No Matches
XML representation of DCO objects

XML is widely used as a data interchange format. This chapter describes how to encode DCO objects as XML data.


The XML specification useful for storing and transporting data. Data structures can be converted to string or file format, and reliably re-read. The data files are also human-readable (although not always pleasant to look at). Dueca Communication Objects are simple C++ data structure objects that can be packed and transported efficiently, but the packing and unpacking is by default to a binary format, that is less suitable for inspection and storage in text files.

Conversion to XML is useful for communication with external code that has no direct means of unpacking or packing DCO data, and for storing/retrieving DCO objects in and from files. Note that in this implementation good real-time performance is not possible when converting to and from XML, so avoid this for high-frequency data communication when possible. Also don't store your experiment data in XML format, it can generate really huge files. It is better to use the hdf5 logger to store your data.

Representation of DCO objects in XML format

A DCO object is started with the tag <object>. The DCO type is indicated with an attribute class. Each object can only have "members", for each of the variables in the DCO object, indicated with <member> tags. When the member data are basic C++ variables, or containers such as vectors, lists, a member has zero or more <value> tags with the value of the objects.

When the member data are nested DCO objects, the contents of the <member> are <object> tags with the enclosed objects.

A compact version of the DCO coding assumes that the decoding uses knowledge about the structure of the DCO object. An extended coding includes data on the class or type of the member data, with the class attribute.

A small example:

<object class="VNAVSetting">
  <member name="target_alt">
  <member name="target_fmc_speed">
  <member name="target_vs_descent">
  <member name="target_vs_climb">
  <member name="target_throttle_n1">
  <member name="initial_on">

With the extended encoding, this would become:

<object class="VNAVSetting">
  <member name="target_alt" class="float">
  <!-- ... etcetera -->

Easy encoding and decoding

Encoding to an XML format can be done with the function dueca::DCOtoXML . This function accepts an XML writer from the pugixml library, and the encoding can be started either from a dueca::CommObjectReader (of which a dueca::DCOReader is a subclass), or from a void pointer to a DCO object and information on the DCO object class.

For example for reading a DCO object from a channel, without knowledge on the DCO object

// somewhere at the start of the file
#include <string>
#include <smartreader>
#include <dueca.h>
// ... etc.

// snip...

// create a generic reader
DCOReader rdr(r_token, ts);

// 1st step, an xml document
pugi::xml_document doc;

// conversion to xml
DCOtoXML(doc, rdr);

// need a pugixml writer, smartstring provides one
std::string result;
smartstring::xml_string_writer writer(result);

// save the document to the string

// check the result, or do something else with it
std::cout << result << std::endl;

For writing it back into the channel, you first need a pugixml document. It is also possible to have a larger document, and know that one of the xml nodes is a DCO object, and then convert that one.

// read a document from a string (or file, or whatever,
// read pugi's documentation).
pugi::xml_document doc;

  // create a generic writer on a token
  DCOWriter wrt(w_token, ts);

  // suppose we navigated to the node which has a dco object, and it is
  // called our_dco_node
  XMLtoDCO(our_dco_node, wrt);

  // all done, when this scope is closed, the destructor of 'wrt'
  // is called and our data is written into the channel

As a side note, the string class dueca::smartstring is a derivative of std::string that has some facilities added for conversion to and from XML and JSON. It can also be used in a DCO object.