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Control returned from script reading stage. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 835 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Creation of the object that monitors and controls the status of the different DUECA nodes. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 846 | I_SYS | DUECA system | All DUECA core objects are given the opportunity to complete their initialization. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 896 | W_SYS | DUECA system | The attempt to install a handler for keyboard interrupts failed. DUECA functions, but has no facilities to provide useful status information on a keyboard interrupt. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 920 | I_SYS | DUECA system | This node now enters a slow ticking phase, intended to initiate connection with all other nodes in the DUECA process. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 940 | I_SYS | DUECA system | All required nodes have been connected. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 977 | I_SYS | DUECA system | A start message for real-time clocked running has been sent to all nodes. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1008 | W_SYS | DUECA timing | It was not possible to aacuire memlock and prevent swap. If you are deploying a real-time system, consider configuring the workstation for real-time running. When developing, you may generally ignore this message |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1030 | W_SYS | DUECA system | Attempt to find out the memlock limit failed |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1043 | W_SYS | DUECA system | The system indicates that there is a limited amount of memory available for locking; avoiding the use of mlockall, because this may lead to memory allocation failure and crashes. Use ulimit and adapt with a configuration file in /etc/security/limits.d if you want memory locking and better real-time performanc |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1058 | W_SYS | DUECA system | Attempt to load and lock the memory for the DUECA executable failed. This is normal during development, when real-time and memory locking priorities are not used, but should be avoided during deployment. Check the page on 'tuning linux workstations' for guidance. This may also happen when not enough memory is available. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1074 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Starting a thread for priority 0 and graphics. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1086 | W_SYS | DUECA system | Running into a problem creating the graphics thread. Re-trying with other option |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1100 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Information on the run status, stopping the scripting thread |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1108 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Information message that the script thread resumes |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1122 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Script and graphics threads are combined again |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1161 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Script and graphics threads are combined again |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1173 | E_SYS | DUECA system | Internal error, a run stage that has not been configured is requested |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1184 | I_SYS | DUECA system | At this point the client modules will be deleted. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1192 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Control returns to the scripting language interpretation. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1235 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Data packing for transport is stopped, breaking communication with the other nodes. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Environment.cxx | 1274 | W_SYS | DUECA system | A previous call to Environment::setExitCode set the exit code to nonzero, indicating an issue. Now the exitcode is reset to zero. Check that this is your desired behaviour. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UnifiedChannelMaster.cxx | 233 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | The channel configuration is not compatible, a unique entry is requested (Channel::OnlyOneEntry), but the channel already has entries |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UnifiedChannelMaster.cxx | 245 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | The channel configuration is not compatible, an additional entry is requested, but the channel has a configuration for a single, unique entry |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UnifiedChannelMaster.cxx | 273 | E_CHN | DUECA channel | This channel has reached the maximum number of configurable entries. What have you done? Why would you need so many entries in a channel |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UnifiedChannelMaster.cxx | 304 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | A reading token with read reservation for this entry has been created, however, the number of reservations (as specified in the writing entry), has been exhausted. There is no guarantee that the complete data history in the channel is available to the new reader |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UnifiedChannelMaster.cxx | 397 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | Mis-management in channel cleaning. Might occur at really brutal rates of entry creation and destruction |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UnifiedChannelMaster.cxx | 479 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | In the confirmation to the reading tokens, it has been found that there are no longer reservations available for this reading token that requested one. There is no guarantee that the complete data history in the channel is available to the new reader |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UnifiedChannelMaster.cxx | 508 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | DUECA programming error, a message type cannot be handled |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ScriptHelper.cxx | 39 | W_SYS | DUECA scripting | Currently, only Python script interface can run client code in the script language. An attempt to run client code is made while using an incompatible script language |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ArgListProcessor.cxx | 706 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | The given scheme arguments should have been a list, fix your configuration file |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ArgListProcessor.cxx | 721 | W_CNF | DUECA scripting | This module or object has been configured to use name/value pairs. It still accepts lists of values, but this mode is deprecated. Fix your configuration file to silence the message |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ArgListProcessor.cxx | 776 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Error in reading script arguments |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ArgListProcessor.cxx | 842 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Error in reading python script arguments |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ArgListProcessor.cxx | 984 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Error in reading script arguments presented as a straight list |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ArgListProcessor.cxx | 994 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | There was more data than could be processed in reading this script |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ArgListProcessor.cxx | 1133 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | An argument was not accepted by the module or object receiving it. The reading is flagged as false, in most cases the module or object will not be created. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CreationCenter_Python.hxx | 47 | W_CNF | DUECA scripting | Creation of an object that was specified in the start script was unsuccessful. Parameters for this object will not be passed. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityWeaver.cxx | 301 | I_STS | DUECA UI | Logs for ActivityView have not been fully received. May indicate timing issues or happen when nodes are not running multi-threaded. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/NamedObject.cxx | 41 | E_CNF | DUECA system | Attempt to create an AssociateObject while the host object has not yet been registered. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CreationCenter.cxx | 64 | W_CNF | DUECA scripting | No code found to create a module that was specified in the start script. Did you make a typing error in the script, or did you not yet compile or link this module? |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Arena.cxx | 81 | I_MEM | DUECA memory | Information on additional memory needed for reclaimable objects of a specific size |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/SchemeClassData.cxx | 36 | I_CNF | DUECA scripting | Creation of a new scheme typ |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/SchemeClassData.cxx | 55 | I_CNF | DUECA scripting | Assignment of a tag for a scheme typ |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/GenericEvent.cxx | 63 | E_CHN | DUECA channel | A really obsolete problem, with an old-style generic event passing data ownership. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ScriptInterpret.cxx | 245 | I_SYS | DUECA scripting | Information on reading additional script code from a given file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ScriptInterpret.cxx | 291 | I_SYS | DUECA scripting | At this point the model code has been copied to the other DUECA nodes. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ScriptInterpret.cxx | 390 | W_SYS | DUECA scripting | A class that is available to the scripting language is missing its parent class, and it cannot be inserted at the right position. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 379 | W_NET | DUECA network | Data from a peer did not arrive. Usually this condition is temporary, check timeout values, and network condition |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 401 | E_NET | DUECA network | A packet arrived from a peer that is too large for reading. Correct this in the DUECA configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 426 | I_NET | DUECA network | Received an old message from a previous cycle. Removing the packet. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 461 | I_NET | DUECA network | Receive repeated data |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 512 | W_NET | DUECA network | Missing a confirm message from one of the nodes |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 531 | I_NET | DUECA network | Found an old confirm message from one of the nodes |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 586 | E_NET | DUECA network | A packet arrived from a peer that is too large for reading. Correct this in the DUECA configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 606 | W_NET | DUECA network | The master node initiated a new cycle, following that one now |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 639 | I_NET | DUECA network | Received an old message from a previous cycle. Removing the packet. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 723 | W_NET | DUECA network | Data from a peer did not arrive. Usually this condition is temporary, check timeout values, and network condition |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 736 | E_NET | DUECA network | A packet arrived from a peer that is too large for reading. Correct this in the DUECA configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 751 | W_NET | DUECA network | A packet arrived that could not be correctly decoded. Are there other programs sending data on the same address? |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 793 | W_NET | DUECA network | Missing a confirm message. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 807 | I_NET | DUECA network | Invalid confirm message. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 906 | W_NET | DUECA network | Not all data arrive, sending a missed data flag in the confirm message |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 1005 | W_NET | DUECA network | Not all data arrive, sending a missed data flag in the confirm message |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 1072 | E_NET | DUECA network | A packet arrived from a peer that is too large for reading. Correct this in the DUECA configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 1081 | W_NET | DUECA network | An additional message arrived |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 1107 | W_NET | DUECA network | Receive error on the network |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 1115 | W_NET | DUECA network | Small packet, is there another application sending on this address/port |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 1158 | W_NET | DUECA network | Inconsistency between data origin and ip addres |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPAccessor.cxx | 1213 | I_NET | DUECA network | Planned stop of communication |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PackerSet.cxx | 95 | E_CNF | DUECA network | Wrong object type encountered. Supply a packer object to the PackerSet. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PackerSet.cxx | 114 | E_CNF | DUECA network | Wrong object type encountered. Supply a packer object to the PackerSet. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PackerSet.cxx | 133 | E_CNF | DUECA network | Wrong object type encountered. Supply a packer object to the PackerSet. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/FillPacker.cxx | 83 | E_CNF | DUECA network | Configuration error for fill packer, the packer needs a reasonable buffer size |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/FillPacker.cxx | 164 | W_NET | DUECA network | A bulk object is too large for packing in the fill store. Increase the fill store size |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimingView.cxx | 86 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | Configuration error, specify priority 0 for TimingVie |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimingView.cxx | 98 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | Configuration error, when using the TimingView, the ActivityView must also be used, otherwise names for the activities cannot be decoded |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimingView.cxx | 173 | I_SYS | DUECA UI | Informational message. Timing report received. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimingView.cxx | 213 | W_SYS | DUECA UI | A report on synchronization was received from a non-existent node. Either a mis-configuration, or an error in decoding communicated data |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPMulticastAccessor.cxx | 230 | I_NET | DUECA network | For information. A socket/port for multicast has been flagged for re-use. This is usual only for testing, or for running multiple DUECA processes on a single computer |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/IPMulticastAccessor.cxx | 307 | I_NET | DUECA network | For information. A socket/port for multicast has been flagged for re-use. This is usual only for testing, or for running multiple DUECA processes on a single computer |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/SchemeScripting.cxx | 53 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | Failure to use the "dueca.scratch" file. For interpreting the script, DUECA uses a "dueca.scratch" file. It was not possible to open this in write mode. This may be due to an existing file for which the current process has no write permissions. Remove the "dueca.scratch" file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveUnpacker.cxx | 204 | W_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Corrupted data while trying to unpack data |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveUnpacker.cxx | 216 | W_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Corrupted data while trying to unpack data, checksum failure |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveUnpacker.cxx | 227 | W_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Corrupted data while trying to unpack data, checksum failure |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UnifiedChannel.cxx | 381 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | For your read access token you specified event or stream, but the matching channel entry has a different time aspect data (stream/event) instead. This used to be connected, however, from DUECA 4.1.3 this entry will be ignored. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UnifiedChannel.cxx | 1579 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | You created a channel read token with a request for sequential reading, but have neglected reading from it. This keeps a large number of datapoints in the channel. Consider flushing or reading, deleting the token or maybe you don't need it at all. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UnifiedChannel.cxx | 1677 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | A writing entry specified different transport class settings on this channel; only the first specification is used |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/EntityManager.cxx | 155 | E_SYS | DUECA system | Confirmation channel not valid, this indicates a start logic failure. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/EntityManager.cxx | 173 | I_SYS | DUECA system | An entity sends a check-in message. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/EntityManager.cxx | 240 | W_SYS | DUECA system | An additional module has been created with a name that is already used. Verify your configuration, and ensure you use unique names. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/EntityManager.cxx | 277 | W_SYS | DUECA system | An unknown condition encountered in administration of entities. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/EntityManager.cxx | 287 | W_SYS | DUECA system | Status report on entity changes could not be processed |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/EntityManager.cxx | 359 | W_SYS | DUECA system | Received a command that could not be interpreted. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/EntityManager.cxx | 368 | W_SYS | DUECA system | Could not read entity command. Indicates an internal triggering logic failure. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 213 | E_XTR | DUECA XML | Unexpected error in converting a XML string to a DCO write. Cannot interpret the given variable type. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 221 | E_XTR | DUECA XML | Unexpected error in converting a XML string to a DCO write. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 260 | W_XTR | DUECA XML | There is not enough data in a XML representation to completely fill a fixed-length array in the DCO. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 269 | W_XTR | DUECA XML | There was too much array data in a XML representation for a fixed-length array in the DCO. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 284 | W_XTR | DUECA XML | There is not enough data in a XML representation to completely fill a fixed-length array in the DCO. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 293 | W_XTR | DUECA XML | There was too much array data in a XML representation for a fixed-length array in the DCO. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 318 | W_XTR | DUECA XML | When trying to decode a "std::map" of objects, or simular member, either the "key" or "object" tag is missing. Please inspect/correct your XML. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 343 | W_XTR | DUECA XML | When trying to decode a "std::map" of values, or simular member, either the "key" or "value" tag is missing. Please inspect/correct your XML. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 389 | W_XTR | DUECA XML | When trying to decode a "std::map" or simular member, zero or multiple "<pair>" tags with keys and data are expected. Found an <object> tag instead. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 412 | W_XTR | DUECA XML | When trying to decode a `std::map` or simular member, zero or multiple `pair` tags with keys and data are expected. Found a `value` tag instead. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 441 | W_XTR | DUECA XML | The XML data for a specific member is not coded in the right format. Note that nested DCO objects are coded with `object` tags, values are coded with `value` tags, and mapped objects are coded with `pair` tags, with key and value or object pairs. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/XMLtoDCO.cxx | 450 | W_XTR | DUECA XML | Missing a key in the XML representation for a data member in the DCO object. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CriticalActivity.cxx | 101 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | A CriticalActivity running in safe mode intercepted an uncaught exception. This indicates a serious issue with the safety activity, which should be robust to most if not all error conditions. If persistent, please correct this. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CriticalActivity.cxx | 130 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | A dueca::CriticalActivity running in normal mode intercepted an uncaught exception. The activity will now revert to running the safe mode callback |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CriticalActivity.cxx | 160 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | A CriticalActivity running in safe mode intercepted an uncaught exception. This indicates a serious issue with the safety activity, which should be robust to most if not all error conditions. If persistent, please correct this. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CriticalActivity.cxx | 186 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | A dueca::CriticalActivity running in normal mode intercepted an uncaught exception. The activity will now revert to running the safe mode callback |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CriticalActivity.cxx | 211 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | A dueca::CriticalActivity running in normal mode intercepted an uncaught exception. The activity will now revert to running the safe mode callback |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CriticalActivity.cxx | 247 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | An attempt for the dueca::CriticalActivity to switch to work mode failed, because the safe callback has not indicated that it is correctly running. Check the logic of your module |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CriticalActivity.cxx | 269 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | An attempt for the dueca::CriticalActivity to switch to safe mode failed, because the activity is not in the run mode. Check the logic of your module |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CriticalActivity.cxx | 310 | E_SYS | DUECA activity | In response to a flagged node-wide error, this dueca::CriticalActivity will revert to safe mode. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CriticalActivity.cxx | 319 | W_SYS | DUECA activity | A node-wide error has been flagged multiple times. This dueca::CriticalActivity is already in safe mode. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Unpacker.cxx | 179 | E_NET | DUECA network | Serious error; unpacking of data for a channel used the wrong data size from the network buffer. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/FillUnpacker.cxx | 93 | E_CNF | DUECA network | Supply a large-enough buffer size for the fill unpacker. Note that the buffer size must be at least as large as the size for the largest fill buffer. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/FillUnpacker.cxx | 326 | E_NET | DUECA network | The declared size of the packed data for a channel does not match the number of unpacked bytes by the channel. This might indicate a mis-match between DUECA versions |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/FillUnpacker.cxx | 341 | E_NET | DUECA network | Failed to unpack the store by the fill unpacker. Verify that the DUECA versions you use are compatible. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveFillPacker.cxx | 93 | E_CNF | DUECA shared memory network | parameters ReflectiveFillPacker incorrect |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveFillPacker.cxx | 125 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Opening a channel for bulk information collecting |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveFillPacker.cxx | 196 | W_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Channel data was to large to fit into the Bulk store. Increase the store size for the reflective packer, of make your DCO objects smaller. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectiveFillPacker.cxx | 223 | W_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Have lost data for packing. Should be impossible with new DUECA versions |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/GenericTypeCreator.cxx | 37 | E_CNF | DUECA system | This module type already exists; creation of a second module of this type is attempted. Module type creation is normally done from static initialization code; check your ModuleCreator instantiations, maybe there is one too many. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/InitScheme.cxx | 91 | W_CNF | DUECA scripting | A warning on the obsolete set-graphic-interface call. Fix your dueca.cnf to resolve this problem |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/DuecaEnv.cxx | 73 | W_CNF | DUECA system | Script instructions for a specific module are requested with the DUECA_SCRIPTINSTRUCTIONS environment variable, but this module cannot be found in this DUECA executable |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PrioritySpec.cxx | 66 | W_CNF | DUECA activity | Cannot create this priority specification, as specified, priority adjusted |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimeKeeper.cxx | 173 | I_TIM | DUECA timing | In attempting to resume execution at a calculated time, the waking of the clock thread was too early |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimeKeeper.cxx | 181 | I_TIM | DUECA timing | In attempting to resume execution at a calculated time, the waking of the clock thread was too late |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimeKeeper.cxx | 268 | W_TIM | DUECA timing | Failed to determine the number of microseconds since a given tick. This can happen if the thread requesting the time information is seriously starved, the time information will be unreliable |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimeKeeper.cxx | 306 | W_TIM | DUECA timing | The list of difference data with the node being a timing master is too large. This list must be asynchronously processed by the timing slave node, due to excessive rate of information on master-slave time differences, or a slave node starved of computation |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimeKeeper.cxx | 336 | W_TIM | DUECA timing | The difference with a timing master is larger than acceptable. This might occur at start-up, but these messages should not occur later in running. Can be due to a mis-configuration, or problematic communication |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimeKeeper.cxx | 428 | I_TIM | DUECA timing | This node is severely behind, waiting is skipped |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/TimeKeeper.cxx | 446 | I_TIM | DUECA timing | This node is considerably ahead, double wait for ticker modes that cannot use a high-resolution clock |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PackerManager.cxx | 89 | E_CNF | DUECA network | Packer set-up attempted with an object that is not a packerset. Check your DUECA configuration file |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PackerManager.cxx | 112 | E_CNF | DUECA network | Packer set-up attempted with an object that is not a sequence/vector of packers. Check your DUECA configuration file |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PackerManager.cxx | 152 | E_CNF | DUECA network | Not enough packer configurations set-up; for each node in the DUECA process there should be a packer set. Check your DUECA configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/PackerManager.cxx | 171 | I_NET | DUECA network | Commanded all data packing objects to stop further data packing |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Accessor.cxx | 171 | W_NET | DUECA network | Because unpacking buffers have not yet been returned and data keeps coming in, an additional reception buffer needs to be created. Check priority assignments if this is very common, and ensure the unpackers get scheduled to unpack the data. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CoreCreatorPython.ixx | 310 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | An unspecified error occurred in processing parameters from a Python script. Check preceding log messages, Python error messages and your dueca_cnf.py and dueca_mod.py scripts |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/CoreCreatorPython.ixx | 328 | E_CNF | DUECA scripting | An unspecified error occurred in processing parameters from a Python script. Check preceding log messages, Python error messages and your dueca_cnf.py and dueca_mod.py scripts |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/msgpack.cxx | 265 | W_XTR | DUECA msgpack | A mgpack message contained a data member that was not present in your DCO type. This message is generated only once for this type. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/msgpack.cxx | 468 | E_XTR | DUECA extra | Cannot parse a msgpack packed message. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/msgpack.cxx | 479 | E_XTR | DUECA extra | End of data when parsing a msgpack packed message. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelOverview.cxx | 210 | W_STS | DUECA UI | Unexpected error, cannot access expected information on a channel reading client. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelOverview.cxx | 356 | W_STS | DUECA UI | For the ChannelOverview, a message is generated that indicates a new channel entry, but the entry is already reported as created. These glitches are sometimes introduced by incomplete creation and subsequent deletion of modules, due to errors in the start script. Check preceding messages. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelOverview.cxx | 402 | W_STS | DUECA UI | For the ChannelOverview, a message is generated that indicates a disappearing channel entry, but the entry as such has not been reported as created. These glitches are sometimes introduced by incomplete creation and subsequent deletion of modules, due to errors in the start script. Check preceding messages indicating that. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelOverview.cxx | 413 | W_STS | DUECA UI | Unexpected error. Cannot access or process information on a channel writing access |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelOverview.cxx | 532 | W_STS | DUECA UI | Received an old count result, not matching the current request number, ignoring that. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelOverview.cxx | 606 | W_STS | DUECA UI | The channel entry for which a data view refresh has been requested has disappeared |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ChannelOverview.cxx | 628 | W_STS | DUECA UI | The channel entry for which a data view has been requested has disappeared |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectivePacker.cxx | 129 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Information on reflective packer initialisation |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectivePacker.cxx | 175 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | Information on start of reflective packer packing |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectivePacker.cxx | 317 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | There is no room in the shared memory buffers, packing is delayed |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectivePacker.cxx | 360 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | While packing data, the shared memory buffer filled up, packing is reset and resumed later |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ReflectivePacker.cxx | 376 | I_SHM | DUECA shared memory network | The data that should be transmitted is no longer available in the local channel end. This condition should no longer happen with modern DUECA versions. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/MessageBuffer.cxx | 86 | W_NET | DUECA network | A buffer for data transmission is being deleted while it is flagged as being still in use. This can produce crashes or undetermined results |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Dstring.ixx | 40 | I_MEM | DUECA system | Warning on data truncation for a fixed-length string |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Dstring.ixx | 198 | E_NET | DUECA system | Failure to unpack a string from the network. Indicates serious programming error or data corruption. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ModuleId.cxx | 207 | W_STS | DUECA system | When making an inventory of all ID's for DUECA modules, an ID was flagged as entered previously. This indicates a programming error in the DUECA code. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UChannelEntry.cxx | 289 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | A specific channel entry has a large number of data-points built up. This can be either because a "saveup" reservation is still active (an expected reader has not called in to read data), or most commonly, because an read access token opened with dueca::Channel::ReadAllData option does not read this data |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UChannelEntry.cxx | 371 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | The module writing this entry tries to write "stream" data (dueca::Channel::Continuous) but specifies a time span with zero length. Check the writing token, and ensure the time span is correct. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UChannelEntry.cxx | 400 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | The module writing this entry tries to write "stream" data (dueca::Channel::Continuous) but specifies a time span that does not connect to the previous span. This might indicate double writing, or using a time specification from irregular triggering. Check the writing token, and ensure the time spans are correct. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UChannelEntry.cxx | 705 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | Differential data has arrived for this channel entry, but the full data (which might be transported in Bulk mode) is not present yet. The differential data will be cached for later application. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UChannelEntry.cxx | 901 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | In accessing channel data for a specific requested time, it was found that no such data was available. A NULL pointer will be returned to the accessing token. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UChannelEntry.cxx | 967 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | In accessing channel data for a specific requested time, it was found that no such data was available. A NULL pointer will be returned to the accessing token. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/UChannelEntry.cxx | 1298 | W_CHN | DUECA channel | You created a channel read token with a request for sequential reading, but have neglected reading from it. This keeps a large number of datapoints in the channel. Consider flushing or reading, deleting the token or maybe you don't need it at all. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/DataClassRegistry.cxx | 267 | W_CNF | DUECA channel | A transportable (DCO) data type has a member that shadows a member in one of its parent data types. Check your .dco files |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 228 | I_ACT | DUECA activity | Information on attempt to set a real-time priority level. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 239 | W_SYS | DUECA timing | Cannot adjust the scheduling priority. If you are deploying a real-time system, please configure the workstation for real-time running. When developing, you may generally ignore this message |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 251 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | Attempted scheduling mode was not achieved. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 262 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | Attempted scheduling priority was not achieved. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 272 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | Unknown scheduler mode specified. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 329 | E_CNF | DUECA activity | An excessive number of ActivityManager handlers has been specified |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 367 | I_ACT | DUECA activity | Information on log channel used by this activity manager. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 514 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | There is no scheduling time left in priority manager 0, warn that the jobs could not be completed in time. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 525 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | Complaint about a very long-running job in priority 0. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 784 | I_ACT | DUECA activity | Information that an activity manager is ending multi-threaded running. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 857 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | Complain about a full queue, and that this activity had no processing done yet. Indicates that higher-priority activities have been hogging the CPU's. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 869 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | Complain about a full queue, indicate which activity currently being worked on. If that does not change, investigate why that activity requires so much time. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 888 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | Inform that no activities have been run by this ActivityManager. This is commonly done after a user interrupt, it may give information on run problems. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 897 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | Report on the current activities by this ActivityManager. This is commonly done after a user interrupt, it may give information on run problems. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 908 | I_ACT | DUECA activity | Inform on the start of a new ActivityManage |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 919 | I_ACT | DUECA activity | Inform on the stop of an ActivityManage |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 929 | I_ACT | DUECA activity | Inform that the stop of an ActivityManager was complet |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 955 | I_ACT | DUECA activity | Inform on log sending and on how many actions are reported. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 966 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | A log sending request came before the log was complete. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 979 | W_ACT | DUECA activity | A log sending request came while logging was still busy on another request. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityManager.cxx | 993 | I_ACT | DUECA activity | Information on the start of a new log. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/NodeManager.cxx | 154 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Information on decision to stop the current node. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/NodeManager.cxx | 191 | W_SYS | DUECA system | Received a node control message that pretends to be from a node that is not configured in this DUECA process. May indicate a communication failure. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/NodeManager.cxx | 202 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Information on a state change for a specific node. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/NodeManager.cxx | 250 | I_SYS | DUECA system | Information on a scheduled node stop. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/NodeManager.cxx | 259 | W_SYS | DUECA system | Received a critical error message, setting critical error for the activities. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/NodeManager.cxx | 270 | W_SYS | DUECA system | Received a node control message that could not be interpreted. Indicates a communication failure or programming error in DUECA. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/NodeManager.cxx | 281 | I_SYS | DUECA system | All DUECA nodes in this process have joined. Slowing down the node query to save bandwidth, but keep monitoring of node status. |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityViewBase.cxx | 116 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | Wrong priority supplied for ActivityView, should be 0. Fix your configuration file |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/ActivityViewBase.cxx | 129 | W_CNF | DUECA UI | Only one ActivityView module should be created. Fix your configuration file |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Activity.cxx | 130 | I_ACT | DUECA activity | Information on setting a new time specification for an activity |
dueca-4.2.0/dueca/Activity.cxx | 206 | E_ACT | DUECA activity | An activity threw an uncaught exception. The relevant activity will be switched off |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/X11/BareDuecaGLWindow.cxx | 110 | W_CNF | DUECA extra | GL window size is not correctly specified |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/X11/BareDuecaGLWindow.cxx | 176 | W_XTR | DUECA extra | Touch capability, as requested, is not possible with this X version |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/X11/BareDuecaGLWindow.cxx | 187 | W_XTR | DUECA extra | Unable to determine the XInputExtension version |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/X11/BareDuecaGLWindow.cxx | 309 | W_XTR | DUECA extra | Cannot select device for XInput events. |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/X11/BareDuecaGLWindow.cxx | 316 | W_XTR | DUECA extra | Window for XInput events is not valid. |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/X11/BareDuecaGLWindow.cxx | 323 | W_XTR | DUECA extra | Device for XInput events is not valid. |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/X11/BareDuecaGLWindow.cxx | 329 | I_XTR | DUECA extra | Information on enabling a touch device |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/X11/BareDuecaGLWindow.cxx | 348 | W_XTR | DUECA extra | Missing glXWaitVideoSyncSGI extension, not possible to wait on video sync |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/X11/BareDuecaGLWindow.cxx | 391 | W_XTR | DUECA extra | Missing swap interval extensions (glXSwapIntervalExt, glXSwapIntervalSGI, glXSwapIntervalMESA), cannot control the swap interval |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/gtk4/DuecaGLGtk4Window.cxx | 173 | E_XTR | DUECA extra | Unspecified error signalled by the gtk2 gl area |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/gtk4/DuecaGLGtk4Window.cxx | 207 | W_XTR | DUECA extra | Under wayland, it is (currently) not possible to request a window position |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/gui/gtk3/DuecaGLGtk3Window.cxx | 148 | E_XTR | DUECA extra | Unspecified error signalled by the gtk2 gl area |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/DuecaGLWindow.cxx | 119 | I_XTR | DUECA extra | Information on GL sweeper use |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/DuecaGLWindow.cxx | 142 | E_XTR | DUECA extra | GL window is not possible, because GL drawing capability is lackin |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/UniqueFile.cxx | 59 | W_XTR | DUECA extra | Unforseen error in checking for file name. Check folder permissions |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/GLSweeper.cxx | 149 | E_CNF | DUECA extra | No gui specified |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/GLSweeper.cxx | 159 | E_CNF | DUECA extra | No gui specified is not compatible with GLSweeper. Check arguments to environment in dueca.cnf/dueca_cnf.py |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/GLSweeper.cxx | 168 | E_XTR | DUECA extra | Failed to install GL sweeper. Is a second sweeper attempted |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/GLSweeper.cxx | 181 | E_CNF | DUECA extra | Sweeper must be a singleton |
dueca-4.2.0/extra/GLSweeper.cxx | 202 | E_CNF | DUECA extra | No protocol configured for sweeper |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/EntryWatcher.cxx | 59 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Information on a new entry in a monitored channel |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/EntryWatcher.cxx | 71 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Information on a removed entry in a monitored channel |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/EntryWatcher.cxx | 82 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | A removed entry in a monitored channel could not be found in the Loggers/Watchers data structure. Indicates a programming error in DUECA. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOReadFunctor.cxx | 46 | E_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Requested data is not present at the given path |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOReadFunctor.cxx | 73 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Requested data type is not readable |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOReadFunctor.cxx | 92 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | The number of configured rows does not match dataset dimension |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOReadFunctor.cxx | 101 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | The number of configured columns does not match dataset dimension |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOReadFunctor.cxx | 120 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | This module is not configured for HDF5 files with more than 2D data |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOWriteFunctor.cxx | 144 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | The given dataset/datatype cannot be written, and is ignored |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOWriteFunctor.cxx | 156 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Information on the configured dataset |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOWriteFunctor.cxx | 163 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | The dataset configuration has a very large chunk size |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOWriteFunctor.cxx | 204 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Information on the cache properties of the given dataset |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOWriteFunctor.cxx | 211 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Warning on the large chunk size of a given dataset |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5DCOWriteFunctor.cxx | 223 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | The given dataset has a variable size |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 174 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | The hdf5 replayer has no initial file configured. Writing to the configured channels only happens after a file is supplied through an HDFReplayConfig event. Make sure either the file is supplied, or your simulation is robust when the replay channels are not written. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 183 | E_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | The configuration of the HDF5 replayer is incorrect. Either supply a file to replay from, or configure a channel for configuration, so replay filenames can be supplied |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 253 | E_CNF | DUECA hdf5 | The replayer configuration is incorrect. Check your dueca.mo |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 297 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Unspecified error in re-opening hdf5 file |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 321 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Attempt at opening an hdf5 file twice |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 333 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Unspecified error in opening an hdf5 file |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 389 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | A replay configuration fails. One of the replayed datasets must represent stream data, so the time offset can be correctly calculated |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 405 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | The replay_start value cannot be before the start of any stream data in the data file |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 516 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | A write token for replaying data is not valid. Check for conflict with other modules accessing this channel |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 547 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | You attempted to spool to a start position in the replay file, but event channel data for that time is not available on the reported channel. This may simply be because there was no event data available. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 559 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | You attempted to spool to a start position in the replay file, but continuos stream channel data for that time is not available on the reported channel. Most likely your data file is too short for this start position. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 585 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | While replaying, reached last event on an event data channel |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 616 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | While replaying, reached last data points for a continuous (stream) channel type. You reached the end of the file, further data values will be held at this last point |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 658 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | While replaying, reached last data points for a continuous (stream) channel type. You reached the end of the file, further data values will be held at this last point |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 689 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | The channel label cannot be read; the datafile has probably not been prepared correctly. The replay entry in the channel will be created with an empty label |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Replayer.cxx | 700 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | A new replay file has different channel labels; continuing replay with the old label |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 179 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Information on the block sizes of datasets. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 187 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Information on number of elements in a dataset. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 198 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | A configuration channel has been configured. The hdf5 file will be opened when on command from the configuration channel. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 329 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Failure creating a functor for writing channel data in hdf5 log. Check the hdf5 option on the datatype |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 387 | E_CNF | DUECA hdf5 | Configuration error. Check dueca.mo |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 406 | E_CNF | DUECA hdf5 | Configuration error opening a log channel. Check dueca.mo |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 421 | E_CNF | DUECA hdf5 | Configuration error. Check dueca.mo |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 434 | E_CNF | DUECA hdf5 | Configuration error monitoring a watch channel. Check dueca.mo |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 457 | E_CNF | DUECA hdf5 | Attempt to re-configure the configuration channel ignored. Check your dueca.mod file. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 506 | I_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Information on the creation of a hdf5 read functor for a specific channel. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 605 | E_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Unforeseen error in opening an hdf5 log file. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 649 | E_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Unforeseen error in specifying a base path for an hdf5 log set. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 679 | E_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Unforeseen error in creating a functor. |
dueca-4.2.0/hdf5utils/HDF5Logger.cxx | 712 | W_XTR | DUECA hdf5 | Unforeseen Input/Output error when interacting with an HDF5 log file. Check your disk sanity. Are you trying to log over NFS? |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/EntryWatcher.cxx | 56 | I_XTR | DUECA ddff | Information on a new entry in a monitored channel |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/EntryWatcher.cxx | 68 | I_XTR | DUECA ddff | Information on a removed entry in a monitored channel |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/EntryWatcher.cxx | 79 | W_XTR | DUECA ddff | A removed entry in a monitored channel could not be found in the Loggers/Watchers data structure. Indicates a programming error in DUECA. |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 174 | I_XTR | DUECA ddff | A configuration channel has been configured. The DDFF file will be opened when on command from the configuration channel. |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 298 | E_XTR | DUECA ddff | Could not create an entry in the ddff file for logging, may be related to the datatype not being known, or related to file access. |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 319 | W_XTR | DUECA ddff | Failure creating a functor for writing channel data in DDFF log. Check the DDFF option on the datatype |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 377 | E_CNF | DUECA ddff | Configuration error. Check dueca.mo |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 396 | E_CNF | DUECA ddff | Configuration error opening a log channel. Check dueca.mo |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 411 | E_CNF | DUECA ddff | Configuration error. Check dueca.mo |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 424 | E_CNF | DUECA ddff | Configuration error monitoring a watch channel. Check dueca.mo |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 447 | E_CNF | DUECA ddff | Attempt to re-configure the configuration channel ignored. Check your dueca.mod file. |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 496 | I_XTR | DUECA ddff | Information on the creation of a DDFF read functor for a specific channel. |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 587 | E_XTR | DUECA ddff | Unforeseen error in opening an DDFF log file. |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 631 | E_XTR | DUECA ddff | Unforeseen error in creating a functor. |
dueca-4.2.0/ddfflog/DDFFLogger.cxx | 664 | W_XTR | DUECA ddff | Unforeseen Input/Output error when interacting with an DDFF log file. Check your disk sanity. Are you trying to log over NFS? |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCapacityLogExtra.cxx | 68 | W_NET | DUECA network | The channel entry label for a network capacity message cannot be decoded. Internal DUECA error, or someone is using the channel for messages that are not related to network capacity. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 112 | E_NET | DUECA network | It is not possible to send configuration information from this network peer. Increase the size of the configuration buffers. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 134 | W_NET | DUECA network | Master url needs to be supplie |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 152 | W_NET | DUECA network | It was not possible to create a websocket connection to the communication master. Check network address, settings and connectivity |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 213 | W_NET | DUECA network | Received a timeout on data communication. This may be a transient failure, but if this happens frequently, consider adjusting the data rate and/or the timeout times, or check the network. Note that in general peers can use long timeout values; the master is responsible for detecting missing peers and missing cycles, and re-initiating the communication. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 267 | W_NET | DUECA network | A really small, possibly spurious message was received from a peer. If this happens regularly, it might indicate a bug in the DUECA network code. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 284 | W_NET | DUECA network | A checksum failure on the data in a message. This should not occur. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 296 | W_NET | DUECA network | Rogue message came through! Old DUECA's interfering? Second DUECA process running? |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 357 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on removing a peer from the list of peers, possible in communication where peers can leave. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 378 | W_NET | DUECA network | Received too many messages in a communication cycle. Should happen only sporadically, e.g., after recovering from a network error or when peers leave in unexpected fashion. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 393 | W_NET | DUECA network | Received too few messages in a communication cycle. Should happen only sporadically, typically due to a network error or when a peer unexpectedly leaves. The return message to the master will include a request for repeat of the cycle. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 402 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on peer status after repeat. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 421 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on recovery logic |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 430 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on recovery logic |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 467 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information message, this node will enter communication at the specified cycle. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 508 | W_NET | DUECA network | Information message, a peer will be added at the specified cycle. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 531 | W_NET | DUECA network | A message from this peer at the given cycle has already been processed, and will now be ignored. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 544 | E_NET | DUECA network | Cannot follow the changes in peer/master cycles, message ignored. @todo fix, this can easily happen with stuck messages |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 560 | E_NET | DUECA network | Cannot decode the data in a given UDP message. Might indicate a significant failure, or different DUECA / software version between the other peer and this node. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 597 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information that the connection will be broken as planned |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 655 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on peer number supplied by master. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 665 | W_NET | DUECA network | If my assumption is correct, you supplied an overide for the data url. This is generally only needed when the master is located on a network with network address translation. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 679 | W_NET | DUECA network | The own interface address was not explicitly configured, and an interface address has been automatically detected by the network master. If this address is not correct, explicitly supply the network address of the interface that you want to use. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 693 | E_CNF | DUECA network | The present node and the master in the communication have incompatible timing configurations, adjust your configuratio |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorPeer.cxx | 784 | E_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected error, configuration command that could not be processed. Indicates data corruption or an error in DUECA programming |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetPeer.cxx | 174 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information that this peer is starting cyclic communication. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetPeer.cxx | 189 | W_NET | DUECA network | Tried to run a communication cycle, but could not make the websockets connection for start up. Will attempt to connect later |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetPeer.cxx | 208 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information that this peer is ending cyclic communication. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetPeer.cxx | 304 | E_NET | DUECA network | Failure to correctly decode the configuration sent by the master on start. Check that the DUECA versions are equal. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/gui/gtk4/NetUseOverviewGtk4.cxx | 79 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the network use GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/gui/gtk2/NetUseOverviewGtk2.cxx | 79 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the network use GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/gui/gtk3/NetUseOverviewGtk3.cxx | 79 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the network use GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 184 | I_NET | DUECA network | A node id list defining the order of transmission has not been supplied in the configuration. An automatic order will now be created. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 208 | E_CNF | DUECA network | The number of peer ID's need to match the number of nodes configured. Adjust your configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 237 | W_NET | DUECA network | Could not open /dev/random to get a random group magic number, beware of old DUECA processess potentially polluting communication. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 247 | W_NET | DUECA network | Could not read /dev/random to get a random group magic number, beware of old DUECA processess potentially polluting communication. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 302 | W_NET | DUECA network | Information on validating the channel token for sending timing and capacity data. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 351 | E_NET | DUECA network | A peer node claims configuration for a different number of DUECA nodes. Please match your dueca_cnf.py (or dueca.cnf) files |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 371 | W_NET | DUECA network | A configuration request has been received for a peer that is not included in the send list. The ID may have already been used. Check your configuration files, check that you are not starting mis-configured peers. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 386 | E_NET | DUECA network | Failed to decode a client's configuration message. Check that DUECA versions used are compatible |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 405 | W_NET | DUECA network | Rejecting a peer |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 413 | I_NET | DUECA network | Accepting a peer |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/DuecaNetMaster.cxx | 546 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on planned stop of the communication |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicator.cxx | 194 | E_NET | DUECA network | Error with message ID's in the received messages. Possibly due to network issues that may re-order messages |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicator.cxx | 243 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information message on recover attempts |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicator.cxx | 252 | E_NET | DUECA network | Unrecoverable error in the network protocol, unexpected numbers received in the recover phase. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicator.cxx | 283 | W_NET | DUECA network | Warning on recovery status in communication |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicator.cxx | 292 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information what message is being re-sent |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicator.cxx | 301 | E_NET | DUECA network | Unrecoverable error in message numbers. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 71 | E_NET | DUECA network | Cannot properly decode the udp connection URL, fix your dueca_cnf.py or dueca.cnf file |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 91 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information message on the peer's address and network port. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 109 | E_CNF | DUECA network | Could not interpret the URL for udp communication; the given address might not be correct, or the URL is not legal. Check your configuration and correct. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 129 | E_NET | DUECA network | Failed to get access to the network interfaces. Connection will fail |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 144 | E_NET | DUECA network | Failed to interpret the host interface address. Check your configuration. Connection will fail |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 168 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on which interface is used for UDP communication. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 179 | E_NET | DUECA network | The given host address is not found among the computer's interface addresses. Check your configuration, connection will fail |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 191 | W_NET | DUECA network | The own network interface address was not configured. This will work, as long as the default interface returned by the system is the correct one. Verify this if your DUECA processess cannot connect. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 221 | W_NET | DUECA network | Using an automatically selected interface address |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 237 | E_NET | DUECA network | Cannot find the netmask corresponding to the given or automatically selected host interface. Connection will fail. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 267 | E_NET | DUECA network | Failed to get the address information on a given UDP peer. Check that the address is correct |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 312 | W_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected failure to open an UDP socket. Check permissions and network. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 326 | W_NET | DUECA network | It was not possible to add broadcast capability to the sending socket. Check permissions and interface capabilities. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 347 | W_NET | DUECA network | It was not possible to add multicast capability to the sending socket. Check permissions and interface capabilities. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 361 | W_NET | DUECA network | Cannot set the socket priority. Non-fatal. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 378 | W_NET | DUECA network | Cannot set the TOS (Type/Quality of Service) for the socket to lowdelay. Not fatal. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 399 | W_NET | DUECA network | Could not bind the sending UDP socket to the specified source address. Will next attempt to bind to *any* source address. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 409 | E_NET | DUECA network | Could not bind the sending UDP socket to *any* source address. This means the connection will fail. Check networking and permissions. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 443 | I_CNF | DUECA network | Information message that receive socket re-use is selected. Configure this only for multiple DUECA nodes on a single computer, otherwise do not enable re-use |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 453 | W_NET | DUECA network | It was not possible to configure re-use on the receive socket. Will continue attempting to communicate, note that this will fail if multiple DUECA processes on the same computer need to read from this same socket |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 473 | W_NET | DUECA network | Failed to join the multicast group for the reading socket. Check permissions and network configuration. Connection will fail. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 484 | W_NET | DUECA network | Failed to bind the UDP reception socket. Check permissions and network configuration. Connection will fail. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 493 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on the opened UDP socket connection |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 518 | W_NET | DUECA network | Failed to unset the multicast capability from the socket |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 530 | W_NET | DUECA network | Failed to leave the multicast group |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 540 | W_NET | DUECA network | Failed to unset the broadcast capability from the socket |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 618 | W_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected run-time receive error on UDP data, while trying to flush old messages, check the network |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 670 | W_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected run-time receive error on UDP data, check the network |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 696 | E_NET | DUECA network | Multiple UDP senders are using the same send ID. This may indicate multiple DUECA processes using the same network address, or leftover nodes from an old run continuing to send. Check the network traffic, clear old nodes, or change to another UDP network address. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/UDPSocketCommunicator.cxx | 705 | I_NET | DUECA network | Indication that a first message from a specific peer has been received |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 123 | E_INT | DUECA network | Trying to flush data to the configuration connection, but store is empty. Indicates a problem with big objects being sent? |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 139 | W_NET | DUECA network | Config url needs to be supplie |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 238 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on a new connecting peer |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 302 | E_NET | DUECA network | Cannot send the configuration data to the peer, because it is too large for the configuration buffer. Check that the peer welcome message is not larger than the buffer. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 310 | W_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected error in setting up the connection with a new peer |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 343 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on changes in the send order |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 350 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on changes in the send order |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 389 | W_NET | DUECA network | A peer has disappeared from the list of sending peers |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 429 | W_NET | DUECA network | The communication with a given peer has an error. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 464 | W_NET | DUECA network | Client code rejected a peer attempting to join. Check your configuration, and check your network for spurious messages |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 515 | W_NET | DUECA network | A sudden disconnect by a peer is detected. The communication chain will be reconfigured to skip the peer. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 553 | E_NET | DUECA network | A message to be packed for the peer configuration is too large to fit in the communication buffer |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 614 | W_NET | DUECA network | There is a timeout in a communication cycle. This may be due to a temporary network failure, or to a peer dropping out of the conversation. The master timeout should be short enough to enable a quick recovery after a missed message, but if many timeouts occur, consider increasing the timeout value and possibly the cycle interval |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 638 | W_NET | DUECA network | Very small message received from a peer. Check that the DUECA versions are compatible, and check for interfering communication |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 677 | W_NET | DUECA network | Information message on a peer that no-longer responds and will be deleted from the cycle. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 745 | W_NET | DUECA network | Very small message received from a peer. Check that the DUECA versions are compatible, and check for interfering communication |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 762 | W_NET | DUECA network | A checksum failure on the data in a message. This should not occur. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 774 | W_NET | DUECA network | Rogue message came through! Old DUECA's interfering? Second DUECA process running? |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 810 | I_NET | DUECA network | Minor start problem with a peer, starting at a cycle not commanded. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 828 | I_NET | DUECA network | The message from the indicated peer has already been processed. This can happen when a message cycle had to be repeated |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 839 | E_NET | DUECA network | Cannot follow the changes in peer/master cycles, message ignored. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 861 | W_NET | DUECA network | One of the peers requested a repeat on a message cycle, most likely due to missing/incomplete on the cycle before that. Recovery code will be entered, in which the requested cycle will be repeated until confirmed by all peers. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 873 | W_NET | DUECA network | Received a message that did not exactly match the requested cycle |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 885 | W_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected failure in decoding data from one of the peers. Verify that the DUECA versions are identical |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 899 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on a new peer joining. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 909 | I_NET | DUECA network | Information on a new peer leaving. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 920 | I_NET | DUECA network | A new peer requesting joining has been authorized. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 943 | W_NET | DUECA network | A network peer requested to leave |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 997 | W_NET | DUECA network | A peer dueca process reports a different DUECA version than what is running here. Please update all DUECA nodes to the same version. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetCommunicatorMaster.cxx | 1020 | E_NET | DUECA network | Unknown configuration request from a given peer. Check that the DUECA versions used are compatible. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 110 | E_CNF | DUECA network | When configuring a websocket connection, it was not possible to determine the configuration from the given URL. Correct your config files |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 128 | E_NET | DUECA network | Could not open the server endpoint, because the connection already exists. Check which other processes might be using this connection |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 151 | W_NET | DUECA network | Unforeseen websocket server error on the configuration master. See the message. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 160 | E_NET | DUECA network | When trying to find the cause of an unforeseen websocket server error, the connection corresponding to this message could not be found. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 186 | W_NET | DUECA network | A client is closing, the status message and reason are given |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 195 | E_NET | DUECA network | When trying to find the client causing a close event, the corresponding connection could not be found. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 224 | E_NET | DUECA network | Received a message, but cannot find the peer that corresponds to this message in the set of connections. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 353 | E_NET | DUECA network | When trying to receive and process configuration messages and connections, an unexpected error occurred. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 402 | E_CNF | DUECA network | When configuring a websocket connection, it was not possible to determine the configuration from the given URL. Correct your config files |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 414 | E_NET | DUECA network | You are attempting to use websockets for configuration communication and for data communication. In that case the host name and port should be identical, and the only difference should be the URL endpoint. Correct your config files. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 435 | E_NET | DUECA network | Could not open the server endpoint, because the connection already exists. Check which other processes might be using this connection |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 455 | W_NET | DUECA network | Unforeseen websocket server error on the data master. See the message. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 464 | E_NET | DUECA network | When trying to find the cause of an unforeseen websocket server error, the connection corresponding to this message could not be found. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 479 | W_NET | DUECA network | A client is closing, the status message and reason are given |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 488 | E_NET | DUECA network | When trying to find the client causing a close event, the corresponding connection could not be found. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 506 | E_NET | DUECA network | Received a message, but cannot find the peer that corresponds to this message in the set of connections. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 624 | E_NET | DUECA network | When trying to receive and process data messages and connections, an unexpected error occurred. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 671 | W_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected error in peer client communication. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 681 | W_NET | DUECA network | A client is closing, the status message and reason are given |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 736 | W_NET | DUECA network | A data message was received from a peer/client, but the message size is too small to be valid. Caused by spurious communication, incompatible DUECA versions, or a DUECA programming error. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 787 | E_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected error in peer receiving messages |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 838 | E_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected error in trying to send a data message to the master |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 913 | E_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected error in sending a configuration message to the master. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 950 | E_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected error in processing connections and data by the peer in a check-up cycle. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/WebsockCommunicator.cxx | 979 | E_NET | DUECA network | Unexpected error in processing connections and data by the peer for the initial set-up. |
dueca-4.2.0/udpcom/NetTimingLogExtra.cxx | 54 | W_NET | DUECA status | Network use information is given in NetTimingLog messages. The entry label for these messages contains information on the condition with which this data is generated. Decoding that information failed, indicates an error in DUECA, or incorrect use of the timing information channel |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 260 | E_INT | DUECA interconnect | Unforeseen failure in creating a write token for the notice channel for peer connections. Check how other modules interacting with this channel have specified channel properties |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 281 | E_INT | DUECA interconnect | Unforeseen failure in creating a read token for the peer information channel. Check that this channel is being written to |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 303 | E_INT | DUECA interconnect | Unforeseen failure in creating a write token for the replicator information channel. Check how other modules interacting with this channel have specified channel properties |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 569 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on a local reading entry |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 634 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on a local writing entry |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 673 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on the removal of a local writing entry in a channel |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 717 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on a change in a locally watched channel |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 732 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on removing a local entered entry |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 802 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on adding a local entered entry |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 821 | W_INT | DUECA interconnect | There is an issue with removing a writer entry from a channel. Indicates a DUECA programming error |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 837 | E_INT | DUECA interconnect | Received a request that cannot be processed. Indicates a DUECA programming error |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorMaster.cxx | 847 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | A message with "client data" for the ChannelReplicator was received, but did not contain a complete set of data. The read buffer is reset, and decoding will be attempted again when more data becomes available. |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/PeerTiming.cxx | 91 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on the timing differences between this node and a peer node at initial connection |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/PeerTiming.cxx | 119 | D_INT | DUECA interconnect | The timing difference between this node and a peer has been increasing so much that a jump in translating data time is needed. The present node jumps forward |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/PeerTiming.cxx | 134 | D_INT | DUECA interconnect | The timing difference between this node and a peer has been increasing so much that a jump in translating data time is needed. The present node jumps backwards |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/EntryReader.cxx | 46 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on the creation of a new entry reader |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/EntryReader.cxx | 112 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on sending a time skip in received data |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/EntryReader.cxx | 132 | W_INT | DUECA interconnect | When packing channel data for sending to peer(s), a packing store full exception (dueca::AmorphStoreBoundary) was encountered. The data from the last channel to be packed will be held until the next communication opportunity. If this occurs frequently, try increasing the message size in the ChannelReplicatorMaster |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicator.cxx | 194 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | There is no more capacity in the send buffer, resetting a failed pack action. Will try to send the data in a new send cycle |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicator.cxx | 219 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | The given channel is not configured, discarding the received data |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicator.cxx | 231 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | There is no writer for this entry, discarding received data |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicator.cxx | 294 | E_INT | DUECA interconnect | There is a difference in definition of a DCO data class between the current node and a remote node. Fix the code, probably by running an update and recompile, and ensure the DCO definitions are identical |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicator.cxx | 306 | E_INT | DUECA interconnect | There is a difference in the definition of the DCO object for a parent class, between the current node and a remote node. Fix the code, probably by running an update and recompile, and ensure the DCO definitions are identical |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicator.cxx | 320 | E_INT | DUECA interconnect | The data class inheritance path is different for a DCO object class, probably due to code not matching between DUECA processes. Fix the code, probably by running an update and recompile, and ensure the DCO definitions and specifically parent classes are identical. |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/EntryWriter.cxx | 61 | E_INT | DUECA interconnect | Received a different magic number for a data class. This usually means that the data class differs between DUECA processes; align your dat |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/EntryWriter.cxx | 69 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on a new entrywriter |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/EntryWriter.cxx | 87 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on token validity for an entrywriter |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/EntryWriter.cxx | 128 | I_NET | DUECA interconnect | Timing translation is not yet possible for this message, discarding data |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 233 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Starting cyclic processing of message |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 245 | W_NET | DUECA interconnect | Tried to run a communication cycle, but could not make the websockets connection for start up. Will attempt to connect later |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 270 | W_NET | DUECA interconnect | Tried to run a communication cycle, but could not make the websockets connection for start up. Will attempt to connect later |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 342 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on read accessing an entry in a channel for replication |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 363 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on creating a new replicating writer in a channel |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 390 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on deleting new replicating writer in a channel |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 403 | E_INT | DUECA interconnect | Received a request that cannot be processed. Indicates a DUECA programming error |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 413 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | A message with "client data" for the ChannelReplicator was received, but did not contain a complete set of data. The read buffer is reset, and decoding will be attempted again when more data becomes available. |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 464 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on a local detected entr |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 507 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | Information on a locally disappeared entry |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 523 | W_INT | DUECA interconnect | A locally disappeared entry was scheduled to be read and replicated, but not yet configured. The reporting on its removal will be postponed |
dueca-4.2.0/inter/ChannelReplicatorPeer.cxx | 532 | I_INT | DUECA interconnect | A locally disappeared entry was not watched |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/jsonpacker.hxx | 104 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | For writing data as stream (dueca::Channel::Continuous), the client needs to supply a "tick" member in the JSON with two integer values for the time tick. Check/correct the configuration or your external client program. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/jsonpacker.hxx | 121 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | For writing data as stream (dueca::Channel::Continuous), the client needs to supply a "tick" member in the JSON with one integer value for the time tick. Check/correct the configuration or your external client program. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/jsonpacker.hxx | 138 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Error in interpreting the recurring JSON data for a "write-and-read" URL, it needs a member "data" with the to-be-written data. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/ConfigStorage.cxx | 205 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | A client entry is indicated as removed from the configuration storage channel, but the corresponding client cannot be found locally. Indicates a DUECA programming error. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/ConfigStorage.cxx | 269 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | The configuration storage is configured to not overwrite files, and a request came in with new data for a file. The request is skipped. Adjust the configuration or your external client program to prevent this from happening |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/ConfigStorage.cxx | 314 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Failed to read a requested file. Check file permissions or your external client program for asking for a non-existent file |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 341 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Configuration for a "current" URL is not complete. Check your configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 356 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Failed in an attempt to read the 4-th argument to the configuration for a "current" URL as an entry number. Check your configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 369 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | The requested URL location for a "current" url has already been configured. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 386 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Cannot open the channel entry for the requested "current" URL, check the set-up of your DUECA process, and whether the writing module for this channel has been successfully created. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 401 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Configuration for a "read" URL is not complete. Check your configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 418 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Failed in an attempt to read the 4-th argument to the configuration for a "read" URL as an entry number. Check your configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 431 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | The requested URL location for a "read" url has already been configured. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 449 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Cannot open the channel entry for the requested "read" URL, check the set-up of your DUECA process, and whether the writing module for this channel has been successfully created. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 464 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Configuration for an "info" URL is not complete. Check your configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 475 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | The requested URL location for an "info" url has already been configured. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 491 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Cannot open the information object for the requested "info" URL, check the set-up of your DUECA process, and whether the writing module for this channel has been successfully created. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 506 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Configuration for a "write" URL is not complete. Check your configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 517 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | The requested URL location for a "write" url has already been configured. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 534 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Cannot open the write entry for the requested "write" URL, check the set-up of your DUECA process. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 551 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Configuration for a "write" URL with preset is not complete. Check your configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 562 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | The requested URL location for a "write" url has already been configured. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 594 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Wrong keywords found in the setup of a writer with preset. Check your configuration files |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 613 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Cannot open the write entry for the requested "write" URL, check the set-up of your DUECA process. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 628 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Configuration for a "write-and-read" URL is not complete. Check your configuration file. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 639 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | The requested URL location for a "write-and-read" url has already been configured. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 660 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Wrong keywords found in the setup of a writer and reader. Check your configuration files. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 674 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Cannot create the requested set-up for a write-and-read connection. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 687 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | When configuring ssl connections, need a set of two files |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 702 | E_CNF | DUECA websockets | Supply two strings to add a new mime type. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.cxx | 782 | I_XTR | DUECA websockets | Running/polling the websocket IO took more than the specified interval. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/msgpackpacker.cxx | 149 | E_XTR | DUECA XML | Failure to serialize a part of DCO object to XML due to a bad any_cast |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/msgpackpacker.cxx | 157 | E_XTR | DUECA XML | Have no mapping to serialize a member of a DCO object of this datatype to XML. Use other datatypes in your DCO, or try to get the serialize expanded |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/msgpackpacker.cxx | 163 | E_XTR | DUECA XML | Generic failure to serialize a DCO object to XML |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/msgpackpacker.cxx | 300 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in converting a XML string to a DCO write. Cannot interpret the given variable type. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/msgpackpacker.cxx | 308 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in converting a XML string to a DCO write. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/msgpackpacker.cxx | 422 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Failing to match the structure received on a msgpack value to a target DCO structure. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/CommonChannelServer.cxx | 150 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | The channel read token for a "current" URL entry is not (yet) valid. Check your configuration and opening mode |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/CommonChannelServer.cxx | 232 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | The channel read token for a "read" URL entry is not (yet) valid. Check your configuration and opening mode |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/CommonChannelServer.cxx | 313 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Error in a send action, will remove the connection from the list of clients. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/CommonChannelServer.cxx | 529 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | The channel write token for a "write" URL entry is not (yet) valid. Check your configuration and opening mode. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/CommonChannelServer.cxx | 575 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Error in a send action for a "write" URL, will remove the connection from the list of clients. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/CommonChannelServer.cxx | 592 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Error in a send action for a "write" URL, will remove the connection from the list of clients. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/CommonChannelServer.cxx | 670 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Attempt to disconnect a connection to a preset (pre-configured and connected) write url failed. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/CommonChannelServer.cxx | 842 | W_XTR | DUECA websock | Attempt to connect a write-read entry to a second channel entry with the given label. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/CommonChannelServer.cxx | 897 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Error in a send action for a "write-and-read" URL, will remove the connection from the list of clients. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/CommonChannelServer.cxx | 913 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Error in a send action for a "write-and-read" URL, will remove the connection from the list of clients |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 96 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | An error occured in attempting to send a requested file data in 64K chunks, as answer to an HTTP request. File sending is incomplete. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 145 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | The http server cannot determine this mime type |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 168 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in the HTTP static file server |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 193 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in the "configuration" URL connection. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 289 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in sending the configuration information |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 305 | I_XTR | DUECA websockets | Information on the closing of the connection of a client with the configuration URL |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 329 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Cannot find the connection entry for a message to the "current" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 353 | D_XTR | DUECA websockets | There is no current data on the requested stream. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 367 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in sending a message to a client for the "current" URL |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 379 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in the "current" URL connection. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 400 | I_XTR | DUECA websockets | Information on the closing of the connection of a client with a "current" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 414 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Programming error? Cannot find the connection corresponding to a close attempt on a "current" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 486 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in the "follow" URL connection. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 517 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Programming error? Cannot find the connection corresponding to a close attempt on a "read" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 528 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Programming error? Cannot remove the connection corresponding to a close attempt on a "read" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 601 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in an "info" URL connection |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 621 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Programming error? Cannot find the connection corresponding to a close attempt on an "info" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 631 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Programming error? Cannot remove the connection corresponding to a close attempt on an "info" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 654 | I_XTR | DUECA websockets | Information on an additional client on an "info" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 668 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in a "write" URL connection |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 687 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | For a writing url, only one writer can be present. The configured writing entry is already in use |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 706 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | there is no endpoint here |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 725 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Warning about a new connection taking over from an existing connection for a preset write entry. You might have started an external program twice, you may ignore the warning if this simply replaces a connection with a crashed, now defunct program. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 737 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Trying to replace and remove an existing connection to a preset write entry, but the old connection cannot be found |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 749 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | There is already a connection here. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 828 | I_XTR | DUECA websockets | Information on the closing of the connection of a client with a "write" URL |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 845 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Programming error? Cannot find the connection corresponding to a close attempt on a "write" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 858 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Unexpected error in a "write-and-read" URL connection |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 874 | I_XTR | DUECA websockets | Information on opening a write and read connection at the given endpoint. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 919 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Error in attempting to read data from a "write-and-read" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 934 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | There is data coming in on a "write-and-read" url, while the configuration is not yet complete. Check your external client; wait with sending further data until an information message with configuration has arrived. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 953 | I_XTR | DUECA websockets | Information on the requested writing data type specified by the client on this write-and-read endpoint. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 979 | E_XTR | DUECA websockets | Programming error? Cannot find the connection corresponding to a close attempt on a "write-and-read" URL. |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 987 | I_XTR | DUECA websockets | Information on the closing of the connection of a client with a "write-and-read" URL |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 1201 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Failed to decode a DCO object from the received JSON string. Check the correspondence between the DCO object and the external program |
dueca-4.2.0/websock/WebSocketsServer.ixx | 1233 | W_XTR | DUECA websockets | Failed to decode an object of the given dataclass from the JSON string received. Check the correspondence between your (external) program and the DUECA object definitions |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/SimulationModule.cxx | 89 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | The getAndCheckState method is called with a time specification that does not connect to the previous invocation. This can happen when getAndCheckState is called from multiple activities. Make one activity the main activity that interacts with getAndCheckState, and use getCurrentState from the other activities |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/SimulationModule.cxx | 119 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | There is more than one state change waiting for this module. This may happen if the getAndCheckState method is invoked too infrequently |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/SimulationModule.cxx | 181 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | The snapshot preparation command arrived too late. If this happens regularly, increase the lead time for entity commands, see the Environment configuration options. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/SimulationModule.cxx | 202 | W_STS | DUSIME system | Unknown command. This should not happen, may be due to data corruption or DUECA/DUSIME internal programming error |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/ReplayMaster.cxx | 170 | W_MOD | DUSIME replay&initial | Replay is invoked, but not prepared. This glitch should not be possibl |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/ReplayMaster.cxx | 221 | W_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Unexpected failure. Please repor |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/ReplayMaster.cxx | 395 | E_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Unexpected failure. Please report |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/ReplayMaster.cxx | 494 | W_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Reports on available replay data from different nodes do not match; generally, data should be tagged with the same label, and time within 10 seconds of each other |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk4/SnapshotInventoryGtk4.cxx | 191 | E_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Specify the entity to be managed in the part name |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk4/SnapshotInventoryGtk4.cxx | 244 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the initial state view GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk4/SnapshotInventoryGtk4.cxx | 398 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Window setting needs 2 (for size) or 4 (also location) arguments |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk4/DusimeControllerGtk.cxx | 76 | E_CNF | DUSIME UI | Cannot find gui buttons in GTK window code, check that you have a proper glade / GtkBuilder file specified for the main DUECA windo |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk4/GtkTrimView.cxx | 85 | W_TRM | DUSIME UI | The trim view module for DUECA requires access to the generic DUECA view. Modify your configuration |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk4/ReplayMasterGtk4.cxx | 151 | E_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | You did not specify an entity in the part labe |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk4/ReplayMasterGtk4.cxx | 329 | E_CNF | DUSIME replay&initial | Cannot find the glade file defining the replay control GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk4/ReplayMasterGtk4.cxx | 339 | W_MOD | DUSIME replay&initial | The advance mode cannot be controlled programmatically. Look in the options for your DUSIME module to enable this |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk4/ReplayMasterGtk4.cxx | 398 | I_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Information on the suffix used for the recording files. Note that multiple nodes will write these file |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk4/ReplayMasterGtk4.cxx | 572 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Window setting needs 2 (for size) or 4 (also location) arguments |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk2/DusimeControllerGtk.cxx | 80 | E_CNF | DUSIME UI | Cannot find gui buttons in GTK window code, check that you have a proper glade / GtkBuilder file specified for the main DUECA windo |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk2/GtkTrimView.cxx | 89 | W_CNF | DUSIME UI | The trim view module for DUECA requires access to the generic DUECA view. Modify your configuration |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk3/SnapshotInventoryGtk3.cxx | 147 | E_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Specify the entity to be managed in the part name |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk3/SnapshotInventoryGtk3.cxx | 184 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Cannot find the glade file defining the initial state view GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk3/SnapshotInventoryGtk3.cxx | 394 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Window setting needs 2 (for size) or 4 (also location) arguments |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk3/DusimeControllerGtk.cxx | 80 | E_CNF | DUSIME UI | Cannot find gui buttons in GTK window code, check that you have a proper glade / GtkBuilder file specified for the main DUECA windo |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk3/GtkTrimView.cxx | 89 | W_TRM | DUSIME UI | The trim view module for DUECA requires access to the generic DUECA view. Modify your configuration |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk3/ReplayMasterGtk3.cxx | 140 | E_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | You did not specify an entity in the part labe |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk3/ReplayMasterGtk3.cxx | 305 | E_CNF | DUSIME replay&initial | Cannot find the glade file defining the replay control GUI. Check DUECA installation and paths. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk3/ReplayMasterGtk3.cxx | 315 | W_MOD | DUSIME replay&initial | The advance mode cannot be controlled programmatically. Look in the options for your DUSIME module to enable this |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk3/ReplayMasterGtk3.cxx | 393 | I_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Information on the suffix used for the recording files. Note that multiple nodes will write these file |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/gui/gtk3/ReplayMasterGtk3.cxx | 538 | E_CNF | DUECA UI | Window setting needs 2 (for size) or 4 (also location) arguments |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/HardwareModule.cxx | 90 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | The getAndCheckState method is called with a time specification that does not connect to the previous invocation. This can happen when getAndCheckState is called from multiple activities. Make one activity the main activity that interacts with getAndCheckState, and use getCurrentState from the other activities |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/HardwareModule.cxx | 130 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | The planned state change for this hardware module is not consistent with the state logic. Indicates a programming error in the DUSIME state logic control, or a communication failure |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/HardwareModule.cxx | 147 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | There is more than one state change waiting for this module. This may happen if the getAndCheckState method is invoked too infrequently |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/HardwareModule.cxx | 220 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | The snapshot preparation command arrived too late. If this happens regularly, increase the lead time for entity commands, see the Environment configuration options. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/HardwareModule.cxx | 239 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | Unknown command. This should not happen, may be due to data corruption or DUECA/DUSIME internal programming error |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeModule.cxx | 143 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | Snapshot channel token is not valid, cannot read the snapshot channel. Check the configuration, and check that the channel is being written |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeModule.cxx | 156 | I_MOD | DUSIME system | This snapshot is for another module, ignored |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeModule.cxx | 169 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | Unforeseen error in reading a snapshot |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeModule.cxx | 202 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | Channel token for writing inco specification is not valid, check the channel configuration |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeModule.cxx | 236 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | Received a trim command that exceeds the inco table, probably an error in DUSIME trim code |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeModule.cxx | 280 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | Channel token for initial condition feedback is not valid. Check that all required trim modules are active |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeModule.cxx | 304 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | fillSnapshot function is not overloaded, not sending data |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeModule.cxx | 318 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | loadSnapshot function is not overloaded, not interpreting snapshot data |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeModule.cxx | 335 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | Inco table missing for this module, cannot do trim calculations |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeModule.cxx | 348 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | Trim calculation function not implemented for this module, cannot do trim calculations |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/ReplayFiler.cxx | 240 | E_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Exception in replay filer. Unknown cause, please report |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/TrimId.cxx | 175 | W_STS | DUSIME Trim | The current trim ID was already entered, indicates an error in the trim table |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/RTWModule.cxx | 71 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | Received a snapshot with invalid xml. Fix the file with the snapshot |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/RTWModule.cxx | 84 | I_MOD | DUSIME system | Information message, Received a snapshot but for another module |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/RTWModule.cxx | 120 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | Snapshot write token not valid, cannot send snapshot, discarding it |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/RTWModule.cxx | 160 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | The fillXmlSnapshot method has not been overridden, no data being sen |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/RTWModule.cxx | 171 | W_MOD | DUSIME system | The loadXmlSnapshot method has not been overridden, snapshot data ignored |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/IncoCalculator.cxx | 234 | W_TRM | DUSIME system | Trim calculation is in progress, cannot start a new calculation at this time, command is ignored |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/IncoCalculator.cxx | 255 | W_TRM | DUSIME system | The requested trim mode is not properly configured for trim calculation |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeController.cxx | 144 | E_CNF | DUSIME system | The minimum control interval must be larger than 0 |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeController.cxx | 205 | W_STS | DUSIME system | Unforeseen problem when processing status confirmation messages |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeController.cxx | 234 | I_STS | DUSIME system | The next state change is not planned yet, holding off on updating interface state. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeController.cxx | 268 | I_STS | DUSIME system | Commanding the model to Inactive state. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeController.cxx | 311 | W_STS | DUSIME system | State change request coming in too early, still busy on previous change, ignoring the request. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeController.cxx | 322 | W_STS | DUSIME system | At this point, modules are not running and a DUSIME state change is not possible, ignoring the requested change. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeController.cxx | 375 | W_STS | DUSIME system | Unexpected request for state change. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeController.cxx | 389 | W_STS | DUSIME system | This state change request is incompatible with the current state, ignoring it. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeController.cxx | 447 | W_STS | DUSIME system | Automatic/programmatic transition to advance needs to be explicitly enabled in the DUSIME module, but it is blocked now. Ignoring the requested change to advance. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/DusimeController.cxx | 459 | W_STS | DUSIME system | Unforeseen problem in state change logic. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/SnapshotInventory.cxx | 215 | E_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Problem handling an incoming snapsho |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/SnapshotInventory.cxx | 242 | W_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Not able to follow DUSIME command change. Please report |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/SnapshotInventory.cxx | 302 | W_MOD | DUSIME replay&initial | Trying to read a file with initial (snapshot) states. This file should be in TOML format, most likely either the file is not readable, or there is a format error. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/SnapshotInventory.cxx | 328 | W_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | An error occurred when trying to write a file with updated/ added initial (snapshot) states. Check the message, see whether file or folder is writable. |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/SnapshotInventory.cxx | 360 | W_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Cannot find the given selected initials to sen |
dueca-4.2.0/dusime/SnapshotInventory.cxx | 384 | W_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Cannot find the given selected initials to sen |
dueca-4.2.0/ddff/DDFFDataRecorder.hxx | 352 | W_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Recording start is not aligned with data time spans; adjust your intervals when starting the Environment |
dueca-4.2.0/ddff/DDFFDataRecorder.cxx | 126 | W_MOD | DUSIME replay&initial | Cannot find the filer for this DataRecorder. Has it been created in this node? |
dueca-4.2.0/ddff/DDFFDataRecorder.cxx | 157 | W_CNF | DUSIME replay&initial | A DataRecorder needs both entity and key defined. One or both are empty. |
dueca-4.2.0/ddff/DDFFDataRecorder.cxx | 167 | E_CNF | DUSIME replay&initial | Replay filer has not been found? |
dueca-4.2.0/ddff/DDFFDataRecorder.cxx | 209 | W_MOD | DUSIME replay&initial | Attempt to connect a DataRecorder to a filer, but the associated filer cannot (yet) be found is is not yet complete. Check your configuration if this persists. |
dueca-4.2.0/ddff/DDFFDataRecorder.cxx | 247 | W_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Recording start is not aligned with data time spans; adjust your intervals when starting the Environment |
dueca-4.2.0/ddff/FileHandler.cxx | 386 | W_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Logic error in the program, a read file handler is released twice |
dueca-4.2.0/ddff/FileWithSegments.cxx | 163 | E_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | Tag information in a segmented file cannot be read. Is the file corrupt, or recorded in a different mode |
dueca-4.2.0/ddff/FileWithSegments.cxx | 195 | E_XTR | DUSIME replay&initial | The new stream_id for a recorder does not match the current configuration. |