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Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 Application Development with CMake, git and dueca-gproject
 Application development with dueca-project
 How to set up your application
 C++ concepts and primers
 DUECA key concepts
 DUSIME key concepts
 Quick start in programming
 Simulation example
 Building an executable
 Makefile for executable
 Makefile for module
 Configuration files (Scheme version)
 Including code from Simulink (old, until Matlab 2012b)
 Including code from Simulink (new, from Matlab 2015a)
 DUECA code generator
 Additional utilities
 Code generated by the code generator
 Frequently Asked Questions (and Encountered Problems)
 Configuring DUECA from Python or Scheme
 Creating experiment interfaces with GTK and glade.
 Default modules
 Tuning Linux Workstations
 Mac OS X as development station
 Transition to DUECA 2 and beyond
 DUECA Interconnector
 DUECA HDF5 logging facilities
 DCO service functors
 Open bugs
 Configuration files (Python version)
 Python script extensions
 Run log file analysis
 JSON representation of DCO objects
 Plotting with WebSocket connection
 DUECA time, triggering and scheduling
 Net interaction with WebSockets
 Log message generation and control
 List of DUECA's log messages
 Typical DUECA installation on Ubuntu
 Hints on CMake use
 XML representation of DCO objects
 Coding policies support and enforcement
 Repository set-up at Control & Simulation
 Some hints for using git with dueca-gproject
 A simple simulation
 More Simple Simulation
 Editor support for VSCode / Codium
 Todo List
 Deprecated List