No Matches
DUECA code generator

The C++ objects that are sent over event or stream channels need to obey certain rules so that they can be packed and unpacked. A code generator (dueca-codegen) is available to produce this code from simple specification input. A code generator file may contain:

  • Type definitions, which declare certain C++ types to the code generator as being "available" for use in the objects that the code generator makes. For example:

    (Type double)

    The code generator assumes that methods to pack and unpack objects of type double (a basic C++ type) are available, and will after this declaration accept member variables of that type for the new objects.

    The types that you declare may be more complex than basic C++ types, in that case the code generator can generate a statement to read an include file where the type is defined, for example:

    (Type GlobalId "#include <GlobalId.hxx>")

    With this you can send objects of the GlobalId class of DUECA around. The GlobalId objects are sent around by DUECA as well, and therefore the methods to pack their data, unpack their data and create them from amorphous storage are defined. Because a GlobalId is itself also a type that can be sent around, the code generator knows that the object can be recursively inspected if need be.

    Note that the string argument given after defining GlobalId is simply emitted as code before the class for the communicatable object is created. In this case it defines the inclusion of a header, but in principle you can write any set of valid c++ or preprocessor statements here. You can also have a multi-line string, and if you need string quotes in that string ("), you enter these by escaping them with a backslash, like \".

  • Type definitions for enumerated types, for example:

    (Enum MyEnum uint8_t One Two Three Four Five Six)

    The first item after MyEnum is the integer type with which it will be represented when packed for the net. Here an 8-bit unsigned integer is sufficient (this has room for 256 elements). After that, the different values for MyEnum are listed. This Enum definition will be given inside the transportable class.

    The Enum may also be defined outside the transportable class, and you can again include a string – instead of the definition of the enum members. In that case, you need to ensure that you have methods to print the Enum type to an std::ostream, and to read it from an std::istream.

    You can now (from DUECA 3.1.3) also give the numeric presentation for your enum types:

    ;; And we can give a comment that will be ported to C++
    (Enum MyEnum uint8_t
      ;; the very first element
      One = 1
      ;; the second (and skipping the other comments)
      Two = 3 Three = 5 Four = 8 Five = 9 Six = 11)

    This might be useful in case you need to communicate with hardware, and want to use symbolic names that map to the correct integer labels. And yes, the comments are parsed, and they carry over in the c++ generated code.

    A further possiblity is using the new c++-11 "class type" enums

    (EnumClass MyClassEnum uint16_t
       One Two Three)

  • Defines that you can later use as the argument for array size. As an example:

    (ArraySize NOUTPUTS "#include \"some-header.h\"")

    The variable NOUTPUTS can now be used instead of an integer size for the arrays. Note that NOUTPUTS (which may be a preprocessor define or an integer constant) must evaluate to an integer. A small C++ program will be generated and then run by the code generator to determine the size of NOUTPUTS at the time of code generation.

  • The "Type" declaration can be used to include more complex types:

    1. It is possible to use standard standard stl or stl-like containers, for example with:

      (Type std::list<int32_t> "#include <list>")
      (Type std::vector<int32_t> "#include <vector>")
      (std::list<int32_t> a)
      ; you can also initialize the vector with a size and default
      ; value; easy!
      (std::vector<int32_t> b (Default 0) (DefaultSize 5))

      The lists or vectors will be correctly packed and unpacked. Their size is coded in a 4 byte unsigned number.

      Note that in old code (code generator version 110), this needed to be specified explicitly as an iterable type:

      (IterableType std::list<int32_t> "#include <list>")

      Or, if you wanted to specify the length of the object beforehand:

      (IterableVarSizeType dueca::varvector<float>
      "#include <dueca/varvector.hxx>")
      This is a "light weight object" that enables you to read the latest set of data on a StreamChannelEnd...
      Definition StreamReaderLatest.hxx:43

      This code is still accepted, but it is no longer necessary to mark types as iterable.

    2. DUECA also provides three simplified vector types that in some cases may be more appropriate. The varvector type defines a type that is efficiently given a length once, and can then be used. varvector is less efficient than the std::vector when the length of the vector changes over its lifetime, but otherwise it has less overhead than std::vector.

      Another option is limvector, which has variable size, but a limit for this size. This is efficient if you want to fill a small vector which you know has a limited size. It is not (memory) efficient if you often fill only a small portion of a potentially large vector. The limvector's data will be placed within the communication object that you create, so use of the limvector saves one allocation/de-allocation pair, generally making the real-time performance of your code better.

      The final option is the fixvector, that takes its size as a template parameter and sticks to this fixed size. This one has the least overhead of all, but the disadvantage is that its size is not variable.

      Some examples:

      "#include <dueca/varvector.hxx>
      #include <string>")
      "#include <dueca/limvector.hxx>
      #include <string>")

      Notice that limvector needs a specification of its size limit. This also shows an "include definition" with multiple lines.

      It is possible (if the type permits it), to give a default value and/or a default size:

      ;; first value, then size
      (varvector<std::string> b (Default "somestring") (DefaultSize 3))

      Here is an example of an stl-like type that has a fixed size.

      (Type dueca::fixvector<6,int> "#include <dueca/fixvector.hxx>")
      ;; with in the object definition
      (Object MyObject
      ;; it is possible to initialise with a default value
      (dueca::fixvector<6,int> a (Default 1.0))

      The objects in the (vector, fixvector, list, etc.) containers may themselves also be transmittable objects, so generated by the code generator. For example:

      "#include <dueca/fixvector.hxx>
      #include <dueca/GlobalId.hxx>")

  • Definitions of classes to be generated, for example:

    (Object MyClass (MyEnum num)
    (double f)

    This will be written as a pair of files, MyClass.cxx and MyClass.hxx. MyClass will have a member num, of type MyEnum and a member f, of type double. It will also have a fixvector r, with size 10. The fixvector elements may be accessed much as an std::vector is used. Extending or shortening the vector is however not possible.

    Old code often used the following format:

    (Object MyClass (MyEnum num)
                    (double f)
                    (double r 10))

    With the old code generator, that produced a c-style array r[10] as member, and a const member r_fixed_size, which gave the size of the array r. The new code generator accepts this format, emits a warning, and replaces the array by a fixvector. If you have old code that read the size of the vector (r_fixed_size), that code will now fail. As a shortcut, you may test for the version of the code generator, and create a dirty preprocessor define, to use the more standard .size() member function of the fixvector:

    #if GENCODEGEN >= 110
    #define r_fixed_size r.size()

    For the old code generator an index -1 meant a variable sized array. This is replaced by a varvector, and the corresponding fix for your old code is:

    #if GENCODEGEN >= 110
    #define r_variable_size r.size()

    Note that variable sized arrays should be avoided for high-rate data, since they need heap memory allocation and de-allocation, which leads to reduced real-time performance.

There is also an option to expand your generated class with methods that you have programmed in C++. I must stress here that these must be methods (functions) only, not data, since data you add yourself will not be packed by the code generator. For example, you might want to send over quaternions (as a four-element dueca::fixvector), and add the operations for the quaternions to the class. You must supply a .hxx file, which is going to be included in the class definition, and a .cxx file, which is added to the body. Example:

(Object MyClass (IncludeFile MyClassExtra)
                (MyEnum num (Default One))
                (double f (Default 2.0f))

The IncludeFile keyword indicates that files need to be added. You can add these files, MyClassExtra.cxx and MyClassExtra.hxx to the comm-objects directory. The alternative would be to implement your own transportable classes, which is a very error-prone habit, and breaks when there is a change to the code generator. Hopefully the default values and the additional methods provide enough flexibility to avoid this habit.

Note that the MyClassExtra.hxx gets included in the body of the generated class (in the MyClass.hxx file), and it gets included last. MyClassExtra.cxx gets included before other parts in the MyClass.cxx file. You may also use MyClassExtra.cxx to override a number of functions that are produced by default. A number of preprocessor defines are available to "switch off" these default implementations. You can use:

// override the print function
// override the assignment operator
// override the equality test operator

// if you defined an enum, e.g. MyEnum, you can also add:
// or

If you override a function with a custom function, your code may of course break if the DUECA code generator is updated to generate a newer version of its code. To guard against that, you must also add a define that acknowledges the code generation version you are writing custom code for. So somewhere in your MyClassExtra.cxx, define:


If the code generation version changes in the future, you should check whether your custom code is still compatible, adapt if needed, and define a new acknowledgement. You will get a compiler warning when it is time to do so.

Another possibility is the addition of some c++ code to the default constructor (the one without arguments) or the full constructor (the one with arguments). This gives you the possiblity to initialize the arrays that cannot be initialized by default value arguments.

(Object MyClass
        (IncludeFile MyClassExtra)
         "std::cout << \"making a MyClass object\" << std::endl;" )
                (MyEnum num (Default One))
                (double f (Default 2.0f))
                (dueca::fixvector<10,double> r))

A third way to extend funcionality of the generated class is to have it inherit from a parent class. Example:

(Object MyClass (Inherits MyParentClass)
                (MyEnum num (Default One))
                (double f (Default 2.0f))
                (double r 10))

The Inherits keyword here indicates that MyClass should derive from MyParentClass. You need to define the MyParentClass as a type, and provide the code to include the appropriate file.

Take care that the parent that you inherit from is also a full-fledged packable and unpackable object. It works best if you also created the parent with the code generator.

Sometimes it is useful to be able to send an object over a channel and* be able to specify it as a complete object in the Scheme or Python script that you use to define the simulation. In that case you can use a ScriptCreatable option:

(Object MyClass (Option ScriptCreatable)
                (double f (Default 2.0f))
                (double r 10))

The code generator adds a templated class,


to the generated code. That class is creatable from your scheme script, given that the data members are simple enough to be specified in the script language (generally, simple floats, integers, strings and vectors of these). You can create it with the "lowercased" name of your datatype, and "set-" commands to set the data. Note that you are limited to the datatypes that you can set in the scheme script. So in the script you will be able to say:

(define x (make-my-class
           'set-f 5.0
           'set-f 9.0))
 ;; .... and later ...

   (make-module 'my-module "" sim-priority
                'set-my-data x)

Assuming you linked "set-my-data" to a function for your class in the parameter table, and you added this function to your class:

bool MyModule::setMyData(ScriptCreatable& d, bool in)
  if (in == true) {
    ScriptCreatableDataHolder<MyClass> *ptrx =

    // check the pointer, if the cast failed, then the user supplied
    // the wrong type in the script
    if (!ptrx) {
      W_MOD("You supplied the wrong type in the script");
      return false;

    // now you can copy the data
    localdata = ptrx->data();
  return true;

When you use Python scripting, the case of the class name will be kept for the Python version.

If you use a combination of these above options, use the following order: Inherits, Option, IncludeFile, ConstructorCode, FullArgsConstructorCode, AddToHeader. You can not combine Inherits with the ScriptCreatable option.

There used to be an option of generating different kinds of code:

(Stream MyClassA (MyEnum num))
(EventAndStream MyClassB (double f))
(Event MyClassC (double f))

The current code generator generates the same code for all these types, and they can be used for all types of channel.

External use of the generated code

You might want to communicate with DUECA from another program, and use for example the UDPWriter and UDPReader modules to transmit this data. In that case it would be handy to use the generated code objects also in a non-dueca program. To do this, there are two preprocessor defines that select how the connection to DUECA is compiled for a DCO object:

#define __DCO_NOPACK

The first one generates standalone code, which does not need to be connected to a DUECA executable. This code does have packing and unpacking routines for the generated class, and you will need to link the AmorphStore and AmorphReStore (a set of classes in DUECA for packing and unpacking) code with your program. This enables you to pack data into net representation and send it over, or unpack.

If you also do not need packing and unpacking, also define __DCO_NOPACK, and the code compiles to a fully standalone class.

Comments in the generated code

You can add comments to the .dco file by starting the comment with a ';'. The semicolon and anything it, until the end of the line is considered a comment. The code generator tries to be smart about these comments, and transport them to the generated code. The following comments are preserved:

  1. Comment lines in front of the definition of an enumerated type. As the enumerated type becomes element of the class definition, the corresponding comment is put in front of the "enum" definition.
  2. Comment lines in front of an element of an enumerated type. These are copied into the c++ file as belonging to that element.
  3. Comment lines in front of the definition of a new class (Stream, Event or EventAndStream). These are copied into the c++ file in front of that class definition.
  4. Comment lines in front of the definition of elements in a class. These are put in front of the corresponding elements in the class definition.

All comments in the header file are compatible with doxygen documentation generation. So a "make doc" command in the directory with communication objects produces pretty html pages, with the comments you originally put in the .dco files, or, if you did not put comments in, generally silly comments about your class and elements in it.

Comments in front of type definitions or array size definitions are not copied into the c++ file.

Comment header

With a Header statement, you can add a header to the generated code. The header is a multi-line string, which is copied verbatim into the standard header for the generated code, here is a small example.

(Header "
original item : CycleCounter.dco
made by : Rene' van Paassen
date : 200612
description : Repeating, possibly overflowing counter
for message cycles
copyright : (c) 2020 TUDelft-AE-C&S - Rene van Paassen")

Enumerated types only

Sometimes you might want to share your enumerated types across multiple code generated objects. By default, the code generator will add the enumerated type as a type for the class you generate. But you can also let the code generator produce stand-alone code for the enumerated type, by defining an enumerator. Given a MyEnum type you defined previously, you can then write:

(Enumerator MyEnum)

This will produce a MyEnum.hxx and MyEnum.cxx file that has the code to pack and unpack the enum. This can then be included as an external enum when you want to generate a DCO object.

Additional options

The code generator is extensible with several options, which add or modify the code generation when used, to be selected with the Option keyword. Currently two different additions are available:

  • hdf5; this adds code for storing and unpacking DCO objects from hdf5 datafiles. The hdf5 format is a bit tricky; it is based on old Fortran code and not everything is possible. The following variants therefore exist:

    o hdf5: The DCO object can be packed and unpacked from hdf5.

    o hdf5nest: The object can be packed and unpacked, and also be used as an element within other DCO objects. For this to work, you cannot use variable-sized containers within the contained objects; so no stl::map, stl::vector, dueca::varvector, dueca::limvector etc.

    o hdf5enum: A special variant for creating an unconnected enumerated value that can be stored and retrieved, only needed in combination with Enumerator (from DUECA 3.1.4 onwards)

  • msgpack; this adds code to storing and retrieving from the MessagePack format, see https://msgpack.org/index.html . For Enumerator types, use option msgpackenum

Generating the code for your dco file

To help you create nicely formatted dco files, there is a little script, new-dco, that creates a dco file for you.


Finally, here is an example of the generated code. You can use it to create a simple template to edit, or let it enter a lot of the code for you already. A little example:

new-dco object --name MyData --description "Test object" --type float \
    --member float a --default 0.0f