This page is intended as a help for people who have little or no knowledge of C++. In my view, one does not have to be a full-fledged C++ programmer to be able to use DUECA, for example some people would generate code from a Simulink model and only want to link that. Such a job can be done without much prior knowledge of C++, by looking at examples and modifying these. Some of the C++ techniques and concepts you need to understand are explained in this page.
C++ is a language that has been designed for object-oriented programming. OO programming is centered around (data) objects, possibly complex pieces of data, that also have their own functions (sometimes called methods) to deal with the data. C++ uses a class, which can contain data, consisting of simple types such as real and integer objects, or of other classes, and methods, the functions to do something useful with the data. Two special types of methods are the "constructor" and the "destructor".
With the constructor, you can make a new instance (a new one) of the MyClass object. If you write somewhere in the program:
The MyClass constructor gets called. Several constructors may be defined, and since in the first example you did not give a parameter, the first one (the "default constructor") is chosen. When the constructed objects are no longer needed, the destructor is called. By the way, there is only one destructor.
The constructor should contain code to correctly initialise the data in your class, but it is not limited to doing only this. DUECA often uses constructors with side effects, e.g. when making a channel access token, (EventChannelReadToken, EventChannelWriteToken, StreamChannelReadToken, StreamChannelWriteToken), the constructor informs DUECA about your wishes to use a channel.
In C++ (and other object-oriented languages) the concept of a "Class" is often used. One can see a class as a user-definable data type, and along with the type one can define operations that can be executed on the data. For example:
This example describes a new class, (you can also see this as a new data type), "Person". You can make an object of type person by "calling the constructor", for example this (a piece of code somewhere else in your program) makes a new person:
Now "j" is an object of type Person, just like the "i" in the example is an object of type int. Two integers can be added together, two persons can not (at least we have not defined how). You can use all the "public" (which means, available to the general public) member functions to get to know more things about Person j. Here we will print out whether j has his birthday today. This uses the output functions from the standard template library, the standard library in C++, for example 'cout << "Sorry"' means print the string "Sorry" on the standard output.
Two "methods" are defined in the above example, celebratesBirthday() and getPersonName(). The methods are like functions, and they can access the data of a Person object. Note that the data of a Person object as it is defined here is "private", which means that only the methods of the person object can modify or access that data directly. The methods getPersonName(), celebratesBirthday() and the constructor and destructor (two special methods, one makes a new Person, the other "destroys" the Person) are declared "public", any code can use these.
Often it is useful to build forth upon the foundations of an existing class. For the example above, we might want to have a class "Student". The student should have all the properties of a "Person", but in addition a student number (and possibly other properties, but this example has to be kept simple). This is done in the following way:
To code that does not know anything about the "Student" class, the Student objects behave just like Person objects. So you can check a Student's birthday with the same code that checks a Person's birthday. In other words, a Student is everything a Person is, and more.
In the same way simulation-specific modules are derived from the SimulationModule class defined by DUSIME. To DUSIME and DUECA, your new class acts like a SimulationModule, and DUSIME knows how to handle those. An additional advantage is that the SimulationModule class contains code for useful things, such as taking a snapshot, and running in line with the rest of the simulation, that your newly-defined class automatically inherits.
At some point in your programming career, you will find yourself copying old code and only slightly adapting it for use in a new situation. For example you have a list of something, and in this list you have to find the first element, the last element, you need to sort the list, or you want to add an element to the list. Then you need a list of SomethingElse, and you take your old list code, and basically change all text that says "something" into "SomethingElse".
To make all this a bit quicker, templates have been invented. A template class simply implements a generic action, such as maintaining a list, or, in DUECA, accessing a channel, that can be done on different types of objects. The object type is given as a template parameter to the template class. For example MyList:
Now if you need a list of integers, or a list of spaceplanes:
Etcetera. Then you can use the insertAtBegin() and other methods defined for the list template class as you desire. There is one caveat. This list class is given here as an example. Lists, vectors and other common data types are used so often, and by so many programs, that there is a standard library for these objects, the STL. Unless you have really, really strong reasons, don't invent a list class by yourself, use the standard.
In a DUSIME module you will often see a few static members, at least the "classname" data member and normally a getMyIncoTable and getMyParameterTable member function.
Static members of a class are not to be confused with the static keyword used in C/C++, for example, if you have in your file:
Means that you have created an integer ii that can only be referenced from the file where it is declared. Static class members are not limited to the file where they are declared or implemented. A static member of a class means:
For a data member, that this data member is shared between all objects of that class. So in a DUSIME module, there is only one "classname". A data member has to have an implementation, so for example for the classname of MyModule, you would have in its .cxx file:
For a function member, that this function member does not need an object of the class in its call. The following is possible (taking getMyIncoTable() as an example):
You can also have static variables in a (member) function. For example in the getMyIncoTable() function:
Here the variable inco_table is a static variable. This means that the MyModule::getMyIncoTable() (static) method will only once create inco_table, however many times it is called, and that inco_table will remain in memory. That is also why we can return a pointer to inco_table, without the "static" keyword the inco_table would be made new every time the function is called, and it would be deleted again as the function exits.
Since a function like MyModule::getMyIncoTable() gets only called from the constructor of the MyModule class, we could have simply declared a static variable inco_table in the file with the MyModule implementation. However, this leads to undefined behaviour of the program. The rule for static variables in a file is that simple types and C-type strings are made at compile time, so they are in the program when you start it, but the creation order of all other, more complex, static variables, like the inco_table, is undefined. So if you use static variables in other static variables, as DUECA does, you might be using something that is not initialised. That is why all "complex" static data should be wrapped in functions. If the function returns, you are assured that the static data has been created.
Just to make things clear, Scheme is not (and is not related to) C++, but I had no better section to put this in. Scheme is a programming language which evolved from another programming language, LISP. LISP and Scheme were designed to provide symbol manipulation capabilities, needed for example for symbolic differentiation.
A Scheme version is available from www.gnu.org, in the form of a simple but powerful implementation, suitable as an "extension language". This version is used in DUECA. Soon after the start-up of DUECA, this scheme interpreter is started and fed with the configuration files. These configuration files actually contain a scheme program, and you can "program" the configuration. Some simple commands are:
(define a 10)
This defines the variable a to be equal to the literal value
(define (square x) (* x x))You see that all scheme commands are given in brackets. The define command takes two arguments, and in this second case these are two lists, one with the name of the thing to be defined and a formal parameter "(square x)", and one with the body of the procedure.
In a DUECA script, the define command is useful to create aliases for things you often need, for example:
(define normal-priority (make-priority-spec 1 0))
One much-used construct in the dueca.mod file is the "if" function. When you make a module, you want to make sure that it is unique, and that it exists in only one node of a multi-node dueca. Now all nodes get fed the same dueca.mod file, so there has to be some mechanism to determine where your new module is going to live. The if statement takes two to three parameters, and works in the following manner:
(if (some-test) (do-something) (do-something-else))
It executes the test, and if the result is true, it does the first statement after the test, and if false, it does the "something-else" statement. In a dueca.mod script it is used as follows:
(define myentity ; an entity (make-entity "MY-ENTITY" ; name for this entity (if (equal? 0 this-node-id) ; only in node 0 (list ; I make a list (make-module 'my-module "" normal-priority) ; with a new module in it ) ; close off the list () ; supply an empty list ; to all other nodes ; because the make-entity ; requires one or more lists ) ; close off the if ) ; close off make-entity ) ; close off the define
You may add as many if statements, returning lists of modules or empty lists, as you like.
This is about all you need with respect to writing a DUECA script in Scheme.