▼ ddff | |
ControlBlock.hxx | , definition of control information in ddff files |
ddff_ns.h | This file defines the namespace DDFF for dueca data format and dusime |
▼ dueca | |
▼ gui | |
▼ gtk3 | |
GtkGladeWindow.hxx | Gtk GUI facilities |
AsyncList.hxx | There used to be a separate AsyncList class, but the newer, more capable and better tested AsyncQueueMT is currently used |
ChannelDef.hxx | Definitions for specifying channel properties |
ChronoTimePoint.hxx | Conversion between time point and string |
DCOtoJSON.hxx | Conversion routines for DCO to JSON |
DCOtoXML.hxx | Conversion routines for writing DCO objects to XML |
DCOtypeJSON.hxx | Conversion routines to code DCO type information into JSON |
Dstring.hxx | This implements a fixed-length string class |
dueca_ns.h | This file defines the namespace DUECA for dueca and dusime |
JSONtoDCO.hxx | Conversion routines for JSON to DCO |
newlog-macros.hxx | Definition of DUECA logging macros |
newlog.hxx | Definition of DUECA logging |
TransportClass.hxx | This file defines the TransportClass enumerated type |
undebug.h | Clear debugging macros |
WrapSendEvent.hxx | Compatibility header, providing wrapper functions for the older .sendEvent options of event write tokens |
XMLtoDCO.hxx | Conversion routines for XML to DCO |
▼ dueca | |
debug.h | Here macros for debugging/messaging are defined |
dueca-version.h | This file defines the current DUECA version and macros for version testing |
▼ extra | |
AxisTransforms.hxx | Utilities for axis transformations |
integrate_euler.hxx | Here a template function for Euler integration is defined |
integrate_rungekutta.hxx | Here a template function for Runge-Kutta integration is defined |
randNormal.hxx | Normal distribution (well, approximately) random generator |
RigidBody.hxx | Helper class for implementing rigid body vehicle simulation |
RvPQuat.hxx | A random collection of quaternion code |
▼ hdf5utils | |
HDF5Templates.hxx | Template functions and classes to extract HDF5-relevant information about different data types |