No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 ControlBlock.hxx, definition of control information in ddff files
 ddff_ns.hThis file defines the namespace DDFF for dueca data format and dusime
 GtkGladeWindow.hxxGtk GUI facilities
 AsyncList.hxxThere used to be a separate AsyncList class, but the newer, more capable and better tested AsyncQueueMT is currently used
 ChannelDef.hxxDefinitions for specifying channel properties
 ChronoTimePoint.hxxConversion between time point and string
 DCOtoJSON.hxxConversion routines for DCO to JSON
 DCOtoXML.hxxConversion routines for writing DCO objects to XML
 DCOtypeJSON.hxxConversion routines to code DCO type information into JSON
 Dstring.hxxThis implements a fixed-length string class
 dueca_ns.hThis file defines the namespace DUECA for dueca and dusime
 JSONtoDCO.hxxConversion routines for JSON to DCO
 newlog-macros.hxxDefinition of DUECA logging macros
 newlog.hxxDefinition of DUECA logging
 TransportClass.hxxThis file defines the TransportClass enumerated type
 undebug.hClear debugging macros
 WrapSendEvent.hxxCompatibility header, providing wrapper functions for the older .sendEvent options of event write tokens
 XMLtoDCO.hxxConversion routines for XML to DCO
 debug.hHere macros for debugging/messaging are defined
 dueca-version.hThis file defines the current DUECA version and macros for version testing
 AxisTransforms.hxxUtilities for axis transformations
 integrate_euler.hxxHere a template function for Euler integration is defined
 integrate_rungekutta.hxxHere a template function for Runge-Kutta integration is defined
 randNormal.hxxNormal distribution (well, approximately) random generator
 RigidBody.hxxHelper class for implementing rigid body vehicle simulation
 RvPQuat.hxxA random collection of quaternion code
 HDF5Templates.hxxTemplate functions and classes to extract HDF5-relevant information about different data types