This class creates a single integrator, if requested with limits on its state.
| Integrator (double dt=0.01) |
| Default constructor.
| Integrator (double lower_limit, double upper_limit, double dt=0.01) |
| Constructor for Integrator with limits.
| ~Integrator () |
| Destructor.
void | setDT (double dt) |
| (Re-)discretize the integrator to match timestep size 'dt'
void | setSaturationLimits (const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper) |
| Set the limits on the states.
void | setSaturationLimits (double lower_limit, double upper_limit) |
| Set the limits for this integrator.
void | acceptState (const Vector &x_new) |
| Accept a new state.
void | acceptState (double x_new) |
| Accept a new state.
const Vector & | step (const Vector &u) |
| Calculate a single time step, return the output vector.
const Vector & | step (double u) |
| Calculate a single time step, return the output vector.
| LimitedLinearSystem () |
| Default constructor.
| LimitedLinearSystem (const Vector &num, const Vector &den, double dt) |
| This constructs a SISO system, on the basis of continuous time transfer function.
| LimitedLinearSystem (const LimitedLinearSystem &) |
| Copy constructor.
| LimitedLinearSystem (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B, const Matrix &C, const Matrix &D, double dt) |
| This constructs a system, on the basis of a continuous time state space system.
virtual | ~LimitedLinearSystem () |
| Destructor.
LimitedLinearSystem & | operator= (const LimitedLinearSystem &o) |
| Assignment of one system to another.
void | setSaturationLimits (const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper) |
| Set the saturation limits for the states.
bool | isSaturated () const |
| Returns true if one or more of the states are saturated.
void | acceptState (const Vector &x_new) |
| Accept a new state.
void | reset () |
| Reset state, output, and saturation.
| LinearSystem () |
| Default constructor.
| LinearSystem (const Vector &num, const Vector &den, double dt) |
| This constructs a SISO system, on the basis of continuous time transfer function.
| LinearSystem (const LinearSystem &) |
| Copy constructor.
| LinearSystem (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B, const Matrix &C, const Matrix &D, double dt) |
| This constructs a system, on the basis of a continuous time state space system.
| LinearSystem (const Matrix &phi, const Matrix &psi, const Matrix &C, const Matrix &D) |
| This constructs a system, on the basis of a discrete time state space system.
virtual | ~LinearSystem () |
| Destructor.
LinearSystem & | operator= (const LinearSystem &o) |
| Assignment of one system to another.
void | createFromNumDen (const Vector &num, const Vector &den, double dt) |
| Create a system from numerator, denominator input.
void | createFromABCD (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B, const Matrix &C, const Matrix &D, double dt) |
| Create from matrices.
void | createFromPhiPsiCD (const Matrix &phi, const Matrix &psi, const Matrix &C, const Matrix &D) |
| Create from matrices, discrete.
const Vector & | getY () const |
| Obtain the output vector.
const Vector & | getX () const |
| Obtain the state vector.
Vector & | getX () |
| Obtain the state vector for modification.
const Matrix & | getPhi () const |
| Additional output, transition.
const Matrix & | getPsi () const |
| Input matrix discrete system.
const Matrix & | getC () const |
| Output matrix.
const Matrix & | getD () const |
| Feedthrough matrix.
This class creates a single integrator, if requested with limits on its state.