No Matches
DUECA time, triggering and scheduling

This page provides a more in-depth and integral overview of the concept of time in DUECA. (it is still incomplete)

Time tagging data

In DUECA, all data that is sent over DUECA channels is time-tagged. When specifying an entry in a channel with a ChannelWriteToken, the module that creates the entry defines how the data's time should be interpreted.

  • When using Channel::Continuous in the creation of the token, the data is a representation of a continously changing value. Of course, in a digital computer simulation, data has to be sampled, and truly continous data cannot be represented. In most cases, the sampled data is assumed constant over a specific time interval. This interval is specified by the time validity for the data is supplied with the time specification used when creating a DataWriter on the token. As an example:

    DataWriter<MyData> w(my_token, ts);

    The interval ts must start at some integer simulation tick t1, and end at a later simulation tick t2. Its validity span is defined as \([t1, t2>\), that is, the time t2 is not included in the validity. Typically, the next time the data is written, a new interval is used that connects to the previous interval, so the data then starts at t2, and ends at some later time t3. In most cases the duration of intervals are all the same, however DUECA can perfectly handle data in channels that are written with unequal interval durations. The intervals for the data do have to connect, however, if not, DUECA will complain about jumps in time. The only time data does not connect is when modules stop running and later resume running. This type of data with connecting intervals is called "Stream" data.

    With stream data, if the channel is written (i.e., we are not considering a gap in time where the simulation does not run), there is just a single value defined for each time point, intervals cannot overlap.

    A second way of defining data is by using the Channel::Event parameter in the ChannelWriteToken construction. This type of data describes discrete events in time, with the events not having a duration, their timing is only defined by a single discrete time stamp. There can also be multiple events written in a channel for the same time stamp. A keypress for example can be regarded as event data.

Time validity of activities

To get a simulation in DUECA, you should create an Activity object and arrange for it to be scheduled by DUECA. The most common type of Activity object is the CallbackActivity, which is supplied with a callback object for calling one of your module's methods. These methods are always called with a time specification as one of the parameters. The time specification in this case determines the model time (logical time) for which the activity is called. In most simulations and cases, this model time is a time span, with the same semantics as for specifying the time for channel stream data.

The time specification passed to your method can be used to access the logically consistent time set of data matching that activation.

Wall clock time

If you want to create a real-time simulation, "wall clock time" is the time that relates to the real-time of the outside world. In most cases, your simulation must keep pace with that real elapsed time. In DUECA, you can specify that activities are connected to the wall clock time by creating a clock object for them, using either an dueca::AperiodicAlarm, which gives off a single "shot" of activation, or a dueca::PeriodicAlarm, which gives off regular time spans.

The best way of connecting a simulation to the wall clock is by letting the activities that interact with the world's inputs (control devices, switches, etc. ) be triggered on a PeriodicAlarm. In addition, some activities that interact with the output hardware should be triggered on a PeriodicAlarm.

Connecting the input activities to a PeriodicAlarm ensures that the data is generated at the specified time and interval. Since DUECA attempts to (and usually can) synchronize the different computer nodes, this ensures that input devices are sampled almost simultaneously.

The interconnecting calculation steps (model updates, control) should be triggered on the availability of the data from the input/sampling activities. A programmer cannot and need not know in advance in which computer these activities are executed.

Example case for further discussion

To make this explanation a little more concrete, assume a car simulation on four computers, the foot pedals are connected to computer F, the steering wheel input to computer W, the motion system to computer M, and the visuals to computer V.

In total we might have seven modules, a PedalsIO module for the pedals, a WheelIO module for the steering wheel, a CarSim module for the simulation, an OutsideVisual module for the visual, a MotionFilter module to filter the motion, a MotionIO module to apply the motion to the hardware, and a Logger module to record the experiment.

Of these modules, the PedalsIO and WheelIO need to be time-triggered, and use a PeriodicAlarm.

Output to a motion system is a critical activity, when no data is available, the motion system should be carefully handled. A case in which motion data arrives too late might drive the system into its limits, if the harware continues with a given velocity set-point, or abruptly stop with high accelerations, if the hardware tries to hold a target position. Especially when developing, it is all too easy to create a bug that would delay the delivery of data somewhere in the chain between inputs and motion. MotionIO should thus also trigger on time, check that its data is present, and if not, implement a shutdown strategy.

Output to the visual system is somewhat less critical. A simple visual generation might simply trigger on the incoming data needed for drawing the image, but we will discuss a slightly better implementation here.

Triggering and scheduling concepts

When your code in DUECA needs to react to "something", either to time passing or data becoming available in a channel, a number of things have to be done:

  • A callback object, which enables calling of one of your module's methods, must be created.

  • An "Activity" needs to be created. When using dueca-module script to create template code for a module, by default a module with one activity is created. The activity uses the callback object to know which method to call when the activity is scheduled, and a priority specification to know in which priority and order to run.

  • Triggering conditions need to be specified for the activity. Triggering can for example be on an AperiodicAlarm or PeriodicAlarm, for time-based triggering, or on channel read tokens. These all act as triggers, and triggers can also be combined.

  • The Activity must be switched on, for the triggering to have a scheduling effect. Of course, the Activity can also be switched off again.

You can see triggering as providing a time base for an activity. For example, a PeriodicAlarm with its start and period defined by (0, 20) provides time spans of \([0, 20>\), \([20, 40>\), etc., and they are provided at the times when the wall clock passes 0, 20, 40, ....

When the triggering conditions are met, and the activity is switched on, the activity will be scheduled.

DUECA runs by default multi-threaded, and each thread can have a (configurable) operating system thread priority. Each thread is "handled" by an ActivityManager.

Scheduling means that the Activity is put on the to-do list of one of the ActivityManagers, together with the time or time span calculated by the triggering process. Which ActivityManager that is, is determined by the PrioritySpec given when the Activity was created. The priority object in the PrioritySpec indicates the ActivityManager. Here 0 is the lowest-priority ActivityManager (one that is not running real-time), and the highest selectable priority depends on the configuration in dueca.cnf.

A second element in the PrioritySpec is the order. The order determines the importance of the Activity with respect to other activities in the same priority. The higher the order, the more important the Activity, and the earlier it will be scheduled. However, the start time of the time specification for which the schedule is calculated is also considered. To move ahead of an other Activity that is e.g. 10 tick values earlier, the order of the Priority spec should be 10*100 = 1000 higher than the order of the other Activity.

Once scheduled, the activities in an ActivityManager's to-do list will be invoked one-by-one, as fast as possible.

Combining trigger values

One of the most notable features of DUECA is that it implements logic to combine triggering. Most commonly, "and" logic is required. Imagine a module waiting on the data availability on two channels, you can simply specify that the triggering is a combination of these two:

my_activity.setTrigger(channel_a && channel_b);

A combined dueca::TriggerAnd object is created under the hood here (by the && operator); you can also choose to explicitly create this one. It will look at time intervals produced on channel_a, and those on channel_b, and schedule the activity when these overlap, as in the example given in the figure below.


If the data on one of the channels is delayed, triggering of the activity will also be held up, but the information on trigger intervals on both channels is still remembered and observed.

For completeness, "or" combination of triggering is also possible, however, it is seldom found to be of use, and I will not further discuss it here.