No Matches
Application Development with CMake, git and dueca-gproject

This section describes the structure of "new" DUECA projects, i.e., those that are using git for version control and CMake for the build system, and how to use CMake, git and the support script dueca-gproject.

Structure of a DUECA project

The DUECA middleware provides support for development of real-time simulation or data acquisition projects on desktop computers, and deployment of these projects on simulation or data acquisition facilities that typically use networked computers with IO capabilities and hardware to drive these facilities and collect and process real-time data.

Normally, you will develop your simulation or experiment on a desktop computer without all that hardware, and later bring the simulation to your target environment, then check and fine-tune there.

The transition to and from desktop development and deployment on different facilities should be as smooth as possible, enabling rapid prototyping and quick turn-around times between development, deployment and test. To enable this, DUECA uses version control for both the simulation code, and for the configurations needed for each deployment platform, be it development desktop, simulator or otherwise. To be able to read the following description, please consider the following definitions:





A DUECA configuration. This includes the software selection (which modules to run), the configuration files for a single computer, or set of computers, belonging to a certain simulation set-up. A default platform is created for development desktops, it is traditionally called "solo".


A DUECA process within a specific platform. Normally a single computer will run such a process, but in some cases more than one DUECA process can be run on a computer. The development platform "solo" typically has a single node called "solo".

machine class

The software and hardware configuration for a specific node type. Each node needs certain software and/or hardware to do its function. For example the SIMONA Research Simulator has three computers for the image generation. These run DUECA nodes traditionally called srsig1, srsig2, and srsig3, i.e., named after the computers they run on.
These nodes all use the same hardware (graphics cards) and software, such as scene graph libraries, so they are defined by machine class srs-ig.


The set of software running a simulation, with configuration files for the platforms, the nodes, and definitions of the machine classes is called a DUECA project. Project software, configuration data and description of the platforms, nodes, etc., is stored in a single (git) repository.

DCO object

DCO or DUECA Communication Objects are the objects (essentially c++ structs), that can be communicated or sent around in a DUECA project. DCO objects are described in files with a .dco suffix, and a code generator can convert these into c++ code.


A module is the smallest software unit in a DUECA project. Each module will be given an object ID within a running DUECA project, and modules are named. A module can communicate with other modules in DUECA through "channels" with DCO objects. Regarding project structure, each module is typically given its own folder in the project. All module files and code should be placed in that folder.

pseudo-module A module folder that only contains data files, no code.

Note that a DUECA project can, and often does, borrow modules and DCO files from other projects. A configuration file defines where the borrowed code can be found. This enables re-use and efficient maintenance of common software, for example for visualization and interfacing and control of certain simulator hardware.

A number of different types of configuration files is used. These are the following:




Simple text file that lists which DCO objects are used by a module. Each module has one comm-objects.lst file.


A file defining which modules are used by a specific machine class; there is one modules.xml file per machine class. It essentially describes all DUECA-based software needed for that type of machine.


A file defining which machine class to use for a specific node.


A file defining additional build instructions (libraries to search and link, include paths, etc.) for a certain machine class. It is wise to only add configuration here that is specific to the hardware of the computer where this machine class is used, e.g., IO libraries specific for that computer. All software-related build configuration can be done in the CMakeLists.txt files in the modules.

project CMakeLists.txt

A CMake file defining build instructions common to a whole project. Typically this is limited to the selection of which script language will be used, and of the most basic DUECA components common to all nodes in a project.

module CMakeLists.txt

Per-module CMake file defining build instructions specific to the module, typically these are used to indicate when a module needs a particular library.

dueca.cnf or dueca_cnf.py

A per-node configuration file, describing DUECA start conditions, typically how to communicate to other DUECA nodes, selection of real-time conditions, and an index indicating which node this is in a platform.


A folder with all the DCO objects belonging to a project. Technically this is treated like any other module folder, with a slightly different CMakeLists.txt file that runs the code generation, from the .dco files to c++ code.

dueca.mod or dueca_mod.py

A per-platform configuration file, present in the folder of the node with node id "0", that describes the software to be run and its configuration on the platform. It creates (from the script language; scheme or Python), the different module objects in the simulation and gives these their configuration parameters.


A folder (hidden, since it starts with a dot) with the machine class definitions and machine configuration


A small text file in the .config folder that indicates to which machine class the current checked-out project code corresponds. This enables the selection of machine-class specific build instructions and DUECA modules. The contents of this file are created when you clone the project for a specific node; based on machinemapping.xml, the appropriate class is chosen. This file is never checked in to the repository.

Folder structure

DUECA promotes rapid prototyping and re-use of software by allowing projects to "borrow" modules from other projects. The CMake structure and the dueca-gproject script support the easy integration of complete modules. To make this possible, and avoid conflicts with code in the "own" project, a specific folder structure is used for checked-out projects. An example, give that our own project is given the bland name "MyProject", and another project with the name "OtherProject", would give the following hypothetical structure:


encapsulating folder


"Project" folder


Configuration files folder


Main folder for all machine classes


Configuration for the default "solo" machine class, for the default "solo" node on the default "solo" platform that is typically used for development (config.cmake and modules.xml)


(as an example). Configuration for ecs (Experiment Control Station) class on the Simona Research Simulator


Folder for all platform configurations


Folder with common data (e.g., experiment start files) for all possible platforms in this project.


solo platform folder.


Node "solo" on the (development) platform "solo". Contains configuration files for running.


example, SRS platform


Folder for the run configuration of srsecs node in the SRS platform


Folder for the built executable, and intermediate build products


Communication objects (.dco files) defined in MyProject


Module folder for a module in MyProject


Folder for code borrowed from another project


Communication objects (.dco files) defined in OtherProject


Module folder for a module "borrowed" from OtherProject

When developing (you used dueca-gproject to clone the code for machine class "solo"), the full MyProject code will be checked out from the repository. For borrowed projects, the modules.xml file for the machine class "solo" is inspected, and only those modules that are actually borrowed and needed are checked out from these other repositories. Then all the comm-objects.lst files are parsed, and the comm-objects folders are checked out from those projects that supply DCO files. TLDR; dueca-gproject collects all files you need to build and run from the repository.

Note that when you are deploying your code on another computer for another platform (not solo), such as one of the computers running your simulator, a "sparse" checkout is done, and only those modules that are actually needed (also from the "own" project), are checked out. If you want the full set of software (however, dueca-gproject will only build what is needed), use the --full option.

Interaction with git version control

A few commands in the dueca-gproject script use git version control through the script itself, notably new, clone and refresh. For all other interaction with the version control system, the developer/user should directly use git commands.

If you work locally on your project, often from your development desktop, you work with a local git repository, and it will be located in the hidden .git folder of your project. To synchronize code and keep back ups, dueca-gproject also uses an upstream remote repository.

You might also want to split work over different projects. As an example, for a simulation experiment you are going to connect your program to an eye tracker. Since the eye-tracker connection might be useful for multiple projects, it is best to develop its modules, and possibly some test facilities, in a separate project, and when the eye tracking works, borrow its modules into your experiment project.

You can use your account on a gitlab or github server to locate the remote repositories, for example, you created these empty repositories:


These repositories' url's therefore all start with the same path, differing only by repository/project name. By defining this in an "environment variable" in your shell, you do not need to specify the url's for these commonly used projects. In your .profile or .bash_profile start script, specify the following environment variable:

export DAPPS_GITROOT=git@gitlab.somewhere.org:i-am-a-gitlab-user/

Now you can use the shorthands dgr:///MyNewEyeTracker.git and dgr:///MyExperiment.git, and these will also be stored in the project configuration. If you later move repositories, or someone else clones your efforts to their own repository, the translation will also work for them.

If you borrow from a project somewhere else, you can always specify the full URL. The common steps outlined below will present you with a mix of git and dueca-gproject commands to maintain your project.

Shortened URL's for multiple base groups

Over the (extended) lifetime of a DUECA project, it might happen that the project code lives in different git repositories. As a simple example, someone attempting to fix or extend the WorldView project located at git@github.com:dueca/WorldView.git might need to clone this project in github to his/her personal repository, then work on that, and use a pull request to request a merge of the work with the WorldView project. For its housekeeping, the dueca-gproject stores the location of the repository URL's, and these would need to be modified whenever a repository moves.

To fix that, there are a number of shortcut URL's that are automatically or custom defined. Any shortcut origin:/// will automatically be set to the location of the 'origin' repository of the checked out project itself as returned from:

git remote -v

A number of other shortcut URL's can be defined through SHELL environment variables. These can then be used to represent the locations of git repositories from where you might pull borrowed modules. These shortcut URL's all start with the string dgr.

The DAPPS_GITROOT environment variable maps to the shortcut URL dgr:///, and will indicate which URL prefix is the default for borrowing from projects where only the project name is given.

To organise a set of repositories with projects, multiple environment variables can be defined. By defining DAPPS_GITROOT_<prefix>, project URL's starting with dgr<prefix>:/// will have that tag replaced by the contents of the environment variables. At Control and Simulation we commonly define:

variablevaluereplaces prefix


DAPPS_GITROOT_pub git@github.com:dueca/ dgrpub:///

Open-sourced DUECA modules on GitHub

DAPPS_GITROOT_base git@gitlab.tudelft.nl:ae-cs-dueca-base/ dgrbase:///

Common modules intended for re-use

DAPPS_GITROOT_active git@gitlab.tudelft.nl:ae-cs-dueca-active/ dgractive:///

Widely used projects that are held active on our facilities, for demo's etc.

DAPPS_GITROOT_archive git@gitlab.tudelft.nl:ae-cs-dueca-archive/ dgrarchive:///

Completed (student) projects

DAPPS_GITROOT_yard git@gitlab.tudelft.nl:ae-cs-dueca-yard/ dgryard:///

Older projects, converted from our old CVS repository, that mostly need clean-up.

DAPPS_GITROOT_students git@gitlab.tudelft.nl:ae-cs-dueca-students/ dgrstudents:/// Currently active student projects.

If a student needs to base his or her work on an existing project, which may be one of the projects in active or in archive, a fork is created for that project into the students group. Students (everyone actually), should work in a named branch. After completion of the project, the students' branch can then be pushed to the base project in the archive or active group. If the work is an extension, and keeps current capabilities of the project intact, these branches can be merged into main.

A forked project may have a different name from the original project. When multiple students are working with a variant of the same project (forks) at the same time on the simulator or another lab, it may be useful to have different names for these forks. Since DUECA 4.1, the build system has been modified to accomodate this, see the remarks on "own" and "foreign" DCO objects in the section on comm-objects.lst, as well as the remarks on referencing other module.

When specifying a repository to the dueca-gproject script, the shortened URL may then be used. The repository will be stored in the modules.xml files with the shortened URL and converted when passed to git. It will therefore be necessary to have the proper environment variables defined when you work with the project again later.

See also the description on repository organisation.

Common steps

Making a new project

To create a new project, you first need an empty, bare git repository somewhere. Initialize a git repository somewhere (local or remote) with exactly the name that you want to give to your project. Then, with the url of the fresh repository, create the initial template of the project. You have to be able to write to this repository. This will leave a local clone for the "solo" machine class on your disk, so do this at the proper location:

dueca-gproject new --name MyNewProject --script python|scheme \
                   --gui gtk3 --remote <empty-git-url>

If you do not provide the remote url, you will be left with only a local project, git wizards know what to do with this.

The script language is either python or scheme, where the more modern python option is default.

The graphical user interface will be applied as option to the "solo" machine class. Unless you need compatibility with the aging "gtk2", use the current default "gtk3".

Continuing development of an existing project

Normally, obtaining a local copy from a git-based repository is performed by a git clone command. However, to get the proper file structure, and pull the modules that are borrowed from other projects, it is better to do this through the dueca-gproject command.

dueca-gproject clone --remote <git url> \
                     [--node solo] [--version some-version]

The script uses the mapping between nodes and machine class to check out the software corresponding to the right machine class. The "solo" node, machine class and platform are the default. By specifying a git branch, a git hash or a git version tag --version, you get the software corresponding to that branch, version tag or hash.

A second command updates all the modules and software borrowed from other projects:

dueca-gproject refresh [--force] [--auto-borrow-for-dco]

The --force option might be obvious, it forces a refresh. The --auto-borrow-for-dco is related to the way dueca-gproject finds the comm-objects folders belonging to other projects. Any project that you borrow a DCO file from must be listed in the modules.xml file for the machine class, since the git url will be found there. If the git url cannot be found, the --auto-borrow-for-dco will assume that the project you are trying to borrow from is one of the base projects under DAPPS_GITROOT, and silently add the project to your modules.xml file.

Note that these commands are the only ones that use git behind the scenes. For all other interaction you need to directly work with git. That means that if you already have a checked-out clone of your project on your computer, a good way to continue working is:

# first get all updates that were made to this project elsewhere
git pull
# and ensure any changes to borrowed modules and dco's are in
dueca-gproject refresh

See also the next section.

Using git; daily work; pull, commit, push

After the initial clone or the creation of a new project, you would want to keep track of all the work you do on your project with git. Working with git can be quite complex, and a quick search on the internet will give you many tutorials and solutions. However if you follow a number of simple practices you will seldom run into trouble, and it will be easy:

  • You will want to keep you local work in sync with the upstream repository. Since at one point you might be working intermittently on your development desktop or laptop, and on one or more of the computers for the simulator that you are using for deployment, it is good practice to synchronize your work with the upstream repository. Before starting work on a new computer, do a pull:
    git pull
  • Whenever you add a new file to your project, tell git that you want to keep this file in the repository, by issuing an add command:
    git add <new-file>
  • When you have finished a job on your project, you for example added the code for a module, worked on that, and added and created the DCO file that you are going to use, create a commit. A commit tells git that you have reached a state of your project that you think should work, and that you want to remember. Add a meaningful commit message.
    git commit the..files..I..worked..on
    git commit -a
    You can either specify which files you want in the commit, or with the -a option specify all tracked files that have been changed. You can use the -m option to add a commit message, as an example:
    git commit -a -m "Added an option to configure wind conditions"
  • Likewise, after you are done with working on your project for the day, or for now (e.g., because you are running to the lab to test your project there), ensure that the remote repository has your latest changes. Commit, if you have not done that yet, and do a push:
    git push
    When you do walk over to the lab, start with a pull on all machines where you will be editing and testing.

Using git; branching, squashing and merging

Like most version control systems (and maybe even better), git can track multiple versions of you software. Most commonly, developers use "branches" to organise their work into specific topics. If you don't tell git otherwise, it will use the default branch "master". Using master can be a bit problematic, because many remote repositories (on gitlab.tudelft.nl for example), will limit the ways in which you can interact with master. It is way better to use a self-defined branch.

If, as a student, you are given an existing project to work on, the project will still keep its name, and you will be making a "clone" on the repository server (e.g., gitlab.tudelft.nl) to work with. Once you have that clone, use that url to clone the project to your desktop or laptop, and create a meaningful branch, e.g., jdoe-new-eid-display, assuming jdoe is your TU Delft netid. When you check-out the project on the simulator, also specify that branch using the --version flag.

Initially you will probably work off that new branch, but when you get more proficient, you might be tempted to try something experimental, and you can always create new branches from whichever version/branch you currently have.

As you continue your work, you will find that it is best to subdivide the work into multiple steps. You might first create your new display. After initially creating that, and testing that it works, do a commit, with a descriptive message, so for example:

dueca-gproject new-module eid-approach-display

# ... steps in which you add files, and edit these

# tell git that we have new files, e.g.:
git add EidApproachDisplay.hxx EidApproachDisplay.cxx

# make a commit
git commit -a -m "created new EidApproachDisplay"

Typically, when testing, you might find that there are small details to be fixed. It is not uncommon to have a whole series of smaller edits and commits, until you are satisfied with the result. To remove these from the history, and keep a cleaner overview for later, git lets you "squash" these commits together.

When you have finished your project, and are running the experiment, it is good practice to record which exact version of the software was used to run the experiment. Add a git tag to do that:

git tag -a jdoe-eval-experiment \
        -m "Version used for the first evaluation experiment"
# ensure that the tag is also on the remote repository
git push origin jdoe-eval-experiment

In this example the commit message was added on the command line with the '-m' flag. You can of course also add the message in the editor.


  • Don't work on "master", work on a branch.
  • Use your netid as a prefix to the branch names, to prevent possible conflicts with other people's branch names.
  • Squash these "o, and I forgot this" commits into the commit describing the main work.
  • By all means, mark the specific version you use for an experiment with a descriptive tag.

Borrowing a module

In many cases, your project can use existing modules. Particularly for using lab hardware (steering wheels, sticks, control columns, motion systems) and common things like outside visuals, 3D sound, the modules have already been written and can be re-used. You can add such a module to your project by (for example with FlexiStick):

dueca-gproject borrow-module --name flexi-stick \
               --remote dgrpub:///FlexiStick.git

In this example, a somewhat particular url is used for the location of the FlexiStick project from which we borrow. Since FlexiStick is one of the standard DUECA projects used, and housed with some other software in the project on github, the special URL dgrpub:/// can be used. When interacting with git, this will be replaced by the value of the DAPPS_GITROOT_pub environment variable.

Of course, if you borrow from a project not in that location, specify the full git url, or a shortened url matching another environment variable.

Creating a module

Creating a new module with dueca-gproject creates the folder for the new module and default comm-objects.lst and CMakeLists.txt files. The command is simply:

dueca-gproject new-module --name my-new-module

Optional arguments are --inactive, which will indicate that the module is not to be compiled for the machine class you are developing for, and --pseudo, which indicates that you are creating a pseudo module, simply space for data files, and no code.

Manual corrections

At some point it may be quicker to manually edit the configuration files; here is some explanation on how and when to do this.

modules.xml file

The modules.xml files are located under .config/class/<machine class>/. They list, per machine class, what modules are included for the machine class, and which modules are borrowed. In addition, the project url for the own project and each borrowed project is recorded there.

If your project moves to another remote url, this project url is to be adjusted.

The borrowed modules, or the projects from which DCO objects are borrowed, must be listed here with their url's. These must be one of the many formats of git url that are possible, or use a shorthand prefix, e.g., the dgr:/// prefix, or a dgrbase:/// prefix to indicate a url based on the DAPPS_GITROOT or DAPPS_GITROOT_base environment variable. The project you are working on uses a specific shorthand with the origin:/// prefix. The location matching that prefix is extracted from the git information for the folder.

Here is a small example from a modules.xml file.


For each project, either the own project or a project from which modules are borrowed, has a project entry here, with the project url and a list of borrowed modules. When deploying a project on a different machine class, it might be quicker to open the modules.xml file for that class, and copy over the relevant modules from the modules.xml file for the solo machine class. After this, run a dueca-gproject refresh to actually get the needed modules and dco files.

DCO objects and comm-objects.lst

Each module folder also has a comm-objects.lst file. That file is converted into a comm-objects.h file that is included in the module code, and used for determining which dco files have to be converted with the code generator. Simply edit these files, adding the needed dco files; lines starting with a "#" or empty lines will be ignored.

Each line in a comm-objects.lst file refers to a DCO object, either from the "own" project, or from another project. DCO objects liv in the comm-objects folder, which is treated as a standard module, with some additional configuration that ensures that c++ code is generated from the .dco files. A single non-comment line there would look like:


That ensures that the build system will be looking for a (borrowed, unless SomeProject is the active project) project, and configures that the SomeObject.dco file will be converted to c++ code and built. It also makes sure that the SomeProject/comm-objects folder can be found by include statements in your code.

If you use a DCO object from your "own" project, as you will be likely to do, then it is better to use a shortened reference in the comm-objects.lst file:


If you are working in, e.g., MyProject, the build system will interpret that as MyProject/comm-objects/MyObject.dco. Also if someone else later borrows your module to re-use your code, the build system figures out that the "own" DCO file still corresponds to MyProject. This also ensures that you don't have to go in and edit your comm-objects.lst file if you later re-name MyProject to something else. This is in fact so useful (and we were for historical reasons stuck with a number of projects that did not have this), that there is a "policy" to check this and fix it on existing projects.


dueca-gproject policies

to check whether this (and other 'good' practices) should be applied to your code, and

dueca-gproject policies --apply

To run this. Also see the chapter on policies

A module's CMakeLists.txt

The CMakeLists.txt files in the module folders are the proper place to add dependencies on external libraries. See also the page on using cmake.

If you need a dependency on another module (or module code) in your project, you can also do that here. Note that in principle, modules should be stand-alone, but in some cases it can be convenient to share some code, like a mini-library, or headers with for example the definition of all your simulation data. In that case you can add that module to the USEMODULES variable in your CMakeLists.txt file, like so:




Note again, like with the references to DCO files in the comm-objects.lst file, that you can and should omit the name of the current project; in this case, it means that there is a dependency on a module from the same project.

The dependency will do the following:

  • Configure and build the other module before the dependent one. This ensures that any generated code is available in the proper order
  • Pull in the "PUBLIC" (check CMake documentation) dependencies of the other module
  • Add the paths to the other module (both to the source folder and the folder for any generated code) to the include path for the compiler.

TLDR; in most cases, you can simply use headers and compiled code from the other module.

Run configuration and deployment

Preparing a platform

A platform consists of all configuration needed to run your DUECA project on a specific installation, such as a simulator. When running on, e.g., the SIMONA Research Simulator, each computer involved in the simulation runs the code for a specific DUECA node, and the code for your project needs to be cloned to and compiled on all these computers, with the configuration appropriate to the machine class. You can manually prepare a platform, or use a template to start creating the platform, if the specific combination of computers you want to run is already defined in the template.

For manual creation of a platform, you need to:

  • Create the platform
  • Create the machine classes for all nodes
  • Create nodes on the platform with the appropriate machine class

For SIMONA, an example would be:

dueca-gproject new-platform --name SRS

# machine classes
dueca-gproject new-machine-class --name srs-ecs --gui gtk3
dueca-gproject new-machine-class --name srs-io --gui none
dueca-gproject new-machine-class --name srs-host --gui none
dueca-gproject new-machine-class --name srs-efis --gui none
dueca-gproject new-machine-class --name srs-sound --gui none
dueca-gproject new-machine-class --name srs-ig --gui none

# nodes
dueca-gproject new-node --name srsecs --machine-class srs-ecs \
               --platform SRS --num-nodes 9 --node-number 0 \
               --if-address --cmaster srsctrlecat \
               --gui gtk3
dueca-gproject new-node --name srsctrlecat --machine-class srs-io \
               --platform SRS --num-nodes 9 --node-number 1 \
               --if-address \
               --gui none
dueca-gproject new-node --name srsefis1 --machine-class srs-efis \
               --platform SRS --num-nodes 9 --node-number 2 \
               --if-address --cmaster srsctrlecat \
               --gui none
dueca-gproject new-node --name srsefis2 --machine-class srs-efis \
               --platform SRS --num-nodes 9 --node-number 3 \
               --if-address --cmaster srsctrlecat \
               --gui none
dueca-gproject new-node --name srssound --machine-class srs-sound \
               --platform SRS --num-nodes 9 --node-number 4 \
               --if-address --cmaster srsctrlecat \
               --gui none
dueca-gproject new-node --name srshost --machine-class srs-host \
               --platform SRS --num-nodes 9 --node-number 5 \
               --if-address --cmaster srsctrlecat \
               --gui none
dueca-gproject new-node --name srsig1 --machine-class srs-ig \
               --platform SRS --num-nodes 9 --node-number 6 \
               --if-address --cmaster srsctrlecat \
               --gui none
dueca-gproject new-node --name srsig2 --machine-class srs-ig \
               --platform SRS --num-nodes 9 --node-number 7 \
               --if-address --cmaster srsctrlecat \
               --gui none
dueca-gproject new-node --name srsig3 --machine-class srs-ig \
               --platform SRS --num-nodes 9 --node-number 8 \
               --if-address --cmaster srsctrlecat \
               --gui none

You see that this takes quite some steps. Now you still have to edit the modules.xml files for each of the new machine classes to include the proper modules for this machine class.

There is a shortcut if you have a configuration file for the platform:

dueca-gproject prepare-platform --name SRS \
               --template /usr/share/dueca/data/default/platform-srs.xml

This populates the proper machine classes, and creates the platform and nodes. Optionally, you can uses a --nodes argument selecting only a part of the nodes configured in the platform-srs.xml file.

Preparing a node's run configuration

When a DUECA executable is started, it is started from the node's run folder. This folder should have the files, or links to the files, that are needed by the dueca process for this node.

Each node has a run configuration under run/<platform>/, named after the node. Most nodes have three files in there:

  • links.script, a script that should be "source-d" to run (type . links.script in the shell). Adapt this script to create links or otherwise populate the nodes run folder, typically these are links to files in /run/run-data or to files in pseudo-modules.
  • clean.script. This script should undo the effects of links.script, by cleaning out all links and generated files.
  • dueca.cnf (scheme version) or dueca_cnf.py (python version). This is the configuration file that your DUECA process needs to collaborate with the other DUECA processes on the simulator. The file as created by the new-node command is usually correct. The only thing that sometimes is adjusted is the number of threads (priorities) that should be run by DUECA.

Node number 0 is the node with the experiment control interface. This node also has the dueca.mod or dueca_mod.py file that defines the complete simulation. In general, you can create this file using the dueca.mod or dueca_mod.py from the development stage in the solo node as a template, and modify it by assigning all modules to their proper node. This file is will be read on each of the nodes in your simulation, and with the if this_node_id == some_node: switches, you can make sure that modules are only created in the node where they should run.

Deployment on a platform

For deployment on a platform, the platform, machine classes and nodes can be created from your development desktop or laptop, as shown above. After that, walk over to (or remote login to) the computers of the simulator, and on each computer clone the project with dueca-gproject. In general, the projects are located under the dapps or gdapps folder of the username under which you log in to the simulator computers. This uses the mapping between node and machine class to select the proper machine class, for example:

dueca-gproject clone --remote <project url> --node srsecs

There are a number of common pitfalls when deploying a project on the computers/nodes of a platform:

  • Each modules.xml file for a specific machine class should contain the modules that you borrow, and entries for the projects from which you borrow comm-objects folders. You might have to go in and copy these from the solo machine modules.xml file.
  • When you borrow dco files that use other, nested dco files, you need to also borrow these nested dco files, and specify these in the comm-objects.lst files. Code generation and compilation works correctly also if you list these dco files in only one of the comm-objects.lst files. If you distribute the modules over different nodes, you may find that one of the comm-objects.lst files was not yet correct; this generally shows up as a failure to find the (generated) headers of the included dco objects.
  • When the machine class and node are not in the machinemapping.xml file, the clone/checkout will default to solo.
  • the machine-class specific config.cmake file contains code to include/link platform-specific (typically IO) libraries. These typically need to be adjusted only for nodes that run on computers with specific hardware (such as control loading or motion systems).

Correcting or expanding a platform

You might want to add a node to a platform later. You can simply add the node using the new-node command. When you have done that, verify that the node numbers do not conflict, and that the new total number of nodes is correct in all dueca_cnf.py/dueca.cnf files.