Files | |
AsyncList.hxx | |
There used to be a separate AsyncList class, but the newer, more capable and better tested AsyncQueueMT is currently used. | |
ChannelDef.hxx | |
Definitions for specifying channel properties. | |
ChronoTimePoint.hxx | |
conversion between time point and string | |
DCOtoJSON.hxx | |
Conversion routines for DCO to JSON. | |
DCOtoXML.hxx | |
Conversion routines for writing DCO objects to XML. | |
DCOtypeJSON.hxx | |
Conversion routines to code DCO type information into JSON. | |
Dstring.hxx | |
This implements a fixed-length string class. | |
dueca_ns.h | |
This file defines the namespace DUECA for dueca and dusime. | |
JSONtoDCO.hxx | |
Conversion routines for JSON to DCO. | |
newlog-macros.hxx | |
Definition of DUECA logging macros. | |
newlog.hxx | |
Definition of DUECA logging. | |
TransportClass.hxx | |
This file defines the TransportClass enumerated type. | |
undebug.h | |
Clear debugging macros. | |
WrapSendEvent.hxx | |
Compatibility header, providing wrapper functions for the older .sendEvent options of event write tokens. | |
XMLtoDCO.hxx | |
Conversion routines for XML to DCO. | |