No Matches
Coding policies support and enforcement

DUECA policy support can detect code patterns and suggest or implement improvements in projects.


DUECA projects can use parts of other DUECA projects. This promotes code re-use, and modular design. However, project interdependency can also grow in uncontrolled ways, resulting in odd connections where parts of obsolete projects (DCO files or modules) are being used. This became clear in the effort to transport DUECA code at Control and Simulation from a CVS repository to a more modern GIT repository.

Policy support is added to the new dueca-gproject project script for configuring git+cmake -based DUECA projects. Policies can specify changes to use DCO files from a better base project, substitute obsolete borrowed modules with more up-to-date and modern equivalents, replace certain old code patterns and the like. The support is aimed at keeping code across projects streamlined.


The dueca-gproject script, which provides support for DUECA projects that use GIT as a software repository, and CMAKE for the build configuration, has an option for policy checking and implementation. When run from within a project folder:

dueca-gproject policies

The code and configuration in the project folder is checked against configured policies. These policies are described in XML files; by default, policies can be installed in several locations:

  • The dueca-gproject policies command can be invoked with one or more --policiesurl arguments, to indicate the locations of policy files.
  • If no argument for policy is given, or the --include-default argument is given, the following default locations are searched:
    • In the user's home folder; ${HOME}/.config/dueca/policies.xml
    • Folders or URL's indicated in the the environment variable DUECA_POLICIES

      For users at Control and Simulation, the common policies are available through setting:



The policy checking system is expandable, so the capabilities might change in the future, but the following is roughly possible:

  • Check whether a project uses (either borrowed or 'own') a specific module.
  • Check whether a module uses a specific dco file.
  • Check for a certain pattern in files.
  • Specifically check that the .dco references in comm-objects.lst do not include the name of the "own" project, and similarly for USEMODULES references in CMakeLists.txt files.

These checks can be logically combined. For example, for streamlining the use of projects with common modules for outside visual (WorldView) and 3D audio (WorldListener), that use a set of common DCO files, all non-audio related DCO files should be defined in WorldView. A historic situation had evolved in which 3D motion would use a mix of DCO files – linked with inheritance – from both projects.

The policy checks for a project:

  • Whether it uses either WorldView or WorldListener
  • Whether it uses the old mixture of DCO files from both these projects.

A set of actions is defined which correct this situation:

  • DCO objects borrowed from WorldListener are now modified to DCO objects borrowed from WorldView
  • The implementation of this policy, and which files were modified, is recorded in the file policies.xml in the <projectdir>/.config folder.

Particularly for cases where many projects use an old, mistaken approach, it is advantageous to implement the checks and policies in policy files. Also when certain commonly-used modules or DCO files are given a new place, an accompanying policy may support updating the projects that used these modules or files.

Writing policies

A policy consists of three parts:

  • A description for the policy
  • A condition, or test, which, when it evaluates to true, indicates that the policy should be applied. The condition typically has by-products that can be used later, in the action stage, to implement changes to the files.
  • One or more actions that describe how files are to be modified for the implementation of the policy.

Note that "evaluates to true" is a complex concept here. Suppose you modified a dco file, so that it now inherits from second dco object. You need to add that second dco object to the comm-objects.lst files in all of the modules that use the first dco object. To do this, you would need to:

  • Figure out which comm-objects.lst file use your dco file, let's call it BaseProject/comm-objects/Venerable.dco
  • Figure out which comm-objects.lst files do not yet include the new parent, BaseProject/comm-objects/NewParent.dco
  • Combine that information, to find a list of comm-objects.lst files that need correcting.
  • Use the list to be corrected, and implement the changes.

To do this logic on lists, you can supply which variables are used to match two lists of information on dco files.

These policies are described in xml files. The main structure of the file is given as:

<policies xmlns="https://dueca.tudelft.nl"
          xsi:schemaLocation="https://dueca.tudelft.nl https://dueca.tudelft.nl/schemas/policies.xsd">
  <policy name="a name" id="a unique id">

A policy file may contain multiple policies. It also may contain include statements to import policies from other files, using the policyfile tag.

Here is an example of a condition:

<condition type="and">
  <param name="inputvar">
    <!-- These are two variables that contain the result of embedded
         policy tests -->
  <!-- for the resulting list produced by this "and" condition, we
       will use the filename data from the cmake_locations inputs.
       That means the combined result will contain the filenames of
       the cmake files, not from the files with the include statements -->
  <param name="result-filename">
  <!-- likewise for the indexes into the text indicating a match -->
  <param name="result-matches">
  <!-- combine the incoming lists (from grep-ing the cxx|hxx files for
       includes, and the CMakeLists.txt) on the module level, so form
       groups of files that are from the same module -->
  <param name="match">
  <!-- produce the result in include_spots. Should be a list indicating
       the CMakeLists.txt files in the filename, and indicating where to
       modify in matches -->
  <param name="resultvar">
  <!-- This excludes the CMakeLists.txt that already seem to have the
       modification -->
  <condition type="not">
    <param name="inputvar">
    <param name="outputvar">
    <!-- detect the right include -->
    <condition type="find-pattern">
      <param name="fileglob">
      <param name="pattern">
      <param name="outputvar">
  <!-- check all cxx and hxx files that include GenericMotionFilter -->
  <condition type="find-pattern">
    <param name="fileglob">
    <param name="pattern">
      #include "GenericMotionFilter\.hxx"
    <!-- result in "files_that_include" -->
    <param name="resultvar">
  <!-- find where the USEMODULES word is -->
  <condition type="find-pattern">
    <param name="fileglob">
    <param name="pattern">
      \n[ \t]*USEMODULES[^\n]*\n
    <param name="resultvar">

As you can see, it is a compound "and" condition. Parameters control the behaviour of the conditions. To communicate between conditions and between conditions and actions, result variables are used. Each result variable describes the result of a specific test, typically in the form of the file name of the file that matches the test, locations where in the file the match is found, etc.

In the example above, regular expression patterns are searched in files. The "fileglob" parameter indicates which files to check, the "pattern" indicates what text to check for.

The resultvar will be a list of files that match the pattern, together with information on which line or lines are matched. After running its two subordinate condition, the "and" condition has access to the cmake_locations and files_that_include variables.

In this particular example, the "and" condition matches these two variables on the module level, so that a single "positive and" is generated per module, where at least one file includes "GenericMotionFilter.hxx", and there is a CMakeLists.txt file with the USEMODULES keyword. This produces per matching module an include_spots result, that points to the filename from the cmake_locations variable and the line numbers (matches), also of the cmake_locations variable.

The action here is to add an include line to the CMakeLists.txt file:

<action type="insert-text">
  <param name="inputvar">
  <param name="substitutevar">
  <param name="text">
# policy 21-005
<action type="change-module">
  <param name="mode">add</param>
  <param name="new_project">
  <param name="new_module">

This uses the include_spots variable, that indicates all CMakeLists.txt files that need the include, together with the appropriate locations. The second action globally adds the motion-common module to the project.

Test conditions

The following conditions are currently implemented:


And condition, parameters:

  • resultvar, variable name for result outcome
  • inputvars, comma-separated variable list
  • match (optional) level on which to make the "and" match;
    • module: module name
    • module_project: name of the project donating a specific module
    • dco: match on same dco object
    • dco_project: dco on same parent project
    • filename: refers to same file
  • trim (optional), only pass matches with true result
  • result-* (optional), result variables, the suffix (module, module_project, etc.) indicates the level of returned result, its value determines which input is used.



  • resultvar, variable name for result outcome
  • inputvars, comma-separated variable list
  • matchelts, list of elements on which to make the match:
    • module: module name
    • module_project: donating project name
    • dco: dco object
    • dco_project: donating project for dco
  • result-*, result variables (as given in match), value determines which input is used for the result.



  • resultvar
  • inputvar
  • trim, if true, only return "true" end values


Returns true if module is used for current or any machine class


  • project, project name
  • module, module name
  • all_machines, if true, check for all machine classes
  • resultvar



  • project, project name
  • dco, dco name
  • resultvar


Find a pattern


  • fileglob, glob pattern for which files to search
  • pattern, regular expression pattern
  • resultvar, result variable name


Constant true or false

  • value


Figure out if a dco reference is for the current project


  • resultvar
  • dco, typically a regex expression


Figure out if a USEMODULES variable references the current project


  • resultvar



Adapt relevant the comm-objects.lst files to swith over to a new dco


  • inputvar, from the match, indicates in which modules to adapt comm-objects.lst
  • new_project, project now donating dco
  • new_dco, new dco object
  • mode, "add", "replace" or "delete"

For delete you don't need to provide the new variables. If you matched the input with a regular expression (attribute regex="true" on the search parameters), replacement can use the old match, if you set attribute format="true" on the parameter.


Add, remove or replace module.


  • inputvar, from the match, list of modules.xml files that match a module (or not)
  • mode, "add", "replace" or "delete"
  • new_project, project donating new module
  • new_module, module to add
  • url, url of new project
  • version, version of new project, optional


Insert text at given positions in a file

  • text, text to insert
  • inputvar, from the match, by findpattern
  • mode, 'before', 'after', or 'replace'