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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cdueca::AddInitFunctionHelper struct to add an init function from initialization code
 Cdueca::AmorphReStoreClass to unpack objects packed by an AmorphStore
 Cdueca::AmorphStoreAmorphous storage object of variable size
 Cdueca::AssociateObject< Host >
 Cdueca::AsyncQueueMT< T, Alloc >This implements a singly linked fifo queue, which uses a sentinel technique and the atomic_swap64 call for implementing non-blocking transfer of commands/data from multiple threads to a single reading thread
 Cdueca::AsyncQueueMT< ModifyAlarm >
 Cdueca::AsyncQueueMT< StateChange< dueca::SimulationState > >
 Cdueca::AsyncQueueMT< T, ListElementAllocator< T > >
 Cdueca::AsyncQueueMT< TimeTickType >
 Cdueca::AsyncQueueReader< T, Alloc >Lightweight helper object for reading an async queue
 Cdueca::AsyncQueueWriter< T, Alloc >Lightweight helper object for writing an async queue
 Cdueca::BareDuecaGLWindowThis class provides a barebones, simple GL canvas for you to draw on, as an alternative to the toolkit-integrated DuecaGLWindow
 Cdueca::CarthesianSet of x, y, z Carthesian coordinates
 Cdueca::ChannelCollection of definitions for modifying channel behaviour
 Cdueca::ChannelEntryInfoEncapsulating element for available channel entry data
 Cdueca::ChannelWatcherBase class for monitoring a channel
 Cdueca::CommObjectReaderWriterBase class with common elements for both anonymous/introspective read and write access to channel data
 Cdueca::CommonCallbackBase< RET, A1 >Base class for callback mechanism, 1 parameter
 Cdueca::ConditionWait and resume object
 CConglomerateFactory< X, SubConPtr >A simple factory, uses subcontractors to create objects
 CControlBlockReadObject to decode a control block
 Cdueca::DataClassRegistryGlobal registry for information about Dueca Communication Object (DCO) types
 Cdueca::DataReaderBaseBase class for the DataReader derived templates
 Cdueca::DataReaderBaseAccessBase class for DataReader access template objects
 Cdueca::DataTimeSpecDataTimeSpec is a special bare-bones version of TimeSpec
 Cdueca::DataUpdaterBaseCommon base class for DataUpdater instantiations
 Cdueca::DataWriterBaseCommon base class for DataWriter instantiations
 Cdueca::DCOFunctorBase class for service objects that can handle DCO data in channels
 Cdueca::DCOMetaFunctorBase class for key-based access to helper classes for DCO objects
 CDDFFDataRecorderRecording/replay facility for storing data in simulation replay
 Cdueca::dstringThis is a virtual base class for the fixed-length string classes
 Cdueca::DUECALogConfigConfiguration message for DUECA logging
 Cdueca::DUECALogStatusStatus feedback for hdf logging
 Cdueca::ListElementAllocator< T >::Element< X >Single elements of data, with link to the next
 Cdueca::ElementReaderElementReader an object to read a member of a DCO object
 Cdueca::EulerAnglesEuler angles describing an orientation
 CEulerWorkspaceThis defines a "data-pack", with room for workspace for the Euler integration below
 Cfix_optional< T >Make fixed-size objects optional, using a boolean flag for "null/nil/None" values
 Cdueca::fixvector< N, T >Fixed-sized vector
 Cfixvector< N, T >
 Cdueca::fixvector< 10, uint16_t >
 Cdueca::fixvector< 20, uint16_t >
 Cdueca::GenericCallbackImplements callback objects
 Cdueca::GenericEventGeneric event class
 Cdueca::GenericVarIOA class to peek and poke into the variables of another class
 Cdueca::GladeCallbackTableStructure that assembles a widget name, a callback function and the widget signal that should trigger the callback function
 Cdueca::GlobalIdThis class defines an ID pair, consisting of a location id, identifying a participating dueca node, and an object id, identifying an object (or channel) created in that node
 Cdueca::GtkGladeWindowA GUI window directly from a glade interface file
 Cdueca::HDFReplayConfigConfiguration message for HDF5 logging
 Cdueca::ActivityViewBase::HighLightHighlighted and listed area
 Cdueca::IncoTableThis struct is helpful in constructing a table of pointers to IncoVariable objects, combined with pointers to GenericVarIO objects
 Cdueca::InformationStash< T >
 Cdueca::InitFunctionInit function class
 CInputCalibrator< T, R >Class that performs calibration and scaling of an incoming integer value from an A/D converter or other input device
 CInputRatioCalibrator< T, R >Class that performs calibration and scaling of an incoming integer value from an A/D converter or other input device
 Cdueca::InterpIndex< T >This implements a single index (axis) for an interpolation into a table
 Cdueca::Interpolator1< T >Interpolator object
 Cdueca::Interpolator2< T >Interpolator object
 Cdueca::Interpolator3< T >Interpolator object
 Cdueca::Interpolator4< T >Interpolator object
 Cdueca::InterpTable1< T, I >Interpolation data holder, for 1d interpolation tables
 Cdueca::InterpTable2< T, I >Interpolation data holder, for 2d interpolation tables
 Cdueca::InterpTable3< T, I >Interpolation data holder, for 3d interpolation tables
 Cdueca::InterpTable4< T, I >Interpolation data holder, for 4d interpolation tables
 Cdueca::LatLonAltPosition on the WGS geoid in geodetic coordinates
 Cdueca::limvector< N, T >Variable-sized vector of limited size; allocates all its memory in one go, requires a size of sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(pointer) + N * sizeof(data)
 CLinearSystemThis class creates a linear time-invariant (control) system
 Cdueca::ListElementAllocator< T >Default allocator list objects
 Cdueca::ListElementAllocator< ModifyAlarm >
 Cdueca::ListElementAllocator< StateChange< dueca::SimulationState > >
 Cdueca::ListElementAllocator< TimeTickType >
 Cdueca::LoadMetaFunctor< F >Struct to declare a MetaFunctor to the DCO type system
 Cdueca::LocalAxisThis class produces an "efficient" implementation of a local axis frame mapped onto ECEF or lat-lon-alt coordinates
 Cdueca::hdf5log::HDF5DCOReadFunctor::LogDataSetOrganize data per element
 Cdueca::hdf5log::HDF5DCOWriteFunctor::LogDataSetOrganize data per element
 Cdueca::ModuleStateDescribes the state a module may be in
 Cdueca::MultiStreamReaderBase< T >
 Cdueca::NamedObjectThis class is a common base to all objects with a name
 Cdueca::NameSetName tuple as used in DUECA
 Cdueca::NetCapacityLogNetwork capacity use information
 Cdueca::NetTimingLogTiming information on network use
 Cdueca::NoExtrapolation< T >Example extrapolation (actually no-extrapolation) class
 Cdueca::ObsoleteObjectObsolete object
 Cdueca::GtkGladeWindow::OptionMappingStruct for mapping enum name to representation string
 Cdueca::GtkGladeWindow::OptionMappingsStruct for describing mappings
 Cdueca::OrientationRepresent an orientation or rotation transformation with a quaternion
 COutputCalibrator< T, R >This performs a conversion of some (engineering units) value to an integer suitable for control of a D/A converter or other output device
 Cdueca::ParameterTableElement of a parameter table for configuration of modules
 Cdueca::Polynomial< n >Implementation of a scaling/converting device, using a polynomial function
 CPythonCorrectedNameConvert a given class name to avoid special characters
 CFileHandler::read_jobRead jobs, need requester and the offset
 Cdueca::ReplicatorInfoStart information for a peer joining a replicator network
 Cdueca::ReplicatorPeerAcknowledgeStart information for a peer joining a replicator network
 Cdueca::ReplicatorPeerJoinedNotification message on the joining of a peer to a replicator network
 CRigidBodyRigid body dynamics function, calculates derivative of a rigid body, given sum of moments and forces and the acting gravity field
 CRungeKuttaWorkspaceThis defines a "data-pack", with room for workspace for the Runge-Kutta integration
 Cdueca::ScopeLockUser of the StateGuard class
 Cdueca::SetScriptInitFunctionHelper struct to add script init function from initialization code
 Cdueca::SimpleFunctionBase class for simple (one parameter) double precision functions
 Cdueca::SimStateRequestFor requesting specific state changes of the DUSIME control process
 Cdueca::SimTimeThis is the integer (model) time of a simulation or process
 Cdueca::SimulationStateAn automatically generated class
 CSingletonPointer< T >"Smart" pointer class for singletons
 Cdueca::SnapshotA Snapshot object can be used to send the data from a state snapshot, i.e
 Cdueca::SnapshotStateEnum event type for keeping snapshot info
 Cdueca::StateGuardClass that guards against race conditions
 Cdueca::Steps< n >Implementation of a scaling/converting device, that produces a discrete number of different output values depending on a continous input
 Cdueca::StoreMark< T >Mark object,
 CFileHandler::StreamSetInfoCollection of data per stream
 CSubcontractorBase< Xbase >Base subcontractor for the ConglomerateFactory
 Cdueca::TriggerPuller::TargetDataCombination of data needed to work with a target
 Cdueca::TimeSpecA TimeSpec is a specification for a time interval
 Cdueca::TimingCheckA TimingCheck object monitors the timing of a certain Activity
 Cdueca::TriggerPullerBase class for all objects that can set activities into motion
 Cdueca::typeflag< T >
 Cdueca::UDPPeerAcknowledgeStart information for a peer joining a replicator network
 Cdueca::UDPPeerJoinedNotification message on the joining of a peer to a replicator network
 Cdueca::varvector< T >Variable-sized vector, allocates its for the data from the heap, so not the most efficient for high-rate real-time data sending