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Typical DUECA installation on Ubuntu

The simulation facilities operated by Control&Simulation at the Delft University of Technology, such as the SIMONA Research Simulation (SRS) and the Human Machine Interaction Laboratory (HMILab), currently use Ubuntu Linux distributions. Besides DUECA, these installations sometimes use several in-house developed, 3rd party commercial or publicly available software libraries. This page provides some hints on which libraries are typically used, and how to install them.

DUECA itself

The DUECA software is distributed through a number of packages, available for (currently) Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04:

Package Description
dueca2 Base DUECA package
dueca2-dusime DUSIME extension
dueca2-extra Various support, integration, etc.
dueca2-hdf HDF5 logging module and tools
dueca2-udp Network communication
dueca2-inter Multi-simulation connection
dueca2-websock Websocket communication

The websocket communication offers the possibility to export your DUECA data to web browsers. If you want to produce live plots with your data, you can use an additional package:

Package Description
dplotter Web code for live plots

If you find you need to install this software on Ubuntu, ensure you have configured the repository (see the README files on the dueca software server, and use the supplied dueca-xUbuntu_??.??.list file. Then issue the commands:

apt-get update
apt-get install dueca2 dueca2-dusime dueca2-extra \
                dueca2-hdf dueca2-udp dueca2-inter dueca2-websock

In case you miss one or more DUECA packages, the Makefile for a project together with the DUECA configuration scripts will try to tell you that one or more packages are missing. For example you get a message like:

/tmp/bin/dueca-config Some packages missing or with incomplete dependencies
/tmp/bin/dueca-config packages with problems: dueca-websock-py
/tmp/share/dueca/data/MakefileTail.app:17: *** dueca-config problem.  Stop.

DUECA uses the pkg-config program to indicate to the compilation system which components are present. Sometimes the package is missing completely, or there is something else wrong. Use pkg-config manually to get some more information. In this case, the problem was with the dueca-websock-py configuration, so try that:

$ pkg-config --libs dueca-websock-py
Package dueca-websock-py was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `dueca-websock-py.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable

In this case the dueca2-websock package simply has to be installed.

Control and Simulation custom software

Over the years, students and staff at Control and Simulation have created additional software, usually libraries, which is being used in a number of DUECA projects. These are also available from the abovementioned software repository. You need these in some cases when developing new modules, or when borrowing or using existing module and DUECA projects.

Package Description
airportdb Database facility for airport locations
airportdb-dev Development package airportdb
airportdb-data Data for airportdb
airportdb-doc Documentation
clodterrain Lightweight terrain viewer with CLOD
clodterrain-dev development package for clodterrain
clodterrain-doc Documentation
flightplan FMS/flightplan library
flightplan-dev Development package for flightplan
flightplan-dueca-dev DUECA connection for flightplan
flightplan-data Data for flightplan
flightplan-doc Documentation
hmilib Flight deck interface development
hmilib-dev Development package for hmilib
hmilib-dueca2 DUECA connection for hmilib
hmilib-ftgl FreeType font for hmilib
hmilib-glfont GL font for hmilib
hmilib-data Data for hmilib
hmilib-doc Documentation
sami Eurocontrol SAMI base package
libsami Eurocontrol's SAMI wrapper
libsami-dev Development files for libsami
libsami-data Data for sami
libsami-doc Documentation
srsfms Flight Management System base package
srsfms-fmc FMS Flight Management Computer library
srsfms-fmc-dev Development files for srsfms-fmc
srsfms-cdu FMS Command and Display Unit library
srsfms-cdu-dev Development files for srsfms-fmc
srsfms-cdu-gtk2 Gtk2 graphics library implementation of the CDU
srsfms-cdu-gtk3 Gtk3 graphics library implementation of the CDU
srsfms-cdu-serial Serial interface to CDU hardware
srsfms-common Common facility for srsfms
srsfms-common-dev Development files for srsfms-common
srsfms-data Data for srsfms
srsfms-doc Documentation

Generic libraries and packages

Several openly available libraries are useful tools in developing DUECA modules, and when using someone's existing project or borrowing a module you need these libraries installed.

You may find that compiling or linking a DUECA project fails when one of these libraries is missing. Usually you can see from the compiler errors that a header file is missing, and then guess (or try Google) to which library this file corresponds.

This section lists a common, but my no means exhaustive list of these libraries. Only the -dev packages are listed, note that the corresponding library packages will be automatically added when you install one of the -dev packages.

Package Description
libtinyxml-dev XML parsing and writing library
libtinyxml2-dev XML parsing and writing library (v2, both can be installed in parallel)
libpugixml-dev XML parsing and writing library
libopenal-dev 3D audio library
libalut-dev 3D audio support library
mtl-dev Math Template Library (older version, do not use on new projects)
libeigen3-dev Linear algebra library. Is installed by default when installing DUECA
libsdl2-dev Media/device library, often needed for joystick IO
libopencv-dev Computer vision library
freeglut3-dev GL support library
libmatio-dev Matlab file writing/reading, do not use on new projects.

Support files for code generated from Simulink diagrams

It is possible to take most Simulink models, and use the Matlab coder to generate C code from these models. DUECA offers modules with templates for embedding and calling these C code models. To complete this, an appropriate library needs to be linked with DUECA.

Package Description
librtw70-dev RealTimeWorkshop version 7.0
librtw76-dev RealTimeWorkshop version 7.6
librtw81-dev RealTimeWorkshop version 8.1
librtw83-dev RealTimeWorkshop version 8.3
librtw88-dev RealTimeWorkshop version 8.8
librtw8-13-dev RealTimeWorkshop version 8.13
librtw9-0-dev RealTimeWorkshop version 9.0
librtw9-2-dev RealTimeWorkshop version 9.2

Inspect the version in the generated code, and link the appropriate library, by adding an --rtwv... (see the dueca-config script for the available versions) to DCOMPONENTS in the main Makefile.

Note that even older versions of Matlab/Simulink generated code are also still supported. However, you should obviously avoid these. When developing a project for the SIMONA simulator, ask which Simulink version is currently used by the motion filters. To ensure that people will later still be able to run your project, please add the simulink model, any supporting Matlab m scripts (e.g., for setting parameters and trimming) to the version controlled software in your project.

3D view scene graph libraries

To show out-of-the-window views, scene graph libraries are often used. These are often quite complex and extensive; a "scene graph" is a logical tree with objects that can be visualized, often at the hand of 3D files created with software like Blender or Maya. The WorldView module that is used in a number of DUECA project can use a number of these scene graph libraries to create an outside scene with stationary and moving objects.

Commonly used scene graph libraries are:

Package Description
libogre-1.9-dev OGRE library
ogre-media Pack of commonly used media files for OGRE
openscenegraph OpenSceneGraph library
libopenscenegraph-dev Development files for OpenSceneGraph
libosgearth-dev Earth extension for OpenSceneGraph
libplib-dev A very simple scene graph library
libirrlicht-dev IrrLicht scene graph library
flightgear Not a scene graph, but flight simulator, sometimes used as backend for the graphics

Commonly used generic modules

A number of DUECA components or modules are re-used in many projects. These are general enough to be used and re-used without modifications to the C++ code, and they are often highly configurable through the startup script.

Module Description
FlexiStick/flexi-stick Programmable joystick interface
SRSMotion/motion-limiter Motion limiter for the SRS
SRSMotion/motion-viewer 3D view of the motion system
SRSMotion/simple-motion-logger Simple log for the motion system
Generic/multi-stick Another joystick interface, simpler than flexi-stick, but less capable
HMILabHardware/PedalsIO IO for car pedals in the lab
HMILabHardware/SteeringWheelIO IO for steering wheel
UDPSlave/udp-reader UDP network message receiver
UDPSlave/udp-writer UDP network message sender
HeliControls/CyclicCollectiveController Control interface to helicopter controls
WorldView/WorldView Main module for 3D visualisation
WorldView/HMILabViewFiles Datafiles and scripts for HMI lab visualization
WorldView/OgreViewer OGRE interface for 3D visualisation
WorldView/OSGViewer OpenSceneGraph interface for 3D visualisation
WorldView/PlibViewer Plib interface for 3D visualisation
WorldView/SpecificationBase Support file for 3D visualisation
WorldView/FlightGearViewer Interface to communication with FlightGear
WorldListener/WorldListener Main module for 3D sound generation
WorldListener/OpenALListener OpenAL interface for 3D sound

Communication with hardware and IO

In the SRS, the HMIlab and the PHLAB laboratory, a number of computers interface with hardware devices. A number of libraries are used for this interfacing. Note that these will be installed on the computers that need them, typically there will be no special hardware to interface with on your development computer.

Package Description
dd42992 Interfacing for a DDC ARINC card
dd42992-dkms Kernel module code for ARINC card
libdd42992-dev Development library for ARINC card
libdd42992 Library for ARINC card
ethercat Interfacing with EtherCAT stacks
libethercat-dev Development library for EtherCAT
libethercat1 Library for ethercat
libsynchro-dev Development library for synchro card
libsynchro Library for DDC synchro card
sb3624x-dkms Kernel module for DDC synchro card
sb3624x Software for DDC synchro card
mxser Tools for MOXA serial card
mxser-dkms Kernel module for MOXA serial card