No Matches
Python script extensions

Since March 2018, DUECA has been extended with the option to use Python as a scripting language for defining this DUECA set-up (dueca_cnf.py) and the DUECA simulation or model (dueca_mod.py). In addition to scripting your configuration, you can also use python from a running simulation. Of course, there are limitations, since the python code might not run strictly real-time. However, parts with less stringent timing constraints, like a plot of some of your signals, can now be programmed in Python.

Interfacing a module with the Python interpreter.

To read the dueca_cnf.py and dueca_mod.py scripts, DUECA starts a Python interpreter from C++. Before that interpreter can be started, all C++ classes and functions that can be created or called from Python are exposed to the interpreter in an initialization cycle. This cycle adds the dueca namespace and all relevant classes. User defined modules can also use the interpreter to run pieces of Python code, and can offer classes and interfaces to be run in the initialization phase.

Modules in DUECA are all of type "Module" internally. They are created based on the name of the module, and Python actually does not differentiate between different "Module" objects, they all look the same to Python. We need to be able to expose some module data to the python script, and for that we need to explain to python that our module has a certain accessible data class. The DUECA interface to Python is based on boost::python, so we need the boost:python headers. In the example we also use boost::python::numpy, this is also added to the includes. Modify your header file to include:

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/numpy.hpp>
namespace bpy = boost::python;
namespace np = boost::python::numpy;

In this example we will expose a few arrays as numpy arrays to Python. To keep things flexible, we will put the numpy arrays in a Python dictionary (dict). Let's assume your new module is called "MyModule". Then we declare this python dictionary (on the C++ side) as a publicly accessible member of the MyModule class. In your class declaration, include something like:

/// python dict, works only when using python script interface
bpy::dict data_dict;
/// vectors with time and data?
double data_time[100];
double data_sine[100];

Defining a Python class for your module type.

The MyModule instances are created in the normal fashion. However, we will explain to Python that the MyModule class exists, and that it has a data member called "data", which we will link to the data_dict we defined above.

A bit of python glue code is needed to expose the module class to Python, here is an example, put it somewhere in your MyModule.cxx file:

// this only works on Python scripting
#if defined(SCRIPT_PYTHON)
// this contains the interface to the scripting language
#include <dueca/ScriptInterpret.hxx>
#include <memory>
// start function for declaring Python interface
static void startfunc()
// this example also uses numpy, so initialize that too
// create a data class for this type of module. We do not need a
// constructor, since the module will be created as a normal
// module in Python; bpy::no_init prevents creating a Python-side
// constructor
boost::noncopyable >("MyModule", bpy::no_init)
// in this example we expose a python dictionary to Python
// created in the module, define it as a property of the MyModule
// class
.def_readonly("data", MyModule::data_dict);
// the start function code needs to be called when the rest of the
// DUECA python code is created. The following does the trick
static AddInitFunction addit(startfunc);
// end of Python-only code

This glue code explains to the Python scripting that there is a MyModule class, and that it has a "data" member. The AddInitFunction object ensures that the start function is available to the python interpreter; after the start of the interpreter startfunc will be called.

Showing the instance to Python

The next step is some code to show the module instance itself to Python. To do that, we make a Python object that wraps the C++ object, and then – from the C++ side – add that object to the Python workspace. This can be done in the Module::complete() method of your module:

bool MyModule::complete()
#if defined(SCRIPT_PYTHON)
try {
// import the main python module, and find the python namespace
bpy::object main_module = bpy::import("__main__");
bpy::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
// turn myself into a python object, and then add this object
// to the namespace. Be careful about the name; we don't want
// to overwrite another object that already has that name; here
// this name is fixed to "mymodule", but we could make it
// configurable
bpy::object self(bpy::ptr(this));
main_namespace["mymodule"] = self;
// as an example, make some python variables that will be
// found in my dictionary on the Python side
// data_time and data_sine are flat C arrays of type double and
// hold the data. (An alternative way to get/declare this data
// would be to use eigen3 vectors). Using these arrays we make
// numpy arrays
// define shape, stride and datatype of the numpy arrays
bpy::tuple shape = bpy::make_tuple(100);
bpy::tuple stride = bpy::make_tuple(sizeof(double));
np::dtype dt = np::dtype::get_builtin<double>();
// create the two arrays, set the module as owner
np::ndarray np_time = np::from_data(data_time, dt, shape, stride, self);
np::ndarray np_sine = np::from_data(data_sine, dt, shape, stride, self);
// add the arrays to my dict
data_dict["time"] = np_time;
data_dict["sine"] = np_sine;
catch(const bpy::error_already_set& e) {
return false;
// rest of complete function
return true;

Don't forget that we used the fixed name "mymodule" here. In a real implementation, it would be better to make the python variable name configurable (check ParameterTable).

Running code in Python

Now we can interact with the Python script, knowing that Python now has an object "mymodule" in its namespace, that refers to this module. You can access the mymodule.data dictionary, and read the "time" and "sine" vectors in there.

There are several options for letting python run, one option would be to define a python-side function, find it in the main namespace, and call it. The simplest option is to just define and run a piece of python script, for example in your doCalculation method:


This prints the data dictionary of the newly created module, using the python-side print function.